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方喜业, 王光明   

  1. 中国医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所
  • 出版日期:2011-11-22 发布日期:2011-11-22


FANG Xiye, WANG Guangming   

  1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 在各种疾病中,有些是与人类和动物都有关系的,如鼠疫、布鲁氏菌病、马堡热、拉萨热等,称为人兽共患疾病(Anthropozoonoses)。这些疾病的病原体既能传染给人又能传染给动物,造成人或兽类的疾病流行。在医学上也叫动物性病。据Hubbert(1975)等的统计有162种;约占人类传染病的1/5左右(耿贯一,1980)动物性病,实质是自然界中一个生物学现象和生态学问题。是生物间在一定地理景观(Landscape)中通过“食物链”联系演化成相互依存、相互制约、相互适应,并借以维持其种系延续的生物群落(BiocenosisCommunity)的关系(1964)

Abstract: Among human infections, there are a number of diseases both common to human beings and to animals(domestic & wild animals)known as anthropozoonoses or zoonoses. These diseases or infections are characterized by restricted localities, seasonal incidence, infectivity, adaptability and natural nidus of infection. Animals serve as the hosts of pathogenic microorganisms, endo-and ecto-parasites,and routes of transmission as well. The formation of anthropozoonoses is the result of biological evolution, and in essence, being an ecological problem in the biosphere.Zoology has contributed greatly in the progress of public health.We are looking forward for a more intimate cooperation between zoologists and medical epidemiologists for the purpose of elucidating the existing mechanism of anthropozoonoses and preventing to their infections.