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19 August 2018, Volume 46 Issue 5
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  • 著者文摘
    Identification and evaluation of drought tolerance for rice germplasm resources
    WANG Baoxiang, YU Jialdeng, XU Bo, LIU Yan, XING Yungao, SUN Zhiguang CHIMing, SHI Shilai, BIAN Jianmin, XU Dayong(1.Lianyungang Agricultural Science Research Institute, Xuhuai District, Lianyungang 222006, China ; 2.Jiangsu Province Modem Crop Production Collaborative Innovation Center,Lianyungang 222006,China;3.Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology,Ecology- and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330045, China ; 4. Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China)
    2018, 46(5):  1-8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.01
    Abstract ( 260 )   PDF (698KB) ( 89 )   Save
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    In order to explore the excellent drought-tolerant rice resources, 91 domestic and foreign rice cultivars were examined, and ll-e differences in drought tolerance between heading and mamrily of different rice varielies were invesligaled by using two cultivation modes: wee and dry farming. The results showed that the yield components of rice decreased under drought stress, and the number of eftective panicles decreased most significantly, indicating that the effective panicle number was sensitive to drought stress. According to the membership fhnction values of the stress coefficients of each index, the tested varieties were divided into three categories: strong drought tolerance, drought tolerance and drought sensitivity. A total of 17 strong drought-tolerant varieties, 69 drought-tolerant varieties and 5 sensitive varieties were screened. These drought-tolerant resources should provide excellent materials for breeding drought-tolerant rice varieties.
    Analysis of genetic diversity of the main agronomic traits of chickpea germplasm resources
    CHEN Wenjin, KONG Qingquan, ZHAO Cunhu, HE Xiaoyong ,TIAN Xiaoyan, ZHANG Xiangqian, XI Xianmei (Plant Protection Institute,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricuhural & Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031, China)
    2018, 46(5):  9-18.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.02
    Abstract ( 287 )   PDF (763KB) ( 4 )   Save
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    In order to detemline the ecological adaptability of chickpea germplasm resources in agriculture and animal husbandry, the 17 main agronomic traits of 129 chickpea germplasnl resources were analyzed by cluster analysis, principal component analysis and genetic diversity. The results indicated extensive genetic diversity in the test materials. The highest genetic diversity index was the single pod number, followed by the yield. The coefficient of variation of single grain weight was the largest, tollowed by single pod number and smallest pod length. Through cluster analysis of 17 main agronomic traits the 129 chickpeas were divided into 5 groups. The first group was for breeding of high yield and high plant height varieties; and the second group was tor breeding dwarfing and specific grain color varieties. Although the output of the third group was poor, it could be used as the eultivars with high height and large grain size. The tbmlh group was used as the material of the eultivars with low height and small grain size, while the fifth group can be used as the eultivars of high yield and high lever for mechanical harvest. The resuhs of principal component analysis of 10 quantitative traits showed tha the accumulated contribution rate of the first six principal components was 87.80% , while the characteristic values of the principal components indicated that the breeding direction of the main quantitative traits was diverse.
    Characteristics of yield and responses to meteorological factors by different adzuki bean varieties in northwestern Shandong
    WANG Lezheng, HUA Fangjing, CAO Pengpeng,TIAN Yixin, GAO Fengju, WANG Shiling (Dezhou Academy of Agricuhural Sciences,Dezhou 253015,China)
    2018, 46(5):  19-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.03
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (547KB) ( 28 )   Save
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    The method of high-stable yield coefficient (YHSC) and meteorological fhetors stability coefficients-including light stabilization coefficient (LSCi), temperature stabilization coefficient (TSCi) and rainfall stabilization coefficient (RSCi)-were used to analyze the effects of light, temperature, rainfall and high-stable yield of 22 adzuki bean varieties. The results showed significant difterenees between the YHSCs of difterent varieties The YHSC of HD05 (Jihong 16) was the highest, 58.6% higher than that of CK. The meteorological fhetors stability coefficients of different varieties also showed difterenees, LSCi of 15 varieties were higher than that of CK, TSCi of 13 varieties were higher than that of CK and RSCi of 3 varieties were higher than that of CK. According to the fhetors including LSC,TSC and RSC, the 22 adzuki bean varieties responses to environmental change were divided into 3 categories, sensitive response (2 varieties), intelTnediate response(8 varieties) and stability response (12 varieties), respectively. In addition, HD05 (Jihong 16), HD16 (Xiaodou 5) and HD04 (Jihong 15) belonged to the intemlediate response type and had high-stable yield coefficients. This study can provide reference fbr varieties and germplasm screening of summer sowing adzuki bean in northwestern Shandong.
    Effects of increasing planting density and decreasing nitrogen rate on yield and physiological characteristics of different density-tolerance maize hybrids
    ZHANG Heyu, GAO Juling, WANG Zhigang, YU Xiaofang, SUN Jiying, HU Shuping, ZHAO Xiaoyu (College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricuhural University,Hohhot 010019,China)
    2018, 46(5):  26-34.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.04
    Abstract ( 239 )   PDF (754KB) ( 9 )   Save
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    Four spring maize cuhivars, two density-resistant hybrids (Huameil, Zhengdan958) and two non-density resistant hybrids (Nongdal08, Kehe8) were used as expm'iment materials to study the effects of different planting densities (PD8.25,PD10.5) and nitrogen rates (0N,150N,300N) on yield and physiological characteristics of different density toleranet spring maize varieties. The resuhs showed the yield-enhancing potential of the density-resistant hybrid Huameil was exerted after the densifieation, the yield increased signifcantly and was greater than that of the non-density resistant hybrids, while the non-density resistant hybrids showed a decrease in yield. Under the conditions of PD10.5, yield did not significantly increase with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer, and even a decrease in production oeemTed. As the density increases, the leaf area index increases, while the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), relative chlorophyll content (SPAD), and maximum photochemical eflleieney (Fv/Fm) all deereased. Nitrogen application eased the pressure from densifieation and improved photosynthetic performance under high density conditions. Compared with weaker and denser varieties, density- resistant hybrids can maintain high photosynthetic capacity in the later growth period.
    Breeding and cultivation techniques of dwarf castor hybrid Tongbi 13
    JIA Juanxia1, ZHU Guoli1,2, ZHANG Zhiyong1, HE Zhibiao1, Modeletu1, QIAO Wenjie1 (1.Institute of Agricultural Research of Tongliao city,Tongliao 028015,China; 2.Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao 028042,China)
    2018, 46(5):  35-38.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.05
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (420KB) ( 38 )   Save
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    The castor new variety "Tongbi 13" is a hybrid of tile standaM temale line "aLmABll" and the restorer male line "064019". Regional test resuhs showed that the average yield was 2 504.1 kg/hm^2 tor two consecutive years, and the yield was 20.01% higher than the control group "Tongbi 6". The production test resuhs in 2013 showed an average yield of 2 933.1 kg/hm^2, which was 16.83% higher than the control variety "Tongbi 6". The "Tongbi 13" varieU was approved by the crop variety examination comnfittee of Inner Mongolia autonomous region in May 2014, and its main characteristics include high quality, high yield, stable yield, disease resistance and lodging resistance, suitability tor planting in eastern Inner Mongolia and adjacent areas such as Tongliao, Chiteng, Xingan league.
    Transcriptome sequencing and its application in sugar beet functional gene resource discovery
    ZHANG Ziqiang, BAI Chen, ZHANG Huizhong, LI Xixodong, FU Zengjuan, ZHAO Shangmin E Yuanyuan,ZHANG Hui,WANG Liang, ZHANG Bizhou (Special Crop Institute,Inner Monlolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal HusbandPy Sciences,Hohhot 010031, China)
    2018, 46(5):  39-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.06
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (594KB) ( 6 )   Save
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    Transcriptome sequencing technology had many advantages, such as low cost, high detection flux, and no influence on genetic background. In this paper, the status of the transcriptional sequencing technology was summarized, and then the research progress of its use in the functional genomics of beet was expounded. Finally, the prospect of its application in the sugar beet gene excavation was elaborated. The rich gene database of sugar beet can be constructed by the sequencing of transcriptional groups, especially for the gene resources related to beet yield and the regulation of sugar content and resistance. These constructs provide theoretical support and genetic resources for subsequent gene cloning, molecular marker-assisted breeding and transgenic breeding.
    Research progress on haploid breeding technology
    WANG Baosheng, LIU Xiangping, LIAN Yong, HU Shun, ZHU Chunxia, ZHANG Yingli, WANG Yong (Vegetable Institute, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricuhural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031, China)
    2018, 46(5):  44-49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.07
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (582KB) ( 148 )   Save
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    A haploid organism is an individual containing a single set of chromosomes. A double haploid is a homozygous diploid of haploids by double chromosomes. Haploid breeding has been widely used in the research of genetic breeding by research institutions and comnlercial breeding companies worldwide. In this paper, the important technical aspects in haploid breeding and the latest progress in the breeding of haploid plants are reviewed.
    Nitrogen balance of water-saving irrigated potato in Northern Yin Mountains
    YANG Haibo1,2, YANG Haiming1,2, SUN Guoliang3, LIU Huajun4, GAO Xing1,2, HUANG Shaofu1,2, LI Yan1, LI Fei1,2 (1.College of Grassland, Resources and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agricuhural University, Hohhot 010010,China;2.Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Soil Quality And Nutrient Resources, Hohhot 010010,China;3. Wuchuan County Agricuhural Technology Promotion Center, Ke Town 011700,China;4.Research Institute of Economic Crops,Xinjiang Academy ofAgricuhural Sciences,Urumqi 830091,China)
    2018, 46(5):  50-56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.08
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (1002KB) ( 3 )   Save
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    The Northern Yin Mountain is the main productive area of potato in Inner Mongolia. Recently, large amounts of chemical N fertilizers were applied to potato fields with the extension of tertigation in the local area. The applied N in excess of potato requirement probably leads to potential environmental risk. In the current study, through on-site investigation, sampling and combining previous resuhs, the N input and output, N residuals and N balance of potato fields in the Northern Yin Mountain were analyzed and N optimum management on a regional scale was evaluated. The results indicated that the total applied N rate as chemical and organic fertilizer ranged between 114.6 and 1 029.5 kg/hm^2, with an average of 440.7 kg/hm^2 in irrigated potato fields. The total nitrogen input was 158.5-1 076.1 kg/hm^2, with an average of 496.4 kg/hm^2 and total N output was 134.4-335.7 kg/hm^2, with an average of 249.5 kg/hm^2. Thus, the N in irrigated potato fields occurred in surplus. The amount of N surplus changed fi'om 18.6 to 742.9 kg/hm^2, with an average of 249.5 kg/hm^2, which caused high N residual in the soil (227.0 kg/hm^2). The nitrate content of groundwater achieved 5-74 mg/L, with an average of 22.4 mg/L. It is concluded, in Northern Yin Mountain, that the N input in irrigated potato fields greatly exceeds potato demand and maintains a surplus. Technologies and methods tor eflective N tertilizer managenlent are urgently needed in this area. Otherwise, environmental risks will rise, which influence local production and the livelihoods of farmers and herdsmen.
    Effect of the compound microbial fertilizer on the physiological characteristics of oats and soil available nutrients in saline-alkali land
    HUANG Chengcheng, LIU Jinghui,YANG Yanming (Inner Mongolia Agricuhural University,Hohhot 010019,China)
    2018, 46(5):  57-61.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.09
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (1412KB) ( 167 )   Save
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    Providing the most suitable fertilization treatment for crop cultivation in saline alkali soil often involves application of biological fertilizer. Using Baiyan 2 as the material, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of mixed application of bacterial manure with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on salt alkali resistance. The results showed that the content of alkali hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium could be increased in the saline alkali soil. In addition, the soluble protein increased, the content of proline decreased,and the effects of the treatment of mixed fertilizers was the most significant in the procreation period. Use of biological fertilizer and mixed biological/mineral fertilizer could improve salt tolerance of crop and soil nutrients could be increased.
    Effects of different nitrogen application rates on growth, development and yield of Kenjiandao No.6
    ZHANG Xiushun1, BAO Hongchun2, QIAN Yongde1 (1.College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricuhural University,Daqing 163319, China ;2.Inner Mongolia Hortieuhure Research Institute,Hohhot 010010,China)
    2018, 46(5):  62-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.10
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (818KB) ( 37 )   Save
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    In order to provide a basis for the rational application of terfilizers tor Kenjiandao 6, the ettects of ditterent nitrogen terfilizer treatments on its growth, development, yield and nitrogen use efficiency were studied. The resuhs showed that the opfimmn tertilization + hunfic acid treatment (T3), compared with no nitrogen terfilizer, increased the leaf age index and stem number of Kenjiandao No. 6, while the plant height decreased. Under T3 treatment, the tiller heading rate, number of ears per unit area, grain number of ears, 1000-grain weight and seed setting rate were all increased. The highest utilization rate and partial productivity values were 23.4% and 46.7%, respectively. The yield of Kenjiandao No. 6 was the highest at 8 422.5 kg/hm^2 under terfilization + hmnic acid treatment (T3).
    Progress research on the improvement effect of biochar on salinized farmland soil
    WANG Fan1,2, QU Zhongyi1 (1.Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018, China ;2.Bayannur Institute of Water Resources Seienee,Linhe 015000,China)
    2018, 46(5):  68-75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.11
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (1070KB) ( 192 )   Save
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    Soil salinization has become a major constraint to the sustainable development of the farmland ecological environment, and the comprehensive management of saline-alkali land is with a major goal of the policies for protecting agricultural ecological balance. As a regenerative product of agricultural and forestry resources, biochar has good potential for soil improvement and carbon sequestration reduction, due to its water and fertilizer retention characteristics, large specific surface area and strong adsorption. It can reduce the risk of environmental and groundwater non-point source pollution, which is of' great concern to scientists at home and abroad. The research resuhs in the field of agriculture and soil improvenmnt in recent years are summarized, and the application of bioehar and its compounds in the treatment of saline-alkali land in the future are discussed. The prospect of insuiticient application of biochar in agriculture today is put forward.
    Evaluation of suitable water-saving irrigation technology in Hetao irrigation area
    HU0 Yizhen1,2, WANG Xia1,2, WANG Wenda1,2, LIU Yong2,3 ,JIA Hongwei2,4 (1.Hetao College,Linhe 015000,China;2.Hetao Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Research Center of Inner Mongolia,Linhe 015000,China;3.Huang Ji Canal Management Office, Hetao Irrigation Area Jiefangzha hTigation Area Administration,Linhe 015000 China;4.Bayannur Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute,Linhe 015000,China)
    2018, 46(5):  76-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.12
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    In view of the current situation of agricultural in'igation water use, social and economic conditions, natural conditions and irrigation engineering conditions in Hetao irrigation district, to evaluate technological water saving, this study examined the characteristics and suitability of water saving, agronomic water saving, biological water saving technology and management water saving measures commonly used in recent years in China. The suitability of inrrigation technology in Hetao inrrigated area was evaluated to provide a basis for the evaluation and popularization of appropriate technologies of water-saving irrigation in Hetao irrigated area.
    Control effect of pendimethalin mixed with prometryn for weeds in mung bean fields and safety evaluation
    CHENG Yuchen1 ,ZHAO Cunhu1, HE Xiaoyong1, KONG Qingquan1 ,ZHANG Furong2, ZHANG HuiI (1. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricuhural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031,China; 2. College of Vocational and Technological, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Baotou 014109,China)
    2018, 46(5):  80-84.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.13
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    Field experiments were conducted to analyze the control eftect of pendimethalin mixed with prometryn on weeds and its safely tor the growth with 4 varieties of mung beans. The results showed that the combination of pendimethalin and prometlTn can eftectively control the main annual weeds in mung bean fields, and the total control eftect of weeds was more than 85%. The mixed use of pendimethalin and prometryn had no detrimental eftects on the growth of 4 varieties of mung beans (Jilv 7, Bailv 8, Kelv 1 and Mengqing). There were no significant eftects on the seedling numbers, plant height, root fresh weight, fresh weight of upper ground of early flowering period, the index plant height, pods per plant, pod length, grain number per pod, 100-grain weight or yield of harvest time of mung bean. The combination of pendimethalin and promemy-n can be used for mung bean field weed management. The appropriate dose was found to be pendimethalin 600 g/hm^2 and prometryn 300 g/hm^2.
    The influence of females and males of three species of predatory mites on their IGP relationship and cannibalism
    LI Yang, WANG Xin, MENG Ruixia, HOU Linlin, JIA Yonghong (College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricuhural University,Hohhot 010019,China)
    2018, 46(5):  85-88.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.14
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    To provide the basis for risk assessment of Amblyseius swirskii and joint release of muhiple mite species and the effects of sex recognition on the IGP and cannibalism of predatory mites, this study- explored the intraspecific and interspecific relationships of female and male adults of three phytoseiid species: exotic generalist Amblyseius swirskii, native N. barkeri and cmnmercialized N. cucumeris. The main resuhs were as follows. The adult individuals of the three phytoseiid species did not prey on intraspecific female and male adults, and neither did the female adults of the three phytoseiid species prey on the heterogeneous female adults. But female adults of the three kinds of mites only preyed on male heterogeneous adult mites (Fisheffs Exact test, A. swirskii vs. N. barkeri: χ^2=52.342, df=1,P〈0.001; N. barkeri vs. N. cucumris: χ^2=46.452, df=1, P〈0.001; A. swirskii vs. N. cucumeris: χ^2=63.324, df=l, P〈0.001). Thus, the female adults of A. swirskii did not cause a threat to interspecific adult mites or interspecific female adult mites. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider the negative consequences caused by negative intraspecific effects, but it should be considered to use many more female adult mites when the three phytoseiid species are released together.
    Biological characteristics of Monilochaetes infuscans, the pathogen of sweetpotato scurf
    ZHAO Yongqiang,XU Zhen,YANG Dongjing, SUN Houjun,XIE Yiping,ZHANG Chengling (Xuzhou Institute of Agricuhural Sciences in Xuhuai Region of Jiangsu, Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Sweetpotato, Ministry of Agriculture,Xuzhou 221121, China)
    2018, 46(5):  89-92.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.15
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    Biological characteristics of M. infuscans, 1he causative agent of sweetpotato scurf', were studied to provide a theoretical basis for the disease prevention and treatment. Diseased sweetpotatoes were collected from a field in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. A tissue separation method was used to isolate the pathogens, and biological characteristics in liquid medium were detemflned. The results showed that glucose and yeast were the optimum carbon and nitrogen resources for its mycelium growth in liquid media, with the most suitable pH 8-9. The optimum temperature for the pathogen growth was 25-30 ℃ and there was no significant effect of light on the growth of the pathogen in liquid media. The lethal temperature for the conidia was 57 ℃ for 5 minutes.
    Analysis of the current situation of farmland degradation and the prospects for application of ecological conservation technology in the north Agro-pasture zigzag zone
    LU Zhanyuan1, ZHANG Xiangqian1, CHENG Yuehen1, ZHANG Dejian2, MENG De3, ZHENG Haichun4, ZHANG Jianheng5 ,LIU Xinhua6, LIU Jinfen7 (1. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, China;2.Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010020, China ; 3.Inner Mongolia Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Hohhot 010011, China;4.Inner Mongolia Soil Fertilizer and Water-saving Agriculture Work Station,Hohhot 010011,China;5.College of Agronomy,Agricultural University of Hebei Baoding 071001, China ;6.Ningxia Vocational and Technical College, Yinehuan 750022, China ;7.Shanxi Agricultural Mechanization Technolog Extension Station,Taiyuan 030002, China)
    2018, 46(5):  93-97.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.16
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    The farming-pastoral ecotone in Inner Mongolia is the main body of the farming-pastoral ecotone in nothern China. In the past few decades, due to the over-exploitation and irrational use of cultivated land, combined with natural and human taetors such as climate change, the cultivated land in the farming-pastoral area of Inner Mongolia has experienced ditterent degrees of degradation. In some areas the cultivated land has been basically unable to produce. Therefore, promotion of the sustainable use of cultivated land in the farming-pastoral area of Inner Mongolia is the foundation of the development of agrieuhm'e and animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia. The causes and eurrent situation of cultivated land degradation in the farming-pastoral ecotone in northern China, and the research and application of ecological conservation and restoration techniques tor degraded thmlland in Inner Mongolia in the past 20 years were systematically analyzed in this paper. The key technologies suitable tor ecological restoration of degraded thmlland in Inner Mongolia were put torward to provide strategic thinking, technical guidance and practical theoretical support tor the ecological conservation and sustainable use of degraded farmland in Inner Mongolia.
    Occurrence and control measures of alien invasive species Cenchrus pauciflorus Bentham in Tongliao
    ZHANG Fusheng,YAO Ying (Tongliao Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Tongliao 028000,China)
    2018, 46(5):  98-101.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.17
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    The occurrence, characteristics, negative impacts and main control measures of Cenchrus pauciflors Bentham in Tongliao were investigated since 2008, and the long-term positioning monitoring was set up from 2015 to 2017. The average coverage of Cenchrus pauciflors Benthanl was 19.7%, 21.0% and 24.7%, attd the seed bank was 199,210,and 231 seeds/m^2 in these 3 years. In 2016, the area of Cenchruspauciflors Bentham occurring in Tongliao region accounted for 79.8% of the country. According to hazard grade, in Tongliao it was classified as a level 3 severe occurrence. It will seriously endanger the development of local agrieuhure and animal husbandry, cause irreparable economic losses and threaten the safety of the ecosystem if effective prevention and control measures are not taken in time.
    Study on the potential and characteristics of biogas production from Allium ascalonicum by methane fermentation
    LIU Ming, ZHENG Pan, YIN Fang, YANG Bin, BO Lin, LIU Jianfeng, GUO Cheng, ZHANG Wudi (Yunnan Nommal University,Kunming 650500,China)
    2018, 46(5):  102-106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.18
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    In order to explore the resource utilization of shallot waste, a hatch biogas fermentation experiment was carried out under the mediunl temperature of 30 degrees centigrade, and the fermentation time was 31 days. The results showed that the gas production rate of TS was 415 mL/g and the gas production rate of VS was 455 mL/g when the shallot waste was shredded. When the shallot waste was pounded, the gas production rate of TS was 360 mL/g and the gas production rate of VS was 390 mL/g.
    Advances in rice resistance to small brown planthopper
    SUN Zhiguang, WANG Baoxiang, CHEN Tingmu, XU Bo, XING Yungao, DAI Huimin, XU Dayong (Lianyungang Academy of Agricuhural Sciences, Lianyungang 222002, China)
    2018, 46(5):  107-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.19
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    China is the largest rice producing and consuming country in the world. The lack of abundance in rice production has a very important impact on China's food security. In recent years, small brown planthopper (SBPH) and viral diseases transmitted by SBPHs have caused serious damage to rice production in the rice-growing regions of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and North China. In this paper, research progress in the occurrence, damage, causes of outbreaks, control techniques and genetic studies of SBPH are reviewed and discussed, in order to assist further research on the prevention and control of Laodelphax striatellus (SBPH) and its transmitted viral diseases.
    Effects of different storage methods on the pollination effect of tomato
    SHANG Chunming, GAO Zhenjiang, HU Xue, WANG Yujing, YAO Huijing,LI Xiuhua,Wulan (Institute of Baotou Agricuhural Sciences Researchs,Baotou 014060, China)
    2018, 46(5):  113-116.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.20
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    The effects of pollen retention time on tomato fruit yield and seed volume were studied under different storage temperatures to explore the storage capacity of tomato pollen under different storage conditions. The resuhs showed that the rate of tomato fruit and the number of single-fruit seeds decreased with the increase of pollen storage time, and the storage temperature was reduced eftectively. In Baotou city agricuhural science institute, CM966 and CM196 tomato varieties were bred as experimental materials.At the room temperature 20 -C , the effective storage period was 11 days, at the low temperature 5 ℃, the eftective storage period was 15 days, at cold storage -1℃, the effective storage period was 31 days, and frozen at -18℃, and the eftective storage period was 31 days. Correlation analysis showed that the tomato pollen stored at 5 ℃and - 18℃ had velT significant negative con'elations for average fruit-set rate and average single fruit grain number. Con'elation between grain number and average fruit-set rate was extremely significantly positive.
    Effects of different application rates of biogas fertilizer on growth, development and quality of open field celery
    LUO Lei1, LI Wanchun1, SHI Yansheng1, NIU Ligen2, LI Yuliang2, Alatengxihuri1,REN Shusen2,Subuda1 ,LUO Shuqing1, ZHANG Guangyu1 (1.Xilin Col League Agricuhural Science and Technology Extension Station,Xilinhot 026000,China; 2.Taibusiqi Agriculture and Animal husbandry Science and Technology Extension Station, Bao Chang 027000, China)
    2018, 46(5):  117-121.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.21
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    This study explored the eftects of different application rates of anaerobic digestate fertilizer (ADF)on the growth and quality of celery. The experiment applied different concentrations of ADF to open field celery, used famlyard manure as a control, and measured the effect on growth, traits, yield and disease resistance. The results showed that using ADF can improve the quality and disease resistance in celery. In Xilin Gol League, biogas slurry is applied as a basing fertilizer at 37 500-45 000 kg/hm^2 and can effectively improve the quality and disease resistance of celery, reduce production costs and increase product value. In addition, using a small amount of chemical fertilizer can also reduce production losses.
    Effects of planting patterns on dry matter accumulation and economic benefitsof Medicago sativa and Elymus sibiricus
    WEI Qing1,2 Saijirihu1,2 WANG Jing1,2 ZHANG Dejian1,2 LU Zhanyuan3, ZHANG Xiangqian3, YE Xuesong3, GUO Congying1,2, CHENG Yuchen3 ( 1. Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010020, China ; 2.Key Laboratory of Forage and Endemic Crop Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010070, China ; 3. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricuhural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031,China)
    2018, 46(5):  122-129.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.22
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (746KB) ( 2 )   Save
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    Under the conditions of dry arable land, two forage species were selected as planting materials,which were Aohan Medicago sativa (Leguminous) and Elymus sibiricus (Gramineous), respectively. The eftects of three classical planting patterns, including monoculture of Medicago sativa, monocuhure of Elymus sibiricus and mixed sowing of Elymus sibiricus and Medicago sativa (E:M=2:I), on the plant characteristics and economic benefits were discussied. Detials were given for plant height, dry weight of stem, dry weight of leaves, total dry weight of aboveground, and total production during each growing season. The resuhs showed that as the defoliation fi'equency was twice in the first sowing year, the plant height, stem-leaf ratio and dry weight of stem of Elymus sibiricus increased by 8.93%, 63.55% and 13.25%, respectively under the mixed sowing planting pattern compared with the monocuhure planting pattern. Meanwhile, dry weight of leaves and plant weight decreased by 48.28% and 1.35%, respectively. The significant difterences of all the above characteristics were at P〈0.05 level. The dry weight of stem increased by 13.25%, the dry weight of leaves decreased by 48.28%, and the dry weight of plants decreased by 1.35%. In addition, the plant height, stem-leaf ratio, dry weight of leaves and dry weight of stem of Aohan Medicago sativa decreased by 27.49%, 10.91%, 7.02% and 3.28% under the mixed sowing planting pattern, repeetively, while plant dry weight increased by 1.04%. The significant ditterenees of all the above characteristics were at P〈0.05 level. Furthermore, Aohan Medicago sativa represented the highest total production with 5 720.83 kg/hm^2,whieh was significantly greater, by 16.46%, than that of mixed torage (/)〈0.05) and highly significantly greater, by 87.98%, than that of monoeuhure Elymus sibiricus (P〈0.01). Aohan Medicago sativa represented the highest benefit value with 6 255.58 yuan/hm^2, which was highly significant greater by 52.22% and 559.66% than that of mixed forage (P〈0.01) or monoeulture Elynms sibirieus (P〈0.01), respectively.
    The effect of natural precipitation on the forage yield in Inner Mongolia grassland
    LI Xiazi1, WANG Yuchen2, Chaolu3, SU Lijuan1 (1.Institute of Meteorological Research of Inner Mongolia,Hohhot 010051, China;2.Meteorologieal Bureau of Xilin Gol League,Xilinhot 026000, China ; 3. Meteorological Bureau of Hohhot city, Hohhot 010020, China)
    2018, 46(5):  130-134.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.05.23
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (2757KB) ( 2 )   Save
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    Based on 24 years of data (1994-2017) from upical meteorological research stations in various grassland types of Inner Mongolia, the ettect of natm'al precipitation on the forage yield was analyzed by the comparative and integral regression statistics methods. Natural precipitation significantly affected the tbrage yield in the Inner Mongolia grassland, which exhibited strong seasonal dynamics. The magnitude of precipitation eftects on the forage yield was the greatest from late April to late July. When the natural precipitation amount increased or decreased by 1mm, the tbrage yield was correspondingly increased or decreased by 14, 20, or 12 kg/hm^2 in meadow steppe, typical steppe and desert steppe, respectively. This effect was strongest in the typical steppe. The amount of natural precipitation tended to decline in Inner Mongolia, particularly in the desert steppe. The forage yield decreased with decreasing precipitation, and this response was the most prominent in the typical steppe. These resuhs showed that the forage yield was mediated by natural precipitation in the natural grassland of Inner Mongolia.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China