北方农业学报 ›› 2011, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 66-66.

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那木斯来[1] 王春燕[2] 马艳清[3] 王永霞[1] 迎春[4] 黄晓慧[3]   

  1. [1]鄂温克族自治旗气象局,内蒙古巴彦托海021100 [2]内蒙古气象信息中心,内蒙古呼和浩特010051 [3]满洲里市气象局,内蒙古满洲里021400 [4]额尔古纳市气象局,内蒙古拉布达林022000
  • 出版日期:2011-02-20 发布日期:2011-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 那木斯来

Snowfall Report Method and Analysis In Spring In Manchuly

Namuslai(Erwenke Meteorological Bureau,Bayantuohai 021100,China)   

  • Online:2011-02-20 Published:2011-02-20

摘要: 降雪在春季是满洲里地区重要天气过程之一,有时和强降温、大风天气同时出现,形成寒潮天气,对农牧业生产、交通运输和民众生活带来极大的不便,因此做好春季降水的预报是满洲里地区公众气象服务重要课题之一。文章在普查分析满洲里地区3-5月历史天气图,从500hpa、700hpa的高空和地面形势以及日本传真图(850hpa、782hpa、502hpa)进行了环流特征分析,从而总结出春季中雪以上过程的预报着眼点,为今后预报业务提供参考。

Abstract: Snowfall in spring is one of the most important weather process,sometimes it appears with great temperature drop and gusty weather at the same time,forming cold tide.Causing great inconvenience to agriculture production,transportation and citizens lives,so reporting properly waterfall in spring is one of the most important subjects on meteorological service in manchuly area.The article,after surveying and analyzing historical weather charts in March-May in Manchuly area,from high sky at 500-700hpa and ground situation and performing analysis on circular current character of Japanese fax chart(850hpa、782hpa、502hpa) draws conclusion of the above report on mid-rain process in spring,providing reference for report service in future.


  • S161.6