北方农业学报 ›› 2014, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 16-16.

• 试验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨柳青[1] 李彬瑞[1] 任碧如[1] 张海军[2] 陶建光[3]   

  1. [1]巴彦淖尔市五原县农业技术推广中心,内蒙古五原015100 [2]巴彦淖尔市五原县隆兴昌镇人民政府,内蒙古五原015100 [3]巴彦淖尔市五原县气象局,内蒙古五原015100
  • 出版日期:2014-10-20 发布日期:2014-10-20
  • 通讯作者: 杨柳青
  • 作者简介:杨柳青(1972-),男,内蒙古五原人,农艺师,硕士,主要从事农业技术推广工作。
  • 基金资助:

Disease Resistance and Integrated Traits Evaluated for Edible Sunflower Hybrids

YANG Liuqing (Wuyuan County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center,Wuyuan 015100,China)   

  • Online:2014-10-20 Published:2014-10-20

摘要: 由于河套灌区连年大面积种植向日葵,导致菌核病和黄萎病发病率日益严重,选择适宜的抗病品种是防治病害的最重要措施。收集引进了适于河套灌区的10个食用向日葵杂交种进行种植,鉴定其在当地条件下的抗病性、熟性、形态特征、丰产性等。研究结果表明,所选的10个品种对菌核病的抗性都不高或易感,开花末期黄萎病的发病率大多在20%以上,试验所选品种黄萎病病情指数大多在1-2级,即中抗以上。DRZ1027、DRZ1028和DRZ1025产量较高,生物性状、经济性状及商品性的综合性状较好,后期菌核病发病率相对较低,是相对较好的品种。

Abstract: It has a large-scale cultivation of sunflower in Hetao irrigation district which lead to a serious disease problem during planting process.Therefore,10 suitable sunflowers cultivars collected and introduced for planting and experiment in Hetao irrigation district.The purpose of experiment were identified the disease resistance,mature,morphological characteristics and yield.The results showed that 10 sunflowers cultivars had weak resistance and susceptible to Sunflower sclerotinia rot.The incidence of Verticillium Wilt was more than 20% at the end of flowering stage;furthermore,the disease index of selected varieties'Verticillium Wilt was between 1 -2 levels which showed the medium disease resistance.In addition, through experimental observation and data analysis,DRZ1027、DRZ1028 and DRZ1025 were relatively better than other cultivars in Hetao irrigation district,which showed high yield, better synthetic character in biological traits,economy traits and commodity traits,and lower incidence of Sunflower sclerotinia rot at the end stage.


  • S681.9