张雅贞, 李跃进, 景宇鹏, 李秀萍, 史培, 栗燕芳, 卢旭东, 连海飞, 王庆蒙
Effect of increasing amounts of organic fertilizer on the soil salinity and nutrient characteristics of saline-alkaline soil in Tumochuan Plain
ZHANG Yazhen, LI Yuejin, JING Yupeng, LI Xiuping, SHI Pei, LI Yanfang, LU Xudong, LIAN Heifei, WANG Qingmeng
北方农业学报 . 2019, (6): 34 -41 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2019.06.06