刘雅娜, 陈文晋, 范雅芳, 魏红, 赵瑛琳, 薛慧玲, 张璟, 孔庆全, 贺小勇, 张子义
Effects of the growth and development of potatoes and soil nutrients in potato fields based on soaking seeds with different microbial agents
LIU Yana, CHEN Wenjin, FAN Yafang, WEI Hong, ZHAO Yinglin, XUE Huiling, ZHANG Jing, KONG Qingquan, HE Xiaoyong, ZHANG Ziyi
北方农业学报 . 2024, (2): 26 -36 .  DOI: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2024.02.03