Journal of Northern Agriculture ›› 2015, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 51-51.
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HU Chunxiang, ZHANG Li (Zhongning County Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Zhongning 755100,China)
Abstract: Based on the watermelon variety "Jinguan"as expe rimental material, nitrogen、phosphorus and potassium uptake accumulation law of selenium sand melon were studied under the condition of field cultivation. The results showed that watermelon plant dry matter accumulation, nitrogen、phosphorus and potassium absorption increased with increasing age. The ratio of nitrogen、phosphorus and potassium uptake per plant during whole growth period was 1.00 ∶0.08 ~0.12 ∶0.43 ~1.01;watermelon nutrient absorption ratio of nitrogen、phosphorus and potassium was 1.00 ∶0.14 ~0.22 ∶1.27 ~2.62 at harvest; the results all were shown potassium uptake most, nitrogen uptake next, phosphorus uptake least.
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