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19 August 2018, Volume 46 Issue 6
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  • 著者文摘
    Response of new oat germplasm to different lengths of sunlight hours
    AN Jianghong;RONG Xiaoping;YANG Xiaohong;LI Tianliang;ZHANG Ruixia;HAN Bin;YANG Cai(College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018,China;Inner Mongolia Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Hohhot 010011,China;Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Science,Zhangjiakou 075000,China;Hohhot Seed Management Station,Hohhot 010020,China)
    2018, 46(6):  1-8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.01
    Abstract ( 155 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 49 )   Save
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    Oat is a long-day crop and when cultivated in the field,it needs certain long-day conditions to complete the earing growth period.In this study,6 new oat varieties,which were created by three inter-specific polymerizations and hybridizations,were used to study the differences in phenophase,growth period,panicle traits and agronomic traits at different lengths of sunlight hours.In addition,the effects of different lengths of time on the growth and development of the new strains were analyzed.The results showed that 6 new oat varieties were insensitive to short-day conditions since they completed the whole growth period in 10 hours,let alone 15 h.In contrast,the control varieties consisted of No.5 Pin 5 and No.2 Hongqi,and they completed the growth period at the minimum of 14 h.Sunlight time had effects on vegetative growth and reproductive growth.With the extension of sunlight time,the time needed for earing gradually shortened,and the time from earing-flowering to maturity was different.Sunlight time significantly affected panicle traits and agronomic traits.With the prolongation of sunlight time in the 6 new varieties,the length of panicles,tillers and number of leaves decreased,the length and width of leaves decreased,and the height of the plants decreased.In this research,the requirement of sunlight hours for new oat varieties was determined.It provides theoretical basis for speeding up the process of southern winter breeding,and expanding both the planting area for oat and the applied season.
    Study on the cultivation method for reducing film requirements to increase benefit of maize in Hetao area
    DANG Jiuzhan;ZHAO Qiang;ZHANG Yujin;ZHANG Gang;REN Xiaozhong;LIU Xiaoyan;LI Yanying(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;Hanggin Rear Banner Area Agricultural Technology Promotion Center,Shanba 015400,China;Urad Front Banner Technology Extension Center of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Ula Mountain 015300,China;;Hebei Flutur Agricultural Technology Development Limited Company,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  9-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.02
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF (353KB) ( 39 )   Save
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    The aim of this study is to address the problem of soil film residue pollution caused by continuous mulching of maize in Hetao irrigated area.Two types of high-density cultivation were conducted in Hanggin Rear Banner,Inner Mongolia,for early-maturing and high-density maize varieties in 2018.The results showed that the treatment for KX9384 were clearly different in three ways from the control for Ximeng No.6 between film and non-film treatments.First,the yield of two plants per hole increased to 15.79%and 19.23%higher than the control.Second,the yield of two plants per hole had significant difference for Ximeng No.6 from yields with one plant per hole and three plants per hole.Third,the yields of 4∶4 interplanting and 2∶2 interplanting were significantly increased by 15.12%and 11.84%relative to the control treatment.The yield of 4∶4 interplanting was higher than 2∶2 intercropping,but not significantly.
    Response of grain filling and yield of confectionery sunflower to subsoiling tillage and density
    MENG Tiantian;GAO Julin;BAO Haizhu;ZHAO hui;HU Shuping(College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,China)
    2018, 46(6):  13-17.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.03
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (455KB) ( 6 )   Save
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    The filling characteristics of confectionery sunflower(Xianrui 12)under different densities were studied and fitted by Richard equation.The results showed that under the same density and different tillage methods,the yield increased with the increase of density,and the yield under S45 treatment increased by 6.3%and 10.3%relative to the yields of S30 and RT,respectively,and the yield of S30 was 3.8%higher than RT.Under the same tillage pattern,the density of D3 increased by 28.1%and 17.0%compared with D1 and D2,respectively and D2 increased 9.4%compared with D1.Grain filling rates(GRmean)of sunflowers with different grain positions,the initial growth potential(R0),the time of maximum grain filling rate(Tmax)were outer edge grain>middle grain>inner grain.Under different tillage methods,S45 was the highest;S30 was the second and RT was the lowest.R0 and GRmean decreased with the increase of density at different densities.The time of maximum grain filling rate(Tmax)of outer grain was earlier than that of inner grain.Subsoiling accelerated grain filling and shortened grain-filling time.The I value of outer grain was higher than that of either inner grain or middle grain.Subsoiling improved GRmean and R0 of sunflower seeds and promoted the seed filling of sunflower.
    Planting advantages of forage millet in Inner Mongolia
    CHEN Qianwu;ZHANG Yonghu;WEN Rui;YANG Hai(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;Seed Station,Zhuozi Agricultural Bureau,Zhuozi 012300,China)
    2018, 46(6):  18-21.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.04
    Abstract ( 212 )   PDF (434KB) ( 60 )   Save
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    Millet is an important food and feed combination;in addition to its food value,its feed value is also outstanding.In recent years,due to the destruction of the ecological environment in Inner Mongolia,the grazing area has been gradually reduced,resulting in an increase in feeding demand.Forage millet has high nutritional value,drought tolerance and thinness,and is suitable for multiple cropping and various processing methods.Forage millet is more suitable for the ecological environmental needs and feeding need of Inner Mongolia,which makes it a very promising crop.
    Study on the suitable planting time and density of safflower in Hetao irrigation area
    LI Binrui;WEN Xiaoliang;JIN Cunwang;FAN Xia;SU Huazhou;DUAN Yu(Wuyuan County Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Longxingchang 015100,China;Linhe District Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Linhe 015000,China;;Saihan Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Hohhot 010020,China;Institute of Resource Environment and Detection Technology,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010030,China)
    2018, 46(6):  22-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.05
    Abstract ( 150 )   PDF (468KB) ( 52 )   Save
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    Safflower is resistant to drought,salt and alkali,cold and disease,and prefers sunny and dry conditions.Hetao irrigation district is particularly suitable for planting safflower.In order to explore the suitable planting time and planting density of safflower,field experiments on planting density and seeding time of safflower were carried out in Wuyuan County in 2017.The results showed that sowing time and planting density had little effect on the plant height of safflower,while sowing time and planting density had significant effects on the stem diameter.The thickest stems were sown on April 5,and the more sparse the planting density,the thicker the stems.When the sowing date was April 5 in Hetao irrigation area,the yields of both safflower filament and seed were the highest,and they decreased with the delay of seeding.The planting density was correlated with the yield of safflower filaments and seeds with a good quadratic parabolic curve.The planting densities for maximum filament yield and seed yield were 9.13 and 9.28 million plants/hm2,respectively.For the convenience of picking,it is best to use wide and narrow rows.Specifically,1.2-meter mulch film is adopted,with one film in four rows,with row spacing 30 cm on the film,row spacing 60 cm between the film,and spacing 25 cm in the rows.This pattern not only ensures planting density but also facilitates picking.
    Functional dissection analysis of the promoter of GGPPS gene from Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin
    YANG Lulu;ZHU Lele;HE Lina;YAN Jie(College of Life Science,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  27-31.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.06
    Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (881KB) ( 5 )   Save
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    Based on the functional analysis of the GGPPS gene in the rubber grass and the cloned GGPPS gene promoter,the cis-acting element of the GGPPS gene promoter functional region was studied by the 5'deletion analysis method.The PCAMBIA1301-ProTkGGPPS-GUS was constructed,and each of the deletion fragment plant expression vectors were confirmed by Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation of onion inner epidermal cells.The results showed that except for the TAGGPPS promoter,the full-length activity was slightly weaker,and the other deletion fragments were highly active.It can efficiently drive the expression of downstream GUS genes,and using the genetic transformation model plant Arabidopsis thaliana the transgenic seedlings of each vector were successfully obtained.These results lay the foundation for the subsequent study of the biological function of the cis-acting element on the promoter.
    Establishment of embryonic suspension cell system of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin in Xinjiang
    ZHU Lele;YANG Lulu;REN Ruhao;YANG Qinzhe;ZHANG Huiyan;YAN Jie(College of Life Science,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  32-37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.07
    Abstract ( 91 )   PDF (6314KB) ( 8 )   Save
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    In order to establish a good suspension cell culture system of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin,this study took the aseptic seedling of TKS as the material,to explore the growth process of TKS suspension cells.The results showed that the optimum inoculation amount of embryogenic callus is 0.6 g in 50 mL MS liquid medium,and the optimum time of subculture is 12 days.The stable system of the embryonic suspension cells can be obtained,and the highest regeneration rate could be up to 87.5%.These results lay the foundation for the genetic regeneration system of TKS.
    Global genome expression analysis of transcription factors in rice under salt stress
    ZHU Changbao;LIU Zhi;XU Chenfeng;LIU Renmei;LIN Zhongzheng;CHENG Lirui(Jinhu County Plant Protection Station,Huaian 223001,China;Jinhu Farmland Quality Protection Station,Huaian 223001,China;Jinhu County Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Huaian 223001,China;Huaian Municipal Agricultural Commission,Huaian 223001,China)
    2018, 46(6):  38-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.08
    Abstract ( 120 )   PDF (783KB) ( 3 )   Save
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    The research was conducted to study the effects of salt stress on rice by changes in expression of transcription factors.The dates of complete genomic expression profiles from rice were obtained from GEO database,and the changes in expression of transcription factors were identified by bioinformatics analysis.The results showed that the expression levels of 10 transcription factor genes(8 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated)in susceptible rice and 10(2 up-regulated and 8 down-regulated)in resistant rice were induced by salt stress.The direction of the change in expression for transcription factor HSF was consistent between sensitive and salt-tolerant varieties,and among the transcription factors are those with specificity,as well as overlap,among the different rice varieties.This study provided theoretical references for further analyzing the mechanisms of transcriptional factors in the response of rice to salt tolerance.
    Development strategy and storage capacity of drip irrigation with natural lake water in Hetao irrigation district
    XU Bing;TIAN Delong;LI Zekun;REN Jie;TANG Pengcheng(Institute of Water Resources for Pastoral Area of IWHR,Hohhot 010020,China)
    2018, 46(6):  44-49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.09
    Abstract ( 146 )   PDF (635KB) ( 147 )   Save
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    Many lakes exist and punctuate the channel in the Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia,which is convenient for drip irrigation using lake water.Managing the drip irrigation with lake water is complex,involving the water source selection,the water recharge,regulation,water supply,water storage,purification of water,and many other considerations.The results showed that there are 98 lakes which occupy 98.4×102 hm2 in area and could be used for drip irrigation in Spring with a the water storage capacity of 1.66×108 m3.The lake water is alkaline with excessive pH values,total salt levels,chloride and hardness,with the salinity taking a leading role in determining water suitability for irrigation.The water from the Yellow River and ice diversion are the effective supply sources for the drip irrigation along with lake water,which can together make the water storage and regulation of lake water up to 1.97×108 m3 while keeping existing functions unchanged.Making good use of the regulation and purification abilities of lake water from the Yellow River is the key for realizing the water quality purification with low cost and the sustainable development of drip irrigation in this region.
    Effects of mulching in non-growth period on the salinity of cultivated layer in Hetao irrigation area
    DU Chao;WEN Aiqing;LI Jun;CHAI Yuxin;WANG Gang;REN Zhiyuan;ZHANG Junfeng;WU Xuerui(Bayannur Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Linhe 015000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  50-53.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.10
    Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (365KB) ( 4 )   Save
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    The moderate and severe saline-alkali land in Hetao irrigated area that is characterized by high underground water level,serious salt table accumulation and difficult crop growth.In this study,the effects of mulching film coverage early in the non-growth period,salt dynamics were investigated by planting sunflower bioassay for the submembrane farming layer during the growth period.The desalting effect of non-growing mulch on the underlayer is evaluated.The results showed that compared with the conventional pre-sowing mulching,film mulching in autumn of the previous year year and early spring mulching were significantly reduced in different growth periods.The seedling rate,plant height,stem diameter and disk diameter of sunflower were significantly increased.The desalting rates of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm tillage layers under film mulching in autumn of the previous year were 21.54%and 19.63%higher than the rates under conventional film mulching,respectively.The average 0-20 cm desalination rate increased by 20.59%.The seedling rate of sunflower increased by 18%during the filling stage.Production increased by 58.1%.The desalting rates of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm under early spring mulch were increased by 13.70%and 14.54%,respectively.The average 0-20 cm desalination rate increased by 14.12%.The seedling rate of sunflower increased by 16%during thefilling stage and production increased by 38.2%.
    Study on the improvement effect of new soil amendments for saline-alkali land in sunflower fields in Linhe district
    YAN Suzhen;MI Zhiheng;SUN Xiangchun;FAN Xiurong;ZHAI Yongsheng;LIU Zhuoen;SUN Xiuyun;QIN Xiaoyan;DU Ruifen;LIU Xia(Linhe Agricultural Technology Promotion Center,Linhe 015000,China;Bayannur Institute of Scientific and Technological Information,Linhe 015000,China;;Linhe Green Food Development Center,Linhe 015000,China;Linhe Area SeedsManagement Station,Linhe 015000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  54-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.11
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (433KB) ( 12 )   Save
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    By studying the effect of a new type of soil amendment developed by China Agricultural University,together with the application of 989 controlled release fertilizer on Linhe District,Bayannur City,the results showed that the soil pH of the treatment area decreased by 0.49 compared with CK,and the soil EC value decreased by 0.32 ms/cm.The production rate of edible sunflower in the treated area was 30.10%higher than CK,and the average yield per hm2 of the treated area increased by 132.20%compared with CK.
    Effects of different drip irrigation with special fertilizers on maize growth and yield in Hetao irrigation area
    ZHAO Na;FENG Junwei;LI Xiaohong;WANG Zijing;MA Jun;LIU Hanjiang;HAO Yunfeng(Bayannur Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Linhe 015000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  58-63.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.12
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    The effects of drip irrigation with special fertilizers on maize plant height,stem diameter and yield were investigated.In the field experiment,Herve,AO Xiangxi,ammonium nitrate urea,liquid nitrogen fertilizer,no phosphate fertilizer treatment,and conventional fertilization as control,were studied for a total of 8 treatments.The results showed that the application of special fertilizers and compound enzymes in drip irrigation could increase the yield of maize,and the yield with ammonium nitrate urea was the highest,which was 770 kg/hm2 higher than that of the control.The plant height,stem diameter and 100-seed weight of maize were promoted by the special fertilizer and compound enzyme application.Among them,with ammonium nitrate urea,AO treatment maize plant growth is better,SPAD value is higher,100-grain weight,ear length,ear diameter and other economic characteristics of the survey values were higher,all of which were basically consistent with the yield results.With the exception of Herve,the other three kinds of special fertilizer and compound enzyme all increased the yield of maize.The net income increased from high to low for compound enzyme,ammonium nitrate urea,AO Xiangxi,and then liquid nitrogen fertilizer.It is concluded that ammonium nitrate urea and AO fertilizer can effectively promote maize growth,increase maize yield and increase the economic benefit of maize cultivation,and they are suitable for application as special fertilizers for drip irrigation under maize film in Hetao irrigation area.
    Effects of fire on soil black carbon and organic carbon content
    WANG Xinyu;BAO Xiang;WANG Ruili(College of Grassland and Resource Management,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010010,China)
    2018, 46(6):  64-68.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.13
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    In this paper,theforests of Genhe city in Greater Khingan range as the research objects.Among forests of different ages and located in the same region,the effects of fires of different intensity on the different physical and chemical properties of soil black carbon and organic carbon were analyszed.The conclusions are as follows.With the change of fire intensity,the content of black carbon in soil changed accordingly.Compared with the control sample,at the primary stage of the formation of severe forest fires,soil black carbon content was 146.29 g/kg,an increase of 118.3%.Soil organic carbon content was 105.31 g/kg,an increase of 189.3%.Lightly burned soil black carbon was 110.93 g/kg,an increase of 65.5%;while the organic carbon content was 52.30 g/kg,an increase of 43.7%.In the forest fire after several years,variations of black carbon content and organic carbon content in soil were different,but the overall trend was still increasing.Compared with the control plots,after the severe burn of soil black carbon sites were increased by 88.8%in 2015 and 32.3%in 2014;and organic carbon content increased by 61.6%in 2015 and 9.4%in 2014.Lightly burned soil black carbon content increased by 24.5%and 9.5%;and organic carbon content increased by 11.7%and 8.4%.Compared with the control plots,the content of black carbon and organic carbon in soil held relatively constant over the thirteen years following the fire.There is a relationship between the contents of black carbon and organic carbon content in soil.Organic carbon content will be increased with the increase of the content of black carbon.The analysis of the changes of soil black carbon content and organic carbon content in the aftermath of forest fire can help to deepen the understanding of the process of carbon cycle in the biosphere.
    Evaluation and characteristics of cultivated land productivity in Jiaodong peninsula
    CUI Kun;ZHAO Gengxing;WANG Zhuoran;ZHANG Ying(College of Resources and Environment,Shandong Agricultural University,National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources,Taian 271018,China)
    2018, 46(6):  69-76.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.14
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    In order to make better use of cultivated land resources,we must have a comprehensive understanding of the quality of cultivated land and carry out the evaluation of land productivity.Based on the data of formula fertilization in Yantai,Weihai,Qingdao City and Shandong Province,we divided 16 536 evaluation units,used the analytic hierarchy process to determine the weights of the evaluation factors,the index method to determine the comprehensive index and classified the grades.The characteristics of each grade of land productivity were analyzed from six aspects.The results showed that the proportions of the six grades to the total cultivated land in the study area were 20.62%,17.59%,14.93%,19.68%,12.43%and 14.75%.The grades of land productivity decreased from west to east.There were obvious differences among the different grades in the region.The irrigated land and vegetable land had higher land productivity,while dry land had lower productivity.The soil was generally acidic and the contents of all nutrients were adequate,but the contents of trace elements were low.In addition,the quality of high-yielding fields was good,the irrigation guarantee rate of the middle field was low,the low yield farmland had low irrigation guarantee rates and poor physical and chemical properties.This study explored the status of cultivated land and resources in Jiaodong Peninsula,which has positive significance for the sustainable use of regional cultivated land.
    Control efficacy of plant elicitor IR-18 against Orobanche cumana and its application techniques
    YUN Xiaopeng;DU Lei;BAI Quanjiang;SUN Tao;TIAN Xiaoyan;SU Yajie;ZHANG Guang(Plant Protection Institute,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural&Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;Gannan Sunflower Research Institute,Gannan 162100,China;Urad Front Banner Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Ula Mountain 014400,China)
    2018, 46(6):  77-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.15
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    Some widely cultivated confectionery sunflower varieties including JK601 and SH363,which have good commercial characters,lack efficient supplementary measures against Orobanche cumana.In 2017,a kind of plant elicitor(IR18)was introduced and its field application techniques were studied.Results showed that the agent had good control efficacy on Orobanche cumana,but there were great differences among varieties.It performs better on JK601,which has certain resistance to Orobanche cumana,than sensitive SH363;and the control efficacy was proportional to the concentration of the elicitor solution.The 400-fold dilution of IR18 had better efficacy than 600-fold and 800-fold dilutions,while the best application time was the 6~10 leaf stage of sunflower.It can be applied one time at 400-fold dilution or 2~3 times at 600-fold dilution and 800-fold dilution,and the control efficacy through 32 days after the first application can be maintained at 100%.
    Study on the effect of mesosulfuron and clodinafop-propargyl on control of grassy weeds in wheat fields and their safety to the crop
    YU jinping;LIU Yixue;ZHANG Wei;LI Qi;BAI Penghua(Tianjin Plant Protection Institute,Tianjin 300381,China)
    2018, 46(6):  83-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.16
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    The herbicidal efficacy and security of two herbicides,30 g/L mesosulfuron OD and 8%clodinafop-propargyl OD,were studied,to provide a theoretical basis for the practical application of the two herbicides.The result showed that in the 30 days after using the herbicides,the effect of 30 g/L mesosulfuron OD at the dose of 12.4 g(a.i.)/hm2 for Avena fatua L.and Bromus japonicus Thunb.were above 85.00%on biomass reductions.The effect of 8%clodinafop-propargyl OD at the dose of 45.0 g(a.i.)/hm2 on control of Avena fatua L.was 94.58%.The control efficiency on Puccinellia parlatore was 68.71%.The two herbicides are safe for wheat and effectively control weeds for increasing production.
    Preliminary study on biological fungi control of Sclerotinia in sunflower
    PEI Dan;HANG Lixue;YU Jingyuan;WANG Xiaojie;HAN Bing(College of Life Sciences,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  87-92.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.17
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    In order to screen the growth of mycelia of S.cerevisiae and the formation of sclerotia,and delay the colonization by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum fungi in plants,two strains of ax2 and DH-20 with good antagonistic effects were determined by the initial and rescreening of 32 strains by the 5-point confrontation method and the 2-point confrontation method.The control results were tested by an in vitro leaf test and a pot experiment.The results showed that the control effect of ax2 strain was better than that of DH-20 strain,and the treatment with 100 mL of ax2 strain had the highest control effect,which was 88.23%.The strain ax2 with the best antagonistic effect was ultimately identified by morphological identification and molecular biological identification as Fusarium oxysporum.This study provides a useful basis for the use of biological control methods to inhibit sunflower Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,and lays a good foundation for the construction of efficient genetic engineering bacteria and the development of sunflower sclerotium disease biocontrol agents.
    Phytotoxicity effects and potential alleviation by alleviator of atrazine in potato
    HU Haibo;HAO Yongli;GAO bo;WANG Xuejie(Chifeng Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Chifeng 024031,China)
    2018, 46(6):  93-96.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.18
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    In order to determine the soil residual atrazine effect on growth and development of potato,this study chose three alleviators for processing the pesticide residue of soil.The results showed that atrazine residue had inhibitory effects on plant height,leaf color,potato growth and economic characters.Fenaminosulf+indole acetic acid had mitigation effects to a certain extent,but there was no significant difference in the growth characteristics of potato compared to soil with no herbicide spraying,in which plants grew and developed normally.The yield was slightly lower than the normal level,but higher than that of atrazine residue soil.The potato production rate was above 80%,indicating that it can reduce the effects of atrazine residue in practice.
    Study on plight of comprehensive utilization of straw in Xinyang
    JI Rongjing(Henan University Economics and Law of Construction Management,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
    2018, 46(6):  97-101.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.19
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    As an agricultural city,Xinyang produces a large amount of straw every year,and straw burning is an important factor in atmospheric pollution in Xinyang.The straw resource is characterized by seasonality,regional distribution and otherness.Due to the lack of understanding of the use value and the restriction of the technology,the crop yield of the straw is excessive,thus affecting the agricultural ecological environment.Based on the crop yield of Xinyang,the crop yield of Xinyang city was estimated,and the successful use of straw by Wanhua eco-board industry(Xinyang)co.LTD was analyzed.The comprehensive utilization of straw not only needs the optimization of production technology,but also needs the financial support from the government.Finally,some effective countermeasures are proposed to improve the low efficiency of comprehensive utilization of straw in Xinyang.
    Evaluation of salt resistance of different germplasm resources of pepper at different germination stages
    GA0 Jingxia;YAN Xiujuan;WU Xuemei;XIE Hua;WANG Xuemei(Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Plant Resources,Yinchuan 750002,China;Pengyang County Vegetable Industry Development Service Center,Pengyang 756500,China)
    2018, 46(6):  102-109.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.20
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    In order to study the influence of different soil salinities on pepper germplasm resources,62 different pepper germplasm resources were tested for germination potential(GE),relative germination potential,germination rate(GR),relative germination rate,germination index(GI),relative germination index,following exposure to 100 mol/L NaHCO3,NaCl or Na2SO4 mixtures.Using EXCEL and membership function values to evaluate the salinity tolerance of pepper germplasm resources,the results showed that 10 of the 62 pepper resources were highly salt resistant,10 of them were not salt resistant,and the rest were moderately salt resistant.Radius 87 mixing charge(ZY16-15),18 radius mixing charge(langyue 2 F2),8-1 radius mixing charge(mid-term pig intestine),70×62,121-7 radius mix,the radius 65 accept(u014-2),96,the radius mixing charge 97(D77),the radius mixing charge(D78),37 radius mixing charge(66-1),K20 radius mixing charge(58)were characterized by strong salt resistance.On the other hand,radius 26 mixing charge(5-5),K6(23700),62-6,k15(60),39 radius mixing charge(2-2),K24(battery),no.80 the radius(tara),K2(11),K11,K17(57 red bull)were characterized as not salt resistant.
    Study on optimizing fertilization mode of polychromatic crape myrtle
    WANG Hao;LIU Bo;CAI Weijia(Suqian Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Suqian 223800,China)
    2018, 46(6):  110-114.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.21
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    In order to develop the proprietary fertilization mode of polychromatic crape myrtle,this paper studied the differences in growth and flowering index of polychromatic crape myrtle's traits under the influence of seven factors through orthogonal testing by using three varieties as the research objects.The results showed that the fertilization method and the fertilizer ratio at flowering time were the two most important factors affecting the traits of polychromatic crape myrtle.The two factors of fertilization time had little effect on either growth traits or flowering traits.The topdressing method with two foliar applications should be adopted.The base fertilizer should mix soil with balanced fertilizer.The high-potassium fertilizer should be used for topdressing at the leaf-developing period,and the high-phosphorus or balanced fertilizer should be used for topdressing at the flowering period.Bringing forward the topdressing time to the flowering period may result in good effects.
    Analysis of chlorophyll contents and canopy spectral characteristics of barley,spring wheat and naked oats
    Wulantuya;YU Lifeng;BAO Junwei;XU Hongtao;Wuyundeji(Institute of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Economy and Information,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;Inner Mongolia Engineering and Technology Research Center for Agricultural Remote Sensing,Hohhot 010031,China)
    2018, 46(6):  115-119.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.22
    Abstract ( 205 )   PDF (1773KB) ( 91 )   Save
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    In order to find the sensitive parameters for remote sensing identification among barley,spring wheat and naked oats,these three crops were planted in the test fields of Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences.The spectral reflectances and chlorophyll contents of the three crops were measured by hand-held ASD spectrometer and chlorophyll analyzer SPAD502.The first order differential of the three kinds of crops canopy spectral reflectance was obtained by differential calculation.Nineteen spectral characteristic variables and SPAD values,such as spectral position variables,spectral area variables and vegetation index variables,were selected for statistical analysis,and the following conclusions were obtained.There were differences in the characteristics of twenty remote sensing parameters among the three crops.First,in the ten position variables of the three crops,the wavelength position corresponding to the red edgeλr was very different.Spring wheat was characterized by a lower Dy than the other crops in the first order differential spectrum in the yellow edge.Meanwhile,naked oats was characterized by a lower maximum Db than the other crops in the first order differential spectrum in the blue edge,and barley was characterized by a higher maximum Dr than the other two crops in the first order differential spectrum within the red edge.Second,in the three area variables,the SDr of barley and the two parameters of SDb were larger than those of spring wheat and naked oats;and the value of SDy was lower than that of spring wheat and naked oats.At the same time,the SDr of spring wheat and the two parameters of SDb were smaller than those of barley and naked oats,while the value of SDy was larger than those of barley and naked oats.Third,among the six vegetation index variables,the characteristics of the two parameters SDr/SDb and SDr/SDy were obviously different,while the differences of the other four parameters were not apparent.The SDr/SDy value of spring wheat was lower than those of the other two crops;while the SDr/SDb value of barley was lower than those of the other two crops.The naked oats SDr/SDb value was higher and similar to the barley value,but the SDr/SDy value was lower than the barley value,but higher than the spring wheat value.Fourth,leaf SPAD values of naked oats were greater than sixty and higher than those of the other crops;while the value of barley was lowest and the value of spring wheat was in the middle.There were significant differences in the spectral reflection characteristics and chlorophyll content values of the three kinds of crops in the heading stage,which will provide a new opportunity for remote sensing to distinguish these three kinds of crops.
    Remote sensing inversion of soil surface moisture based on Sentinel-2 data
    YU Lifeng;Wuyundeji;Wulantuya;YAN Qingqi;LIU Wenbing;BAO Junwei;XU Hongtao;REN Tingting;YU Weizhuo(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultual&Animal Husbandry Sciences,Inner Mongolia Engineering and Technology Research Center for Agricultural Remote SensingHohhot 010031,China;Institute of Agricultural Scienceof Horqin Youyi Front Banner,Horqin 137423,China;;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Horqin Youyi Front Banner,Horqin 137423,China)
    2018, 46(6):  120-124.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.23
    Abstract ( 113 )   PDF (3385KB) ( 136 )   Save
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    The SENTINEL-2 data was applied to the Soil Surface Water Index(SWCI)model,and the soil moisture content and spatial distribution that were obtained can be used for accurate and rapid remote sensing inversion of soil moisture under low vegetation cover.By analyzing the correlation between SWCI and soil moisture,the correlation coefficients of Pearson,Kendall's Tau-b and Spearman were 0.880,0.778 and 0.891,respectively,which all indicated significant correlation.In the remote sensing inversion of soil moisture(0~20 cm),the SENTINEL-2 data model is easy to operate and it has high precision and is suitable for operational monitoring.
    Countermeasures for Improvement of agricultural resource carrying capacity in Hetao Irrigation Area in Inner Mongolia
    HOU Zhihui;HOU Anhong;ZHAO Junli;Siqinmenghe(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China)
    2018, 46(6):  125-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.24
    Abstract ( 68 )   PDF (906KB) ( 3 )   Save
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    Hetao irrigation area is an important production base of commodity grain,edible oil and livestock products in Inner Mongolia.It has great significance for improving the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources in this region,as well as for guaranteeing the ecological security of the Yellow River basin and improving the safety assurance ability of the food supply.In this study,the agricultural resource carrying capacity in Hetao irrigation area was assessed by using the comprehensive index analysis method.The results showed that the carrying capacity of land resources in this region was characterized by a continuously increasing trend,and the grain surplus rate in 2016 reached up to 76.74%.Meanwhile,the carrying capacity of water resources in this region in 2016 was slightly decreased compared with 2010,which was close to the maximum bearing capacity of the water resources.The comprehensive carrying capacity of agricultural resources gradually improved during the period of 2010 to 2016.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China