畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (10): 12-12.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.008

• 基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州动物疾病控制与诊断中心,新疆库尔勒841000
  • 出版日期:2013-10-20 发布日期:2013-10-20
  • 通讯作者: 帕提古丽·托乎提
  • 作者简介:帕提古丽·托乎提(1974-),女,高级畜牧师,主要从事奶牛科技技术服务、畜产品安全检验检测工作。

Fast Detection Report of Melamine in Fresh Milk

Patiguli. Tuohuti (Bazhou Animal Disease Control and Diagnostic Center in Xinjiang, Kurle 841000,China)   

  • Online:2013-10-20 Published:2013-10-20

摘要: [目的]为了快速、准确地检测出生鲜牛乳中是否含有三聚氰胺,以保证生鲜牛乳及其产品的卫生安全。[方法]采用酶联免疫法(SNAP法)检测生鲜牛乳中三聚氰胺的含量,对新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州辖区内的17个奶站的奶缸、运输车辆进行生鲜乳样品抽样检测,共抽样60份。f结果]对60份生鲜乳样品进行三聚氰胺含量检测,检测结果全部为阴性。[结论]对新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州辖区内的17个奶站的奶缸、运输车辆所抽取的60份生鲜牛乳进行了三聚氰胺含量检测,60份生鲜牛乳样品检测结果全部为阴性,检测样品60份,合格数60份,合格率为100%。

Abstract: [Objective] The research aimed to rapidly and accurately detect melamine in fresh milk and ensure the health and safety of fresh milk and its products. [ Method ] The content of melamine in 60 raw milk samples from milk cylinder and transport vehicles of 17 milk stations in Bazhou of Xinjiang was detected by enzyme linked immune method (SNAP). [Result] The detection results of melamine content in 60 fresh milk samples were negative. [ Conclusion ] The content of melamine in raw milk samples in milk cylinder and transport vehicles of 17 milk stations in Bazhou of Xinjiang and the results showed negative. 60 milk samples were detected and 60 samples were eligible, so the eligible rate reached 100%.
