畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 73-73.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2017.04.024

• 药物科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 吉林省农安县万顺乡畜牧兽医站,吉林农安130299
  • 出版日期:2017-04-20 发布日期:2017-04-20
  • 通讯作者: 赵天国
  • 作者简介:赵天国(1962-),男,助理兽医师,主要从事动物防疫工作。

Sedative and Hypnotic Effect of Pachyman on Mice

ZHAO Tian-guo (Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Working Station of Wanshun Town of Nong'an County of Jilin Province ,Nong'an 130299, China)   

  • Online:2017-04-20 Published:2017-04-20

摘要: [目的]观察茯苓多糖对小鼠的镇静、催眠作用。[方法]试验设空白对照组[0.2 m L/(10 g·BW·d)生理盐水灌胃]、阳性对照组[0.26 mg/(kg·BW·d)安定灌胃]、茯苓多糖低剂量组[1.90 g/(kg·BW·d)茯苓多糖灌胃]、茯苓多糖中剂量组[3.61 g/(kg·BW·d)茯苓多糖灌胃]和茯苓多糖高剂量组[5.80 g/(kg·BW·d)茯苓多糖灌胃]5个组别,对小鼠进行抗惊厥试验以及协同戊巴比妥作用试验,观察茯苓多糖对小鼠的镇静、催眠作用。[结果]高剂量[5.80 g/(kg·BW·d)]的茯苓多糖有一定抗惊厥作用,抗惊厥率是60.00%,而且能协同戊巴比妥增加小鼠的入睡时间,使小鼠睡眠持续时间增加至73.2 min左右;中剂量[3.61g/(kg·BW·d)]茯苓多糖的抗惊厥率是20.00%,协同戊巴比妥作用后使小鼠睡眠持续时间增加至63.2min左右;低剂量[1.90 g/(kg·BW·d]的茯苓多糖抗惊厥率是16.50%,协同戊巴比妥作用后使小鼠睡眠持续时间增加至55.7 min左右。空白对照组与阳性对照组的抗惊厥率、小鼠睡眠持续时间分别为0、80.00%和48.1、95.3 min左右。[结论]茯苓多糖有一定的镇静、催眠作用,且随剂量的升高其镇静和催眠作用均有增强趋势。

Abstract: [ Objective ]The aim of the present study was to assess the sedative and hypnotic effect of pachyman on mice. [ Methods ] The anticonvulsant effect of pachyman on mice was evaluated and its synergistic effect with pentobarbital was assessed. Five groups were included in this study. The blank control group, positive control group, and low-, middle-, high-dose group of pachyman were intragastricly administrated with 0.2 mL/( 10 g. BW-d) of normal saline, 0.26 mg/(kg. BW. d) of diazepam, and 1.90 g/(kg ·BW ·d), 3.61 g/(kg ·BW ·d), 5.80 g/(kg ·BW ·d) of pachyman. [Results] High dose of pachyman exhibited anticonvulsant effect on mice with anticonvulsant efficiency of 60.00%, and the sleep duration of mice in high-dose group was increased to around 73.2 min under the synergy of pachyman and pentobarbital; the anticonvulsant efficiency of middle-dose and low-dose group of pachyman was 20.00% and 16.50%, respectively, and the sleep duration of mice in middle-dose group and low-dose group was increased to around 63.2 min and 55.7 min under the synergy of pachyman and pentobarbital, respectively. The antieonvulsant efficiency and sleep duration of mice in blank control group and positive control group was 0, 80.00% and around 48.1 min, 95.3 min respectively. [ Conclusion ] Pachyman has a dose-dependent sedative and hypnotic effect on mice.
