畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 48-48.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2017.06.016

• 草业科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. [1]乌鲁木齐市气象局,新疆乌鲁木齐830002 [2]中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830002
  • 出版日期:2017-06-20 发布日期:2017-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 买买提·阿布来提
  • 作者简介:买买提·阿布来提(1977-),男,高级工程师,主要从事应用气象与草原生态研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Correlation between Growth and Development of Natural Herbage and Meteorological Condition on the Northern Slope of Central Tianshan Mountains

Maimaiti · Abulaiti1, ZHAO Ling2, Abudushalamu1, CHEN Liang1, Shabiti1, FENG Li-ye1, Puzongchao1, GE Yi- cheng1, Habula1, GENG Yan1, Wahati1, WANG Ke1, LI Chun-yu1 (1.Urumqi Meteorological Bureau,Urumqi 830002,China;2.Institute of Desert Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Urnmqi 830002,China)   

  • Online:2017-06-20 Published:2017-06-20

摘要: 利用2004—2015年新疆乌鲁木齐市牧业气象试验站收集的天山北坡中山带天然牧草生长发育期与产量数据和气温、积温、降水量、日照时数等气象数据,研究气象条件对该地区天然牧草的生长发育以及产量的影响。结果表明,不同类别的天然牧草在春季返青期对于温度的需求存在差异,喜凉牧草为-0.3~1.1℃,喜温牧草为3.5~9.5℃;牧草黄枯期出现的时间点和日平均气温在5℃左右的时间点相一致,后者对前者具有预测意义;不同种类牧草在不同生育期所需的积温存在差异;禾本科牧草的返青期与黄枯期的间隔时间平均为160 d左右,豆科牧草仅有140 d左右,5种牧草最长和最短的间隔时间相差18 d;降水量和气温对牧草产量存在较大影响,在成熟之前,牧草产量随着降水量与气温的增减而增减;与鲜草重相比,干草重与气象要素的相关系数更大,利用积温、降水量、日照时数对牧草干草重进行估算较为准确;在各种气象要素与牧草产量的相关系数中,降水量最大,其次为积温,日照时数最小;年降水量和降水量的季节分配对天山北坡中山地段的天然草地牧草产量有影响,6月和7月的降水量尤其关键,决定了当年牧草产量的多少。天山北坡中山地段的气象条件对该地区天然牧草的生长发育期有一定影响,相关气象条件对天然牧草的产量具有一定的预测意义。

Abstract: Based on the data of growth and development period and yield of natural herbage on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains and the data of atmospheric temperature, accumulated temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours collected by Urnmqi Animal Husbandry Meteorological Observation Station of Xinjiang from :2004-2015, the impact of meteorological condition on growth, development and yield of natural herbage in this region was assessed. The results showed that there were differences in temperature requirement during the returning green period in spring between different species of natural herbage, the temperature requirement of eryophilic herbage ranged from -0.3 ℃ to 1.1 ℃ and that of thermophilie herbage ranged from 3.5 ℃ to 9.5℃;the time point when the withering period of herbage presented was in accord with that when the daily average atmospheric temperature reached around 5℃, indicating that the latter had predictive significance for the former; differences in accumulated temperature requirement in different growth periods between varied species of natural herbage were also observed; the average time interval between returning green period and withering period of gramineous herbage was about 160 days and that of leguminous herbage was about 140 days, the longest average time interval was 18 days hmger than the shortest one in the five species of natural herbage; the yield of herbage was largely impacted by precipitation and atmospheric temperature and it had identical changing rule with precipitation and atmospheric temperature before maturation; compared to fresh weight, the dry weight of herbage had higher correlation coefficient with meteorological factors, indicating that the estimative calculation of dry weight of herbage with accumulated temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours was more appropriate; in the correlation coefficients between herbage yield and different meteorological tactors, the highest one was observed in precipitation followed by accumulated temperature, and the lowest one was found in sunshine hours; annual precipitation and seasonal distribution of precipitation had impact on yield of natural herbage on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, especially the annual yield of natural herbage depended on the precipitation in June and July. The combined data suggest that the meteorological condition on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains has impact on growth and development period of natural herbage in this region, and selected meteorological factors has predictive significance for the yield of natural herbage.
