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Comparison on the Three Methods of Extracting Total Flavone from Stellera chamaejasme
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (1): 39-39.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.021
Abstract66)      PDF(pc) (303KB)(83)       Save
The optimum method of extracting total flavone from Stellera chamaejasme was confirmed through comparing the contents of total flavone extracted by different extraction methods. In the experiment, the total flavone in S. chamaejasme was extracted by soxhlet extraction, ultrasonic extraction and polyamide resin column chromatography and the contents of total flavone in the extracts were determined by spectrophotometer. The results showed that the content of total flavone in the extracts extracted by soxhlet extraction from S. chamaejasme was 19,20 %, that by ultrasonic extraction was 23.39 % and that hy polyamide resin column chromatography was 24.18 %. The ultrasonic extraction was the optimum method for extracting total flavone from S. chamaejasme and the content of total flavone in the extracts extracted by polyamide resin column chromatography was highest.
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Cited: Baidu(43)
Optimization of Extraction Technology of Astragalus Polysaccharide by Orthogonal Design
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2018, 39 (1): 1-1.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.01.001
Abstract173)      PDF(pc) (194KB)(81)       Save
[objective]To optimize the extraction technology of Astragalus polysaccharide. [Methods]The solid to liquid ratio,extraction duration, extraction times, and immersion duration were chosen as the experimental factors in Astragalus polysaccharide extraction, and there were three levels for each of the factor. The water reflux extraction technology of Astragalus polysaccharide was optimized by L_9(3~4) orthogonal test using Astragalus polysaccharide content as assessing index. [Results]The optimum extraction conditions were as followed: solid to liquid ratio was 1∶12, extraction duration was 1.0 h, extraction repeated 3 times, and immersion duration was 1.0 h. Under these conditions, the obtained Astragalus polysaccharide content accounted for 6.4% and 58.23% of the raw medicinal materials and crude polysaccharide, respectively. [Conclusion]The optimized extraction technology of Astragalus polysaccharide is simple and quick to operate and has good repeatability and stabilization.
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Cited: Baidu(20)
Effects of Zymosan on Production Performance and Immunity in Hens
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (3): 88-88.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.03.049
Abstract78)      PDF(pc) (290KB)(56)       Save
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of zymosan at different supplement dosages on production performance and immunity of hens. A total of 288 Liangfeng breeding hens at 45 weeks old were selected and assigned randomly into four treatment groups, three repeats in each group, 24 chicks in each repeat. The chicks in the group I , II, III and IV were fed with basal diet (Control), basal diet supplemented zymosan at a level of 0.15%, basal diet supplemented zymosan at a level of 0.20%, and basal diet supplemented zymosan at a level of 0.25%. Prior the trial, the chicks had no significant different performance between groups. The prefeeding period was 1 week, and the experimental period was 7 weeks. The results showed that zymosan at different supplement dosages had significant effects on production performance and immunity of hens. When the zymosan was supplemented to the diets at a level of 0.15%,the laying rate, the fertility rate, hatchability, and level of IL-2 were increased by 4.56%, 3.27%, 7.45% and 7.54%, respectively. When the zymosan was supplemented to the diets at a level of 0.20%, the laying rate,the fertility rate, hatchability, level of IL-2 and level of IFN-γ were increased by 9.16%, 4.22%, 5.69%, 9.17% and 11.82%, respectively. Therefore, the optimal level of zymosan in hen diet is 0.20%.
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Cited: Baidu(10)
Study on Microencapsulation of Clostridium butyricum
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (4): 13-13.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.04.006
Abstract50)      PDF(pc) (464KB)(54)       Save
[Objective] To improve the effect of microencapsulated Clostridium butyricum used as feed additives. [Method] Orthogonal test was used for experimental design. The Clostridium butyricum was microencapsulated with mixture of sodium alginate, gelatin and starch at different concentrations. Biocompatibility, capacity, stability and proliferation of Clostridium butyricum in different microcapsules were studied. The microcapsules in gastro-intestinal fluid were used for artificial gastric juice test and artificial intestinal juice test. High temperature test and bile salt test were also conducted. [Result] The wall material and Clostridium butyricum had good biocompatibility. The Clostridium butyricum proliferated well in the microcapsules, and concentration of live bacteria was increased from 1.3×108 CFU/mL to 1.3×1010 CFU/mL within medium 3 (embedding rate, 83.4%) and from 3.3×108 CFU/mL to 4.9×109 CFU/mL within medium 4 (embedding rate, 99.5%). The embedding medium 4 was the best, and its microcapsules had good stability and strong heat resistance. After these microcapsules were treated in artificial gastric juice for 2 h, transmission rate was 99.5%. However, after further treatment in artificial intestinal juice for 2 h, the transmission rate declined to 29.7%, which shows good enteric solubility. The logarithm of Clostridium butyricum in microcapsules was reduced by 1.1% in artificial gastric juice and 1.5% in artificial intestinal juice. The bacteria concentration after the trial was not significantly different from that before the trial. The acid tolerance and bile salt tolerance were increased significantly, compared with the control group. [Conclusion] Microencapsulation increases survival rate of Clostridium butyricum and has good effect on proliferation and stability.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
CNCPS Research Review——Ruminal Fermentation
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (5): 31-31.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.05.012
Abstract98)      PDF(pc) (373KB)(117)       Save
Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System(CNCPS) is a set of new technology system that combines the latest research achievements and theories about the ruminal fermentation with the computer technology.And it showed a good practicability and superiority in the production.The researches on rumen micro-ecosystem,microorganisms,microorganism composition,ruminal fermentation,ruminal bypass,nitrogen loss and nitrogen cycle were expounded.From the former researches of CNCPS,the basic frame of the system was revealed,so as to provide reference for deeply understanding and applying CNCPS.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Determination of Blood Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Red Porgy
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (5): 62-62.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.05.032
Abstract80)      PDF(pc) (280KB)(61)       Save
The physiological indexes and biochemical indexes of were determined and analyzed statistically.These blood indexes of red porgy are as following: erythrocyte count,(223.25 ±14.89) thousand cells/mm3;leukocyte count,(4.55 ±0.60) thousand cells/mm3;hemoglobin content,(65.75±6.85) g/L;activity of acid phosphatase,(2.58±0.45) U/L;activity of alkaline phosphatase,(42.97±4.17) U/L;activity of lactate dehydrogenase,(205.28±14.82) U/L;albumin content,(31.73±3.53) g/L;total protein content,(63.10±3.74) g/L;total cholesterol content,(4.11±0.57) mmol/L;and triglyceride content,(1.10±0.22) mmol/L.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Production and Development Prospects of Single Cell Protein and Bacteria Protein Feed
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (11): 44-44.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.11.022
Abstract140)      PDF(pc) (310KB)(274)       Save
In order to provide a reference for use of single cell protein and bacteria protein feed,this paper expounds the basic concepts,characteristics,production process and safety of single cell protein feed and also points out its significance and development prospects.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Development of Diagnostic Method of Canine Distemper
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (10): 67-67.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.10.030
Abstract149)      PDF(pc) (295KB)(32)       Save
The development of diagnostic method of canine distemper(CD ) in cell biology and molecular biology was summarized in this paper. In the cell biology aspect, the diagnosis of CD was mainly depended on virus isolation and culture,artificial replication experiment, election microscope examination, inclusion body examination, specific antigen and antibody examination and so on. Along with the development of molecular biology, nucleic acid hybridization and RT-PCR diagnosis of canine distemper virus (CDV) have been established. These methods in sensitivity and specificity were higher compared with the traditional methods, especially in the earlier period of CDV infection when the animal body can't develop an immune response.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Experiment on the Effect of Feeding Broiler Banana Peel Feed Additive
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (2): 25-25.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.02.013
Abstract367)      PDF(pc) (283KB)(52)       Save
Eighty 2 days old healthy broiler chicks with clean and glossy clothing hair and uniform body weight were chosen and divided into 4 groups randomly,which were experimental groups (Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ) and control group(Ⅳ),20 broiler chicks for each group. When the rest conditions were completely same,the chicks in experimental group Ⅰ,Ⅱand Ⅲ were fed with diet containing 5%,10% and 15% dry powder of banana peel resp. and their feeding effects were observed. The results showed that adding 10% dry powder of banana peelinto dietcoul dsigni ficantly enhance the in dices such as daily weight gain,feed in take,feed conversion rateands laughter rate of broiler.
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Cited: Baidu(6)
Exploration and Practice on Comprehensive Experiments Teaching of Animal Microbiology
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (9): 126-126.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.09.060
Abstract61)      PDF(pc) (211KB)(18)       Save
In the article,comprehensive experiments teaching of Animal Microbiology on contents,time and teaching measures were explored. The practice showed that experimental skill for student to master it was improved and cultured overall.
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Cited: Baidu(6)
Application of Multimedia Courseware in The Teaching of Histology and Embryology of Domestic Animal
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (6): 134-134.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.06.076
Abstract70)      PDF(pc) (199KB)(54)       Save
Combined with application of multimedia course-ware in the teaching process of Histology and embryology of domestic animal, its advantages were analysed and the existed problems were also discussed, meanwhile some suggestions were put forward in order to abtain the desired result.
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Cited: Baidu(5)
Design of A Informationization System for Daily Production Management of Middle and Small Scale Pig Farms
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (9): 120-120.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.09.056
Abstract60)      PDF(pc) (289KB)(34)       Save
According to the feature of half-artificial and halfmechanization in daily production in middle and small scale pig farms,CAN bus communication is designed to monitor manual cleaning pigsty and ambient temperature,and PLC′s host computer protocol communication is used to monitor the existing feeding device. The basic demand of daily production management informationization is achieved with low cost. Management efficiency is improved and production cost is saved.
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Cited: Baidu(4)
Effect of Apple Pomace on Growth of Rex Rabbits
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (11): 48-48.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.11.024
Abstract85)      PDF(pc) (192KB)(40)       Save
In order to investigate the effect of apple pomace on growth of Rex rabbits,60 healthy Rex rabbits at the age of 35 days old weighing(834.00±16.52) g were randomly divided into three groups,experimental group Ⅰ,Ⅱ and control group.The rabbits in the control group were fed with basal diet.Those in the group Ⅰ were fed with basal diet added dry pomace at a proportion of 10%.Those in the group Ⅱ were fed with basal diet added dry pomace at a proportion of 20%.The feeding trial was finished within 60 d.The results showed that the weight gain of the control group,experimental group Ⅰ and experimental group Ⅱ was 1 550,2 416 and 2 149 g,respectively.The weight gain of the group Ⅰ was 866 g higher than that of the control group and 267 g higher than that of the experimental group Ⅱ.The daily weight gain of the of the group Ⅰ was 16 g higher than that of the control group and 5 g higher than that of the experimental group Ⅱ(P0.01).The consumption of concentrate of the group Ⅰ was 878 g lower than that of the control group and 665 g lower than that of the experimental group Ⅱ(P0.05).The feed conservation ratio of the group Ⅰ lower than that of the control group and experimental group Ⅱ(P0.05).Therefore,addition of dry apple pomace at a proportion of 10% was the best for the growth of weaned rabbits.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
The Research on Remove Algae Smell of Spiral Algae
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (4): 78-78.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.04.041
Abstract282)      PDF(pc) (212KB)(68)       Save
The effect of removing algae smell in spiral algae through enzymolysis,fermentation and covering and so on was introduced and compared with in this paper, in order to understanding the research develpoment of remove alage smell at present.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Production Technique and Application of The Microbial Feed Additive in The Feeds
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (2): 60-60.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.02.022
Abstract66)      PDF(pc) (430KB)(33)       Save
Diarrhea,one of the serious illnesses affecting the growth and development of domestic animals in the scale animal and poultry cultivation,hinders the development of the raising industry.Diarrhea has been become the main causes to death and growth retardation of animal,specially to young livestock,such as piglets and chicken.Nowadays,the addition of antibiotics,hormones and the synthesized chemical drugs often used to prevent or treat it,thus it lead to drug resistance and drug residue.Therefore,fermentation products added in the feeds include probiotics,vitamins,amino acids,enzymes and so on get rapid development.In the article,the application of microbial feed additive and its production technique was reviewed.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
A Brief Discussion on The Grassland Agro-system
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (4): 169-169.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.04.088
Abstract72)      PDF(pc) (288KB)(164)       Save
Grassland agro-system is able to meet the needs of a modern food structure and achieves sustainable development of ecology and production.It contains four production levels,that is,pre-plant production level,plant production level,animal production level and ultra-biotic production level.It has such characteristics as complexity,hierarchy,relativity and openness.In addition,grassland agro-system has various technical measures.The three major technical measures are planter structure optimization technology,artificial lawn construction technology and natural prairie utilization technology.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Research Progress on Xylo-oligosaccharide
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2012, 33 (5): 30-30.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2012.05.014
Abstract120)      PDF(pc) (472KB)(111)       Save
Xylo-oligosaccharide is a kind of newly functional oligosaccharide. It has many functional characteristics. The structure, physiochemical properties, physiological function, preparation method and application of xylo-oligosaccharide were discussed, and the prospect of xylo-oligosaecharide was proposed.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Dynamics and Histological Observation of Splenic Growth Index of AA Broiler
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (1): 21-21.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.012
Abstract80)      PDF(pc) (277KB)(106)       Save
In order to further know about the dynamic change and histological structure of splenic growth index of AA broiler, the weight and spleen index of AA broiler spleen were detected and the the size of spleen nodule, thickness of periarterial lymphatic sheath and size of central artery were observed by H· E staining and light microscopic by the writer. The results showed that during the whole experimental period, the spleen weight was always rising, and spleen index was crenellatedly increased and reached to the maximum when they were 49 days old, which indicated the immune function of spleen was best when they were 49 days old; the diameter of spleen nodule was largest when they were 14 days old, and the body fluid immune function of spleen was strongest at this time; the periarterial lymphatic sheath was thickest when they were 3 days old, and the cellular immunity of spleen was strongest at this time.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Comparative Analysis of the Main Production Performance between Chinese and Mongolian Cashmere Goat
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2016, 37 (2): 19-19.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2016.02.007
Abstract74)      PDF(pc) (300KB)(52)       Save
In order to compare the differences of main production performance between Inner Mongolia Erlangshan cashmere goat and Mongolia Brown cashmere goat, sixty cashmere goats for each variety were selected and their main production performance were determined and statistically analyzed. The results revealed that the body slanting length, chest circumference and cashmere yield of Erlangshan cashmere goat were very significantly higher than those of Mongolia Brown cashmere goat(P〈0.01), and the cashmere fibre diameter and body weight of Erlangshan cashmere goat were significantly higher than those of Mongolia Brown cashmere goat(P〈0.05); there were very significant correlation between height at withers, body slanting length, chest circumference and body weight in both varieties(P〈0.01), and the highest correlation value was observed in chest circumference;while there was a positive correlation between cashmere fibre diameter and cashmere yield in both varieties, no statistical significances were observed(P〈0.05); very significant correlation between cashmere fibre length and cashmere yield in Erlangshan cashmere goat was found(P〈0.01); there was a negative correlation between height at withers, body slanting length and cashmere fibre length in both varieties; a negative correlation between chest circumference and cashmere fibre length in Mongolia Brown cashmere goat was also observed. It was demonstrated that the comprehensive production performance of Inner Mongolia Erlangshan cashmere goat is superior to that of Mongolia Brown cashmere goat.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Exploration and Analysis on Practice Teaching Reform of Animal Production Science in Local Colleges
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2013, 34 (6): 63-63.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.06.028
Abstract55)      PDF(pc) (266KB)(46)       Save
The problems of Animal Production practice teaching were analyzed according to current situation of Animal Production practice teaching in local colleges, and the thinking of practice teaching reform of Animal Production science in local colleges was put forward, that was the experimental class was optimized and integrated. School-enterprise cooperation mode of education were constructed, while animal breeding enterprises as a base, for practice on animal production. Practice teaching evaluation system was reformed. After those, teaching effectiveness of the practice of animal production science was improved.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Application Status of Tomato Peels in Feed Industry
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2013, 34 (2): 24-24.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.02.010
Abstract89)      PDF(pc) (258KB)(98)       Save
China is the one of three main planting areas of tomato in the world,and it has been the important production country and exporting country of tomato products,and the tomato peels are very rich in China.Effectively strengthening the comprehensive use of tomato peels in feed industry can not only improve the economic benefits of the tomato industry,but also enrich the feed variety resources,and it is beneficial to the sustainable development of animal husbandry.In order to provide reference for the rational and effective use of tomato resources,the characteristics of tomato peels were reviewed;the model of tomato skin single storage and the model of mixed silage to tomato peels,alfalfa and corn stalk were discussed;the comprehensive application status of tomato skin in feed industry was introduced.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Effects of Light Intensity on Feather Pecking and Other Behaviors of Laying Hens in Brooding Period
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2012, 33 (5): 116-116.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2012.05.058
Abstract103)      PDF(pc) (269KB)(50)       Save
From the 4th week to the 6th week, 320 Hailan layers were divided into groups at four levels randomly. Each group contained 16 replicates, and each replicate contained five layers. All layers were kept in pens with four different light intensity of 5, 10, 15 and 20lx, and then the feather pecking, feeding groveling, preening, foraging, drinking, standing and walking of them were observed. Results showed that light intensity had significant effects on the feather pecking of laying hens in brooding period; the occurrence of feather pecking, preening, foraging, drinking, standing and walking increased with the increase of light intensity, while the occurrence of feeding and groveling decreased.
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Cited: Baidu(2)
Effects of Compound Probiotics and Feed Antibiotics on the Serum Biochemical Indices and Intestinal Enzyme Activity of Broilers
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2012, 33 (3): 15-15.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2012.03.006
Abstract61)      PDF(pc) (345KB)(25)       Save
The effects of adding compound micro-ecological preparation and feed antibiotics on the serum biochemical indices and intestinal enzyme activity of broilers were studied. Five hundred one-day-old female AA broiler chicken were randomly divided into five groups with 4 repetitions in each group and 25 chickens per repetition. The pre-trail period of the experiment was 7 days. The chicken in the control group(groupⅠ)were only fed with the basal diet(no antibiotics),chicken in groupⅤwas fed with antibiotics and chicken in group Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ were fed with feeding the diet with adding 1.0‰,2.0‰ and 4.0‰ micro-ecological preparation. The test period lasted for 35 days. The results showed that the content of serum total protein in group Ⅲ in each test stages was significantly higher than that in control group and antibiotics group(P0.05), except 42-day-old. Except 14- day-old, the content of serum urea nitrogen in group Ⅲ of broilers was significantly lower than that in control group and antibiotics group (P0.05). In all test stages, the activity of protease in ileum contents in group Ⅲ was significantly higher than that in control group and antibiotics group (P0.05). And the activity of protease in jejunum contents in group Ⅲ was significantly higher than that in control group and antibiotics group (P0.05), except 14-day-old. Except 14-day-old, the activity of amylase in ileum and jejunum contents in group Ⅲ was significantly higher than that in control group and antibiotics group(P0.05). Therefore, 2.0‰ compound micro-ecological preparation could significantly increase the level of total protein in the serum of broilers, enhance the activities of protease and amylase in ileum and jejunum contents and decrease the content of serum urea nitrogen of broilers to some degree.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Effects of Top Clearance of Aseptic Brick on Liquid Milk Product
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2012, 33 (1): 14-14.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2012.01.007
Abstract66)      PDF(pc) (173KB)(38)       Save
Effects of different top clearances of aseptic brick on some qualities of liquid milk product were studied. Results showed that two kinds of top clearances of aseptic brick had different effects on trace elements and sensory of liquid milk product.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Effects of Micro-ecological Agent Feed on the Reproductive Performance of Northern Shaanxi White Cashmere Goat
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (7): 33-33.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.07.018
Abstract57)      PDF(pc) (270KB)(30)       Save
In order to study the effects of micro-ecological agent EM on the reproductive performance of Northern Shaanxi white cashmere goat,160 healthy 3.5-year-old ewes were divided into two groups,furthermore there was no significant difference in body weight of the two groups(P0.05) ,among them the tested group was fed with crushed dry corn straws which had been fermented by EM fluid,and the control was just fed with crushed dry corn straws without any treatment. Otherwise,all the basal diet was provided by Dingbian Sheep Farm of Shaanxi Province. After six months,oestrus rates of tested group and control group were 93.75% and 87.50%,respectively. Conception rates of tested group and control group were respectively 90.00% and 81.25%,among them the conception rate of tested group was 9.75% more than control. Lambing rates of tested group and control group were respectively 129.16% and 121.54%,while double-lamb rates were 21.51% and 17.72%,and the tested group was 14 lambs more than control. 92 lambs survived in the tested group,while 76 lambs survived in the control group,so the survival rate of tested group was 3.92% more than control,furthermore there was very significant difference in above indexes between tested group and control group(P0.01) . It is concluded that the oestrus rate,conception rate,lambing rate and survival rate of ewes could be improved obviously after they are fed with dry corn straws which had been fermented by EM fluid.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Investigation of Dairy Cattle Miscarriage Reason and Morbidity Rule in Huhhot
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2009, 30 (1): 157-157.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.084
Abstract92)      PDF(pc) (167KB)(161)       Save
This experiment altogether investigated 8 dairy farms in 2006-2008 years dairy cattle's miscarriage situation at Huhhot. The result indicated that the Huhhot area's dairy cattle rate of abortion is 7.87 % equally, reaches 11.49 % high, and with the month, the birth rank as weil as the pregnancy number Of days, whether there is to miscarry history, artificial insemination number of times factor related and so on.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Reform and Practice of Specialty Curriculum of Prologue and Veterinary Base on Testing of Hubei Food and Oil Class
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (1): 60-60.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.01.029
Abstract63)      PDF(pc) (268KB)(32)       Save
To adapt the cultivation model of talented man for specialty of curriculum of prologue and veterinary and the feature of vocational education and the improvement of the quality of graduate, the teaching content was reformed and developed with the integration of arrangements, modularization, optimization, melting, skill and overall cultivation for vocation. Based on the above mentioned, the direction and practicality and actual effect on vocation education were reviewed.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Study Advances on the Application of β-mannanase in Poultry Feed
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (5): 28-28.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.05.011
Abstract52)      PDF(pc) (285KB)(93)       Save
β-mannanase is one kind of new feed additives.Adding β-mannanase can promote the multiplication of intestinal beneficial bacteria in animals,suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria,maintain the ecological equilibrium of intestinal microorganisms,enhance the immunity and the disease resistance of animal organism,increase the digestibility of mannan in feed by poultry,decrease the chyme viscosity in the alimentary tract of poultry,enhance the digestion and absorption of nutrients in intestinal tract and reduce the environmental pollution by poultry excreta.The research progresses on β-mannanase for forage were expounded from three aspects of the source and mechanism of β-mannanase and its application in poultry feed.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Construction of Mathematical Model of Sales Opportunity of Haimen Goats
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2011, 32 (4): 11-11.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.04.005
Abstract50)      PDF(pc) (204KB)(21)       Save
Bringing science and technology to the countryside and serving agriculture should be combined. Using living examples, mathematical model was constructed to investigate sales opportunity of Haimen goats, which can protect breeding enthusiasm of farmers and produce high sales gains.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Effect of FUT1 Gene on Litter Size of Sows with Hybridization between Yorkshire and Landrace
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (10): 111-111.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.10.058
Abstract96)      PDF(pc) (182KB)(67)       Save
The FUT1 Genotypes of 118 sows with hybridization between yorkshire and landrace were detected by using PCR-RFLP,and the correlation to reproductive traits were analysized.The frequency of AA,AG,GG genotype in FUT1was 0.11,0.37,0.52,respectively,there is no significant difference in litter size and the number of live birth among the three genetype(P 〉0.05).
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Effects of Selenium on Production and Reproduction Performance of Animals
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (8): 25-25.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.08.014
Abstract210)      PDF(pc) (265KB)(40)       Save
Selenium as one of the most important biotic elements in environment has a great impact on animal's growth and development and human's health.Many producers pay much attention to the effects of selenium on production and reproduction performance of animals.In order to provide a reference for practice,the paper introduces absorption,utilization and excretion of selenium in vivo,its main biological role,and its effects on production and reproduction performance of animals.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Environmental Pollution Caused by Livestock Wastes and Control Measures
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science    2010, 31 (3): 109-109.   DOI: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.03.048
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The paper describes current environmental pollution caused by livestock wastes and discusses its relationship with sustainable development of animal husbandry.On this basis,from the point of view of recycling economy,the paper proposes that livestock wastes should be changed into resources,reduced and treated innocently to a maximum extent,and energy environmental protection project should be undertaken positively.Measures for preventing and controlling pollution were also suggested in order to protect and improve ecological environment and achieve coordinated development between animal husbandry and ecological environment.
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