北方农业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 1-18.doi: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2024.03.01

• 作物栽培•种质资源 •    下一篇


郝琪1, 梁红伟2, 王永强1, 王富贵1, 陈天陆1, 王振1, 白岚方1, 王志刚1   

  1. 1.内蒙古农业大学 农学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019;
    2.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-27 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-09-13
  • 通讯作者: 王志刚(1983—),男,教授,博士,主要从事寒旱区作物栽培生理生态的研究工作。
  • 作者简介:郝琪(1998—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为寒旱区作物栽培生理生态。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(32160507); 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项(2021ZD0003); 内蒙古自治区“科技兴蒙”行动重点专项(NMKJXM202111)

Nitrogen nutrition diagnosis of maize under drip irrigation in Tumochuan plain of Inner Mongolia based on critical nitrogen concentration dilution curve

HAO Qi1, LIANG Hongwei2, WANG Yongqiang1, WANG Fugui1, CHEN Tianlu1, WANG Zhen1, BAI Lanfang1, WANG Zhigang1   

  1. 1. College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,China;
    2. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China
  • Received:2024-03-27 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-09-13

摘要: 【目的】明确氮肥运筹对内蒙古土默川平原滴灌玉米产量和氮素利用效率的影响,探讨以氮营养指数为监测指标诊断土默川平原滴灌水肥一体化玉米氮营养状况的可行性。【方法】检测2022—2023年内蒙古包头市土默特右旗、呼和浩特市土默特左旗两试验地中3个施氮量(0、270、360 kg/hm2)和全生育期3次、5次施氮下玉米氮营养含量,采用方差分析和统计建模的方法,研究玉米的产量和氮素利用效率,分析各时期玉米冠层氮浓度和地上部生物量的变化规律并构建玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。【结果】增加施氮量和施氮次数能显著提高玉米穗数、穗粒数和千粒重进而提高产量,增加施氮次数能显著提高玉米氮素利用效率(P<0.05);施氮量从270 kg/hm2增加至360 kg/hm2,年平均产量提高5.79%;施氮次数从3次增加至5次,年平均产量和年平均氮素利用效率分别提高3.15%、22.25%。土默川平原滴灌玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型为Nc=3.36W-0.22,R2=0.94,P<0.05,验证精度RMSE、NRMSE和MAE分别为0.40%、11.50%和0.20%,模型稳定性较好。通过模型计算,施氮量270 kg/hm2时,对应适宜施氮次数为5次,分别在4叶展期、8叶展期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期和乳熟期以15∶25∶35∶15∶10的比例追施氮肥,玉米产量最优,为14.09 t/hm2;玉米拔节期、9叶展期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期和乳熟期需氮量范围分别为-3.42~15.29、-16.80~22.90、-26.86~62.32、-54.65~85.14和-48.18~111.80 kg/hm2。【结论】适当增加施氮量和施氮次数能显著提高内蒙古土默川平原滴灌玉米产量和氮素利用效率,玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型可以有效识别内蒙古土默川平原玉米拔节期到乳熟期植株氮营养状况,通过该模型还可以计算、推荐合适的施肥量,能够实现玉米生长的按需作业。

关键词: 土默川平原, 滴灌玉米, 临界氮浓度稀释曲线, 氮营养指数, 需氮量

Abstract: 【Objective】To clarify the effects of nitrogen fertilization operation on maize yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency under drip irrigation in Tumochuan plain of Inner Mongolia,and explore the feasibility of using the nitrogen nutrient index as monitoring index to diagnose the nitrogen nutrient status of maize under drip irrigation with water and fertilization integration in Tumochuan plain.【Methods】The nitrogen nutrient content of mazie under 3 nitrogen fertilization rates(0,270,360 kg/hm2)and 3 and 5 nitrogen fertilization rates during the whole growth period were tested in Tumed Right Banner of Baotou City and Tumed Left Banner of Hohhot City in Inner Mongolia from 2022 to 2023. The yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of maize were studied by using variance analysis and statistical modeling. The changes of canopy nitrogen concentration and aboveground biomass were analyzed and construct a critical nitrogen concentration dilution curve model.【Results】Increasing the rate and times of nitrogen application could significantly increase ear number,grain number per ear and 1 000-grain weight of maize,thus increasing yield. In addition,increasing nitrogen application times could significantly improve nitrogen utilization efficiency of maize(P<0.05). Nitrogen application rate increased from 270 kg/hm2 to 360 kg/hm2,and the average annual yield increased by 5.79%. Nitrogen application times increased from 3 times to 5 times,and the average annual yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency increased by 3.15% and 22.25%,respectively. The critical nitrogen concentration dilution curve of maize for drip irrigation in Tumochuan plain is Nc=3.36W-0.22,R2=0.94,P<0.05,and the validation accuracy RMSE,NRMSE and MAE were 0.40%,11.50% and 0.20%,respectively. The stability of the model was good.According to the model calculation,when the nitrogen application rate was 270 kg/hm2,the corresponding suitable nitrogen application times were 5 times,and the ratio of 15∶25∶35∶15∶10 was applied at 4 leaf extension stage,8 leaf extension stage,12 leaf extension stage,silking stage and milking stage,respectively,the mazie yield was the best,was 14.09 t/hm2. In this area,the nitrogen fertilization requirements at jointing stage,9 leaf extension stage,12 leaf extension stage,silking stage and milking stage were -3.42 to 15.29,-16.80 to 22.90,-26.86 to 62.32 and -54.65 to 85.14 and -48.18 to 111.80 kg/hm2.【Conclusion】Appropriate increase of nitrogen application rate and nitrogen application times can significantly improve maize yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency in Tumochuan plain of Inner Mongolia. The critical nitrogen concentration dilution curve model of maize under drip irrigation in Tumochuan plain of Inner Mongolia can effectively identify the nitrogen nutrient status of maize plants from the jointing stage to the milking stage and calculate and recommend the appropriate fertilization application rate,so as to realize the on-demand operation of maize growth.

Key words: Tumochuan plain, Maize under drip irrigation, Critical nitrogen concentration dilution curves, Nitrogen nutrient index, Nitrogen requirement


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