北方农业学报 ›› 2009, Vol. ›› Issue (3): 70-70.

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程晓福 殷小慧 高睿 石仲选   

  1. 宁夏六盘山国家级自然保护区管理局,宁夏固原756401
  • 出版日期:2009-06-20 发布日期:2009-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 程晓福
  • 基金资助:

Winter Habitat Selection of Ring-necked Pheasant in Liupan Mountain

CHENG Xiao-fu (Liupan Mountain National Nature Reserve Bureau,Guoyuan 756401,China)   

  • Online:2009-06-20 Published:2009-06-20

摘要: 2008年1-4月,在六盘山国家自然保护区采用样带法对环颈雉(Phasianus colchicus)的栖息地选择进行研究.共测定20条样带上的91个环颈雉栖息地利用样方的19个生态因子。对六盘山保护区环颈雉越冬期对栖息地选择相关性因子进行频率统计和主成分分析。结果表明:环颈雉喜好栖息于乔木种类单一、乔木数量较少或无乔木生境中。环颈雉偏好利用沙棘占优势的灌丛或混合灌丛。喜好栖息于灌木数量较多、灌木基径较小、灌木高度较低灌丛地带。草本覆盖度高低也是环颈雉越冬期对栖息地选择的一个主要影响因子.环颈雉偏好利用草本覆盖度高的生境。偏好利用坡度较小、向阳坡和半阳坡,对阴坡利用率较低。环颈雒偏好利用距道路和居民点较远的地段,避免人为干扰因素。环颈雉喜好选择离水源地距离较近、雪盖较浅、隐蔽度较高的地段栖息。总的来看.食物和隐蔽奈件是影响环颈雉越冬期对栖息地选择和利用的基本因素,对栖息地的选择也是围绕这两个因素进行的。

Abstract: The winter habitat selection of the Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) was studied in Liu pan Mountain National Nature Reserve from January to April 2008.91 used plots used by the Common Pheasant were located and measured in 20 transects crossing the whole study area. 19 habitat factors related to the used sites were examined in Liu Pan Mountain.After the frequency statistics and principal component analysis of the relevant factors of the Common Pheasant winter habitat selection in Liupan Mountain Nature Reserve,the results show that:the Common Pheasant preferred habitats with rare trees in local and low number of trees or have no trees; they also preferred to use the buck thorn shrub and mixed shrub, and prefer the habitats with high number of shrubs, smaller-diameter bushes and low shrnb.The coverage of vegetation is also one of the main factors in the Common Pheasant winter habitat selection.The Common Pheasant preferred to use high coverage of vegetation in the habitat.The Common Pheasant also preferred to use lower slope,sunny slope and semi-sunny,but had a low interest on the shady slope.The Common Pheasant preferred to keep a long distance from the road and residential area,to avoid the disturbance of human.What' s more,the Common Pheasant preferred habitat close to the water,with less snow and higher hiding cover.Overall,the food and hidden conditions are the basic factors affecting the winter habitat selection and use of the Common Pheasant,and the habitat selection is based on these two factors.


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