北方农业学报 ›› 2010, Vol. ›› Issue (4): 81-81.

• 试验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘颖[1] 刘智娟[2]   

  1. [1]赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗气象局,内蒙古阿鲁科尔沁旗025500 [2]赤峰市宁城县气象局,内蒙古宁城024200
  • 出版日期:2010-08-20 发布日期:2010-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 刘颖

Monitoring Analysis on the Ecology and Agrometeorology in Acukeerqin Banner in 2009

LIU Ying(Meteorology Bureau of Acukeerqin,Acukeerqin 025500,China)   

  • Online:2010-08-20 Published:2010-08-20

摘要: 2009年度气候基本可用高温、少雨、干旱三个词概括。2008年11月至2009年10月,阿鲁科尔沁旗(以下简称阿旗)平均气温较历年同期偏高1.5℃,日照时数较历年同期偏多近354.1h,而降水量却比历年同期偏少149.2mm,较常年偏少40%。土壤水分和地下水位因季节不同和降水量差异变化较大。跨年连旱和春夏秋三季连旱,对农作物和牧草的生长发育很不利,加之7月中旬局部地区遭遇暴雨引发的山洪和冰雹灾害,粮食和牧草有大幅度减产,甚至绝收,经济损失巨大。入冬后,冷空气活动较频繁,气温偏低,降雪偏多,各苏木、乡镇应抓住有利时机,做好生态建设和保护工作。

Abstract: 2009 annual climate basic available high temperature,dry,drought three words to sum up;from November 2008 to October 2009,my flag the same period the average temperature higher than the calendar year,1.5 ℃,sunshine hours than the same period in the high side in recent years 354.1h,while the precipitation than the same period in previous years too few 149.2mm,compared with 40% below normal all year round.New Year's Eve Lian Han Lian Han Chun summer and fall quarters of crops and pasture growth at a disadvantage.Combined in mid-July,I encountered in some areas flags flash floods triggered by heavy rain and hail disasters,I flag a substantial cut of food and forage,and even crops,Caused huge economic losses.Is expected to winter,the cold air activities more frequently,the temperature is low,snow high side.The hematoxylin,township should seize the favorable opportunity to do a good job of ecological construction and protection work.


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