北方农业学报 ›› 2010, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 42-42.
• 试验研究 • 上一篇 下一篇
段玉[1] 曹卫东[2] 妥德宝[1] 张君[1] 姚俊卿[1] 安昊[1]
DUAN Yu (Plant Nutrition and Analysis Institute,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Huhhot 010031,China)
摘要: 在达拉特旗进行麦后复种毛叶苕子翻压时产量这23.8t/hm^2,麦后复种箭菩碗豆翻压时产量达20.1t/hm^2。麦后复种毛叶苕子翻压后第二年种植小麦,减少施N量30%,减产4.1%,减少施N量60%,减产15.6%;麦后复种箭菩碗豆,第二年减少施N量30%,减产5.8%,减少施N量60%,减产13.7%;不翻压绿肥的田块减少施N量30%,减产10.1%,减少施N量60%,减产17.6%。说明翻压绿肥可以增加土壤氮素供应量。
Abstract: The experiment was carried out at Dalate County and two kinds of green manure crops (hairy vetch and common vetch)were cropped after wheat. The results were as the followings: The yield of hairy vetch (Vieia villosa Roth.) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) was 23.8 t/hm^2 and 20.1t/hm^2 respectively when they were ploughed down in the first autumn. In the following year, when the N fertilizer was decreased by 30% the yield of wheat decreased by 4.4% and 5.8% if the hairy vetch and common vetch were cropped in the last year and decreased by 10.1% if without any green manure. When the N fertilizer was decreased by 60% the yield of wheat decreased by 15.6% and 13.7% if the hairy vetch and common vetch were Cropped in the last year and decreased by 17.6% if without any green manure. So the green manure cropping could increase the N supplying of the soil.
段玉 曹卫东 妥德宝 张君 姚俊卿 安昊. 麦后复种毛叶苕子增产效果研究[J]. 北方农业学报, 2010, (5): 42-42.
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