北方农业学报 ›› 2011, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 132-132.

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任思竹[1] 陈青君[2] 王亚军[2]   

  1. [1]北京山水都市林业研究中心,北京102200 [2]北京农学院,北京100000
  • 出版日期:2011-10-20 发布日期:2011-10-20
  • 通讯作者: 任思竹
  • 作者简介:任思竹(1981-),男,吉林长春人,学士,现任北京山水林业研究中心技术总工,从事食用菌栽培及科研工作。 通讯作者:陈青君(1963-),女,新疆人,副教授,博士,主要从事蔬菜及食用菌的教学与研究工作。

The Management Methods of Cultivation and Raising Pleurotus Nebrodensis in Cold Room

REN Si-zu(Beijing Shanshui Urban Forest Center,Beijing 102200,China)   

  • Online:2011-10-20 Published:2011-10-20

摘要: 白灵菇因子实体洁白如雪、肉质细腻、浓香袭人、风味独特,近年备受消费者青睐,工厂化栽培面积逐年扩大。文章通过观察法、比较法、实验法、举例法等研究手段对白灵菇的冷房栽培工艺进行探索,总结出了一套相对成型的管理方法。强调了养菌和出菇两个环节的重要性;阐明了菌棒养菌的流程、杂菌处理和环境控制标准,并对培菌车间的管理方法和注意事项进行了详细的阐述;阐明了白灵菇菌棒后熟期的标志及后熟期所需要的时间;白灵菇催菇期的步骤和方法,包括白灵菇特色冷刺激的时间和温度、出菇前的温差刺激和刺激原则;描述了白灵菇生殖生长期的各项管理指标,比如温度控制范围,光照强度,光照过强过弱的危害,出菇期的加湿方法和对子实体生长的影响,通风换气的重要性等。最后结合工作实践,就白灵菇生长需要的时间、产量等情况进行了总结,为企业白灵菇工厂化生产提供参考。

Abstract: The factor entity of pleurotus nebrodensis is as white as snow,the meat quality is exquisite,aroma attack,unique flavor,is accepted by more and more consumers in recent years.In our country,the proportion of the cultivated area of factory is growing year by year.The thesis,by observation and comparison,experimental method,listing method,has explored with the pleurotus nebrodensis cold room cultivation technology and then summed up a set of relatively molding management methods.In the introduction,it has emphasized the importance of bacteria and raising the mushroom link.The first chapter illustrates the process of cultivating bacteria,the standard of miscellaneos bacteria treatment and environment control,aslo including the method and points for attention in bacteria workshop;The second chapter illustrates the pleurotus nebrodensis fungus about the issue of the mark and after-ripening stage after the time required;The third chapter explains the pleurotus nebrodensis about the steps and method of rushing,and there is a characteristics of cold to stimulate the time and temperature,the temperature differences between the stimulus and before the mushroom stimulate principles;The fourth chapter is mainly about detailed description of the reproductive growth stage of pleurotus nebrodensis the physiological indexes,such as temperature control of scope,light intensity,the method of adding wet during the mushroom time and the influence of the growth of mushrooms,the importance of taking a breath and so on;At the end of the article,the author combined with the practice in work on the mushroom yields and time of summary.All these above will provide reference for other enterprise Pleurotus nebrodensis' factory production.


  • S567.3