北方农业学报 ›› 2013, Vol. ›› Issue (6): 64-64.

• 土壤肥料研究与应用 • 上一篇    下一篇


张丽[1] 贺立群[1] 杨宝雯[2]   

  1. [1]中宁县农业技术推广服务中心,宁夏中宁755100 [2]扎兰屯市种子技术推广服务站,内蒙古扎兰屯162500
  • 出版日期:2013-12-20 发布日期:2013-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 张丽
  • 作者简介:作者简介:张丽(1986-),女,宁夏平罗人,助理农艺师,硕士,主要从事农作物栽培及植物营养研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing on Rice with Contrast Application

ZHANG li (Zhongning Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, Zhongning 755100,China)   

  • Online:2013-12-20 Published:2013-12-20

摘要: 为了验证水稻专用配方肥的施用效果,寻找出宁夏自流灌区水稻的最佳施肥量和施肥比例,进行了水稻大田示范和田间对比试验。结果表明:基施腐殖酸配方肥(20-6-9)46.3kg/667m^2,分别在水稻的分蘖期和抽穗期追施尿素10kg/667m^2、6kg/667m^2,既可满足作物生长对氮、磷、钾养分的需求,又可达到节本增效的目的。

Abstract: In order to test rice special formula fertilizer for rice to find the best fertilizing amount and proportion Ningxia gravity irrigation area, the rice field demonstration and field tests were carried on. The results showed that: the base fertilizer humic acid fertilizers (20-6-9) at 46.3kg/667m2, Topdressing Urea lOkg/667m2, 6kg/667m2 was fertilized respectively in the tillering stage and heading stage of rice, which not only meet the crop growth on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient demand, but also reduce cost and increase benefit.


  • S511.062