张向前, 师晶晶, 戎美仁, 路战远, 任永峰, 程玉臣, 张德健, 孟天天, 郝楠森
Innovation and application of wind inhibition and erosion reduction technology for micro ripper covering of plough farmland in the black soil region along the foothill of Daxing′anling Mountains
ZHANG Xiangqian, SHI Jingjing, RONG Meiren, LU Zhanyuan, REN Yongfeng, CHENG Yuchen, ZHANG Dejian, MENG Tiantian, HAO Nansen
北方农业学报 . 2024, (2): 107 -114 .  DOI: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2024.02.12