畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 102-102.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2015.04.042

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


余南才[1] 秦开田[1] 姚武群[1] 谭会泽[2] 刘闯[1] 魏师[1] 雷建平[1] 余永杰[3]   

  1. [1]广东省新兴县稔村温氏家禽有限公司农业部动物营养与饲料学重点实验室,广东新兴527422 [2]广东温氏食品集团股份有限公司农业部动物营养与饲料学重点实验室,广东新兴527400 [3]华南农业大学动物科学学院,广东广州510642
  • 出版日期:2015-04-20 发布日期:2015-04-20
  • 通讯作者: 余南才
  • 作者简介:余南才(1963-),男,高级畜牧师,主要研究方向为动物饲料与营养科学。

Typical Symptoms of Broilers Intestinal Diseases from March to May in Southern China and Prevention and Control Measures of These Diseases

YU Nan -cai, QIN Kai -tian, YAO Wu -qun, TAN Hui -ze, LIU Chuang, WEI Shi, LEI Jian - ping, YU Yong-jie(1.Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of Ministry of Agriculture, Wens Poultry Co., Ltd. of Ren Village of Xinxing County of Guangdong Province, Xinxing 527422,China;2.Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of Ministry of Agriculture, Guangdong Wens Food Group Co., Ltd., Xinxing 527400, China ; 3.College of Animal Science of South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou 510642, China)   

  • Online:2015-04-20 Published:2015-04-20

摘要: 在我国南方地区3—5月高湿条件下肉鸡极易发生肠道疾病,以排水样便、血便、肉样便以及饲料样腹泻为特征。分析了肉鸡肠道疾病的发病原因,并提出了使用低蛋白及低代谢能日粮、加强饲养管理、使用中草药调理肉鸡肠道以及饲喂河沙等具体的防控措施。以期为临床有效防控肉鸡肠道疾病提供参考。

Abstract: Intestinal Diseases are the most frequently prevalent diseases in broilers under the high humidity climate from March to May in southern China. The symptoms of these diseases are different types of diarrheas. In order to provide effective prevention and control measures of broilers intestinal diseases, the etiology of these diseases were analyzed and the measures, such as feeding diet with low level of protein and metabolizable energy, strengthening management, employing Chinese herbal medicine to regulate intestinal function and feeding river sand to promote digestive function were proposed in this paper.
