畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 36-36.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2017.05.008

• 草业科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 青海省共和县草原工作站,青海共和813000
  • 出版日期:2017-05-20 发布日期:2017-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 赵德
  • 作者简介:赵德(1968-),男,农艺师,主要从事草地生态与牧草栽培研究。

Comparative Trial on Six Oat Varieties Introduced to Gonghe County of Qinghai Province

ZHAO De (Grassland Working Station of Gonghe County of Qinghai Province, Gonghe 813000, China)   

  • Online:2017-05-20 Published:2017-05-20

摘要: 为了选择适合青海省共和县气候条件的燕麦品种,2016年从青海省畜牧兽医科学院引进青燕1号、加燕2号、白燕7号、青引1号、青引2号、青海甜燕麦6个燕麦品种,在共和县江西沟乡开展引种比较试验,对物候期、形态特征、产量等进行测定。结果表明,青引2号、青引1号和青海甜燕麦生产性能表现较好,这3个参试品种在共和县人工饲草地建设过程中可以进行适当面积的推广应用。

Abstract: In order to screen the oat varieties suitable to the climate conditions of Gonghe County of Qinghai Province, a total of six oat varieties, including Qingyan NO.l, Jiayan NO.2, Baiyan NO.7, Qingyin No.l, Qingyin No.2 and Qinghai Sweet Oat, were introduced in 2016 from Qinghai Academy of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Sciences. The comparative trial of the six introduced oat varieties was conducted in Jiangxigou Town of Gonghe County and their phenological period, morphological characteristics and grass yield were determined and compared. The results showed that Qingyin No.2, Qingyin No.l and Qinghai Sweet Oat exhibited better productive performance, indicating that these three varieties should be promoted in establishment of artificial forage base in Gonghe County.
