畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 48-48.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2017.08.014

• 水产科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. [1]贵州省毕节市水产技术推广站,贵州毕节551700 [2]贵州省毕节市水产协会,贵州毕节551700
  • 出版日期:2017-08-20 发布日期:2017-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 周礼敬
  • 作者简介:周礼敬(1978-),男,高级水产工程师,主要从事长江上游珍稀特有鱼类人工驯养繁殖研究工作。 通讯作者:詹会祥(1965-),男,高级水产工程师,主要从事水产技术推广工作。
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress on Artificial Rearing Techniques of Schizothorax kozlovi

ZHOU Li-jing1,2, LIU Gui-lan1,2, YANG Lin1,2, ZHAN Hui-xiang1,2 (1.Bijie Municipal Aquaculture Techniques Extension Station of Guizhou Province,Bijie 551700,China;2.Bijie Municipal Fisheries Society ofGuizhou Provinee,Bijie 551700,China)   

  • Online:2017-08-20 Published:2017-08-20

摘要: 为了给四川裂腹鱼人工养殖提供基础资料。贵州省毕节市水产技术推广站在田坝桥基地进行了四川裂腹鱼的野生鱼驯养、人工繁殖和人工养殖试验,驯养鱼池分普通微流水池和仿生态微流水池2种,人工繁殖试验中采用两次注射法对雌鱼进行催产。结果发现,野生鱼经50 d左右驯化可正常摄食人工配合饲料,大规格个体驯养成活率较低;人工养殖条件下繁殖时间较野生环境下晚约1个月,雌鱼绝对怀卵量较野生鱼稍大,平均为14 470粒/尾,受精率为73.25%,出苗率为61.6%;培育约100 d,幼鱼平均体长5.8 cm/尾,平均成活率为66.3%,经1.5年养殖,平均体重可达1 kg/尾。此外,试验结果还表明仿生态池驯养成活率明显高于普通鱼池,四川裂腹鱼在人工微流水养殖条件下生长较缓。

Abstract: The objective of this study was to provide basic data for artificial rearing of Schizothorax kozlovi. The domestication, artificial propagation and artificial rearing experiments were conducted by Bijie Municipal Aquaculture Techniques Extension Station of Guizhou Province in Tianbaqiao base. The routine micro-runing water pond and bionic micro-runing water pond were used as Schizothorax kozlovi domestication pond; the duplicate injection method was employed in hormone-induced spawning of female fish in artificial propagation experiment. The results showed that the wild Schizothorax kozlovi was adaptive to the artificial formulated feed after 50 days domestication; the survival rate of domesticated individual with large body size was relatively lower; under the artificial rearing condition, the propagation time was one month later than that under the wild condition; the artificial reared female fish showed higher absolute fecundity compared to the wild fish; the average absolute fecundity of the artificial reared female fish was 14 470 eggs per fish, and the insemination rate and fry production rate was 73.25% and 61.6%, respectively; after a 100 days rearing duration, the average body length of the juvenile fish was 5.8 cm, and the average survival rate was 66.3%; after a 1.5 years cultivation duration, the average body weight of the fish reached up to 1 kg. Furthermore, the survival rate of the domesticated fish was found increased in the bionic micro-tuning water pond compared to the routine microruning water pond where the Schizothorax kozlovi grew slower.
