畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): 35-37.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.11.008

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  1. 新疆乌鲁木齐市牧业气象试验站,新疆乌鲁木齐830002
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-22 出版日期:2018-11-30 发布日期:2019-08-19
  • 通讯作者: 买买提·阿布来提-新疆乌鲁木齐市牧业气象试验站,新疆乌鲁木齐830002
  • 作者简介:买买提·阿布来提(1977-),男,高级工程师,主要从事应用气象与草原生态研究工作。;通讯作者:陈亮(1990-),男,助理工程师,主要从事应用气象与草原生态研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on Growth and Development of Main Forage Varieties in Typical Mountain Meadow Steppe

Maimaiti-Abulaiti[1];CHEN Liang[1];GE Yi-cheng[1];Shalamu[1];WANG Ke[1];FENG Li-ye[1];Habulahati[1];Mulati[1];Wahati[1];PU Zong-chao[1]   

  1. Animal Husbandry Meteorological Experimental Station of Urumqi of Xinjiang,Urumqi 830002,China
  • Received:2018-07-22 Online:2018-11-30 Published:2019-08-19

摘要: 对天山北坡中山带典型山地草甸草原4种具有代表性的天然牧草——老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)、黄(Astragalus membranaceus)、老鹳草(Geranium wilfordii)、千叶蓍(Achillea millefolium)的生长发育情况进行了研究。结果表明,4种牧草的高度变化趋势表现为“慢-快-慢”的植物基本生长规律;老芒麦、千叶蓍、老鹳草的生长速率在返青期到分蘖期时较快,而黄芪的生长速率则在返青后就较快,分蘖期后4种牧草的生长速率开始变慢;盖度和产量的最大值出现在6月和7月。

关键词: 典型山地草甸草原;牧草;生长发育;物候期

Abstract: In this study, the growth and development of four representative natural forage varieties, including Elymus sibiricus, Astragalus membranaceus, Geranium wilfordii and Achillea millefolium, in the typical mountain meadow steppe on the northern slope of central Tianshan mountains were assessed. The results showed that the height variation of the four forage varieties exhibited a "slow-fast-slow" tendency, which was in accordance with the basic growth rule of plants; while the growth rate of Elymus sibiricus, Achillea millefolium and Geranium wilfordii was relatively faster during returning green stage and tillering stage, Astragalus membranaceus had a faster growth rate at the beginning of returning green stage; after the tillering stage, the growth rate of the four forage varieties became slower; the highest coverage and yield were observed in June and July.
