畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 66-72.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2021.05.012

• 畜牧资源与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


岳林芳1, 李蕴华1, 成立新1, 凤英1, 乔健敏1, 刘佳森1, 王志铭1, 宝华1, 于朝晖1, 薛占岭2   

  1. 1.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031;
    2.通辽市动物卫生监督所,内蒙古 通辽 028000
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-07 出版日期:2021-09-30 发布日期:2021-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 成立新(1970—),男,研究员,硕士,主要研究方向为畜禽养殖及资源化利用。
  • 作者简介:岳林芳(1992—),女,硕士,主要研究方向为微生物学。李蕴华(1968—),女,研究员,主要研究方向为动物育种与繁殖。岳林芳、李蕴华为共同第一作者。
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of Different Compound Bacterial Agents on Composting Fermentation of Sheep Manures

YUE Lin-fang1, LI Yun-hua1, CHENG Li-xin1, Fengying1, QIAO Jian-min1, LIU Jia-sen1, WANG Zhi-ming1, Baohua1, YU Zhao-hui1, XUE Zhan-ling2   

  1. 1. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;
    2. Animal Health Supervision Institute of Tongliao City,Tongliao 028000,China
  • Received:2021-02-07 Online:2021-09-30 Published:2021-11-25

摘要: [目的] 对比研究接种不同复合菌剂对羊粪堆肥腐熟进程的影响。[方法] 试验设4个组,空白组不接种任何发酵剂,试验组1接种课题组前期研制的粪污腐熟剂1,试验组2接种优化后的粪污腐熟剂2,试验组3接种市售粪污腐熟剂。在发酵不同时间段测定各组堆肥的温度、pH值、含水率、E4/E6值和种子发芽指数,记录堆肥颜色、气味和状态等表观特征。[结果] 堆肥过程中试验组2升温速率快于其他3组,空白组升温速率最慢。发酵第35天,试验组1、试验组2、试验组3、空白组堆肥的水分含量分别降至27.15%、25.97%、28.03%、42.30%;试验组1、试验组2、试验组3的pH值分别为8.03、7.98、8.09,空白组pH值最高,为8.58;试验组1、试验组2、试验组3的E4/E6值分别为2.35、1.80、2.53,均低于空白组(3.00);试验组1、试验组2、试验组3的种子发芽指数分别为94.5%、108.5%、101.3%,均彻底完成无害化处理(堆肥完全腐熟),而空白组为75.3%,堆肥未完全腐熟。在发酵终点,3个试验组的堆体呈深褐色,无臭味,较松散,有白色菌丝,不吸引蚊蝇,无虫卵,进一步说明堆肥已经完全腐熟;空白组堆体呈暗褐色,有微臭味,手感粗糙,局部有团块,吸引蚊蝇,深层孳生少量的虫卵,进一步说明堆肥未完全腐熟。[结论] 接种复合菌剂可以促使羊粪堆肥腐熟进程加快,提前完成无害化处理;接种优化后的腐熟剂2的堆肥种子发芽指数最高,腐熟度也最高,且加快堆肥腐熟进程效果更为明显。

关键词: 羊粪, 堆肥发酵, 复合菌剂

Abstract: [Objective] To compare the effects of adding different compound bacterial agents on composting process of sheep manures. [Method] Four groups were set in this study. The blank group added no fermentation starters, the experimental group 1 was inoculated with the previously self-developed decomposing agent (NO.1), the experimental group 2 was inoculated with the optimized decomposing agent (NO.2), and the experimental group 3 was inoculated with a commercially available decomposing agent. The temperature, pH value, moisture content, E4/E6 value and seed germination index of the composts in each group were determined at different fermentation periods, and the apparent characteristics such as color, odor and state of composts were recorded. [Result] During the composting process, the temperature rise rate of experimental group 2 was faster than that of the other three groups, and the lowest temperature rise rate was observed in blank group. At 35th d of fermentation, the moisture contents of the composts in experimental groups 1, 2, 3 and blank group reduced to 27.15%, 25.97%, 28.03% and 42.30%, respectively; the pH values of the composts in experimental groups 1, 2 and 3 were 8.03, 7.98 and 8.09, respectively, and the highest pH value (8.58) was found in blank group; the E4/E6 values of the composts in experimental groups 1, 2 and 3 were 2.35, 1.80 and 2.53, respectively, and all of them were lower than that of blank group (3.00); the seed germination indexes of the composts in experimental groups 1, 2 and 3 were 94.5%, 108.5% and 101.3%, respectively, indicating that the composts in these groups were completely harmlessly treated (completely composted); the seed germination index of the composts in blank group was 75.3%, indicating that the composts in blank group were incompletely composted. At the end of fermentation, the composts in the 3 experimental groups were dark brown colored and loose shaped with white hyphae, and had no odor, no attraction of mosquitoes and flies, and no parasitic eggs, which further indicated that the composts were completely composted; the composts in blank group were dull brown colored, had slight odor, rough hand-feeling, sporadic masses, attraction of mosquitoes and flies, and parasitic eggs were found in deep layer, which further indicated that the composts were incompletely composted. [Conclusion] Adding compound microbial agents accelerates the composting process of sheep manures and completes the harmless treatment in advance; inoculation with the optimized decomposing agent (NO.2) have the highest seed germination index and maturity of composts, and performs better in accelerating the composting process.

Key words: sheep manures, composting fermentation, compound microbial agents
