畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): 85-89.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.11.021

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  1. 河北农业大学动物医学院,中兽医学院,河北保定071001
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-03 出版日期:2018-11-30 发布日期:2019-08-19
  • 通讯作者: 马晓勇-河北农业大学动物医学院,中兽医学院,河北保定071001
  • 作者简介:马晓勇(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为肉牛绿色发展与废弃物资源化利用。;通讯作者:姜国均(1971-),男,教授,博士,主要研究方向为生态健康养殖。
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress on Influencing Factors of Animal Manure Treatment by Using Earthworms

MA Xiao-yong[1];JIANG Guo-jun[1];YUE Shi-lin[1]   

  1. College of Veterinary MedicinelTraditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071001,China
  • Received:2018-09-03 Online:2018-11-30 Published:2019-08-19

摘要: 旨在为研究者深入研究蚯蚓处理粪污技术提供一定参考和借鉴。通过查阅与蚯蚓处理粪污技术相关的文献资料,得出影响蚯蚓处理粪污效果的主要因素有蚯蚓品种选择、环境因素、粪便腐熟程度和粪便组合及辅料成分等。其中,爱胜蚓属的太平2号蚯蚓为国内外专家研究使用最多、实际应用中最广泛的蚯蚓品种;使用蚯蚓处理粪便时,温度保持在15-25℃,pH值应该控制在中性范围内;最适宜蚯蚓生长繁殖的畜禽粪便为牛粪,处理其他动物粪便时加入牛粪形成粪便组合进行处理,牛粪所占比例一定最多。关于湿度和粪便腐熟程度对蚯蚓处理粪便效果的影响、辅料的选择,以及对于除环境因素外的其他3项因素(蚯蚓品种选择、粪便腐熟程度、粪便组合及辅料成分)在不同情况下的选择需要进一步研究。

关键词: 蚯蚓;粪便;环境因素;基质;组合;辅料

Abstract: This review aimed to provide references for the investigation of animal manure treatment technology by using earthworms. Scientific literatures demonstrated that the variety selection of earthworms, environmental elements, maturity of animal manure, combination of different animal manure, and excipient composition are primary influencing factors associated with animal manure treatment effect using earthworms. Eisenia are the most commonly investigated and used earthworm variety at home and abroad; the treatment temperature is recommended to be maintained at 15 to 25℃, and the pH value are expected to be controlled at the neutral range; the earthworms have best growth performance in cattle manure; accordingly, to improve the manure treatment effect, the cattle manure with dominant ratio is recommended to be supplemented in other animals' the manure. The impact of humidity, manure maturity as well as excipient selection and composition under different treatment conditions on animal manure treatment effect are necessary to be further studied.
