畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 15-15.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2015.05.007

• 基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李潇 靳文博 李若静 曹谨玲   

  1. 山西农业大学动物科技学院,山西太谷030801
  • 出版日期:2015-05-20 发布日期:2015-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 李潇
  • 作者简介:李潇(1993-),男,所学专业为水产养殖。 通讯作者:曹谨玲(1979-),女,教授,博士,主要从事水生生物生理学与毒理学研究工作。
  • 基金资助:
    2014年山西省高等学校大学生创新创业训练项目(2014096); 山西农业大学第十二批大学生创新创业训练项目(12-13); 国家自然科学基金(31440087); 中国博士后科学基金项目(2012M520601,2013T60267); 山西农业大学科研启动基金(XB2007003); 山西农业大学博士后基金(92462); 山西农业大学科技创新基金(2009005)

Acute Toxicity and Safety Assessment: of Fluoride on Cipangopaludina cahayensis

LI Xiao ,JIN Wen-bo, LI Ruo-jing, CAO Jin-ling (College of Animal Science and Technology, Shanxi Agriculture University, Taigu 030801, China)   

  • Online:2015-05-20 Published:2015-05-20

摘要: 为探讨氟对中华圆田螺(Cipangopaludina cahayensis)的生态毒性效应,采用静态生物急性毒性试验方法,研究了水环境中不同浓度氟暴露对中华圆田螺的急性毒性效应。结果表明,氟离子溶液暴露下的中华圆田螺显示出不同程度的氟中毒症状,且随着氟离子浓度的增加与暴露时间的延长,死亡率也相应增加,存在明显的剂量效应关系和时间效应关系。氟对中华圆田螺24、48、72、96 h的半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为694.12、642.11、542.11、480.77 mg/L。通过回归方程计算,得出氟对中华圆田螺的安全浓度为48.08 mg/L。根据急性毒性的分级标准,氟对中华圆田螺的毒性为低毒。

Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of fluoride on ecological toxicity of Cipangopaludina cahayensis, the acute toxicity effect of different concentrations fluoride exposure in water environment on Cipangopaludina cahayensis were determined by static biological toxicity test. The Cipangopaludina cahayensis showed fluorosis symptoms with different degrees when they were exposed to fluoride solution. With the increase of the fluoride concentration and the passage of exposure time, the death rate of Cipangopaludina cahayensis was increased, which exhibited an obvious dose-response relationship and time-response relationship. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of fluoride of 24, 48, 72 and 96 h on Cipangopaludina cahayensis were 694.12, 642.11,542.11 and 480.77 mg/L, respectively. The safe concentration of fluoride on Cipangopaludina cahayensis was calculated as 48.08 mg/L by the established regression equation. According to the acute toxicity grading standard, the fluoride was low toxic to Cipangopaludina cahayensis.
