畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 100-100.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2017.08.032

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. [1]安徽省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,安徽合肥230031 [2]安徽农业大学,安徽合肥230036
  • 出版日期:2017-08-20 发布日期:2017-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 吴娟
  • 作者简介:吴娟(1981-),女,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事畜产品研究工作。 通讯作者:戴银(1980-),女,副研究员,博士,主要研究方向为兽医微生物与免疫学。
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics and Controlling Strategies of Muscovy Duck Parvovirusis and Goose Parvovirusis

WU Juan1, LU Liang-ping2, DAI Yin1, ZHANG Dan -jun1, ZHAO Rui -hong1, HU Xiao -miao1, HOU Hong- yan1, SHEN Xue-huai1, PAN Xiao-cheng1, ZHOU Xue-li1 (1.Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science,Anhui Academy of Agricuhural Science,Hefei 230031,China;2. Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China)   

  • Online:2017-08-20 Published:2017-08-20

摘要: 番鸭细小病毒病和鹅细小病毒病已成为水禽养殖中危害比较严重的传染病,其病原分别是番鸭细小病毒(MDPV)和鹅细小病毒(GPV),二者临床上常在同一地区流行,有时还会发生混合感染。鹅细小病毒病和番鸭细小病毒病临床症状类似,均表现废食和下痢等消化道症状以及呼吸困难症状,鉴别诊断有一定的难度。虽然MDPV和GPV生物学特性相似,但二者致病力却有显著差异,MDPV只感染番鸭,GPV则既可感染鹅,又可感染番鸭,采用雏禽攻毒试验,可初步区分2种病毒。2种疫病均重在预防,除了加强饲养管理外,在该病流行地区,对雏禽免疫,或者在种禽产蛋前免疫,使禽苗获得被动免疫,均可达到较好的预防效果。

Abstract: Muscovy duck parvovirusis and goose parvovirusis, whose etiological agents are muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV) and goose parvovirus (GPV) respectively, have become the serious infectious diseases producing huge economic losses to the waterfowl cultivation industry. The co-prevalence of the two viruses in a specific region is commonly observed and the mixed infection caused by them is also found. The infections caused by MDPV and GPV share the similar clinical signs comprising of complete anorexia, diarrhea and dyspnea, which make the differential diagnosis of them difficult. While MDPV and GPV have similar biological features, the pathogenicity of them largely varies. Infections caused by MDPV only occur in Muscovy duck, but GPV is infective for both goose and Muscovy duck. Preliminary discrimination of MDPV and GPV can be made by virus challenge test on immature poultry. Prevention strategies are significant for control of Muscovy duck parvovirusis and goose parvovirusis. Except for enhancing the feed and management, immunization with MDPV and GPV vaccines on immature poultry and for breeding poultry prior to laying in prevailing regions of the two diseases can provide passive immunity and achieve good preventive effect.
