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20 March 2009, Volume Issue 3
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  • Preparation and Identification of Monoclonal Antibody of Leuco Malachite Green
    2009, 30(3):  1-1.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.001
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (298KB) ( 104 )   Save
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    With synthesized leuco malachite green-bovine serum albumin (LMG-BSA) as antigen, BALB/c mice was immuned and 1 hybridoma cell line coded 2E6 secreting monoclonal antibody against leueo malachite green (LMG)stably was established by the hybridoma technique. The identification results showed that the number of chromosome of the hybridoma cell reached (99.12±3.6).The IC50 value of LMG was 20.39 μg/L by competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ciELISA) and the antibody titer inducing mice ascites was 2.3×10^5. The cross reaction between the monoclonal antibody and prohibited hormones and antibacterial drugs seen commonly in aquieuhure was less, which showed that the monoclonal antibody had better sensitivity and specificity.
    Effects of E. Ulmoides Leavles on the Biochemical Indexes in Serum of Hybrid Broilers
    2009, 30(3):  4-4.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.002
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (286KB) ( 53 )   Save
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    The aim of this reseach was to observe the effects of E. ulmoides leaves decoction (ELD) on some biochemical indexes in serum of hybrid broilers, including total cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose. 272 one-day-old hybrid broilers were selected and divided into 4 groups randomly. The group Ⅰ was the control group, and the group Ⅱ -Ⅳ were the low, moderate and high dose groups. During the 6-week experimental period, the hybrid broilers in group I had a free access to drink tap water, and the hybrid broilers in groups Ⅱ -Ⅳ had a free access to drink the water added with ELD at 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 g/L respectively. 8 hybrid broilers were randomly selected in each group and picked the blood from the heart at 2, 4 and 6 weekend respectively, and then the contents of total cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose in serum were determined. The results showed that the contents of total cholesterol and triglyeeride in serum of all the ELD- added groups were significantly decreased than that of the control group (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01) at 2, 4and 6 weekend. Additionally, the contents of total cholesterol in serum became lower with weeks of age increasing. The contents of glucose in serum of the ELD-added groups were significantly lower than that of the control group (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01) at 4 and 6 weeks of age, but there wasn't significant difference (P〉0.05) at 2 weeks of age. In conclusion, the results presented in this study show that the contents of total cholesterol, triglyeeride and glucose in serum can he decreased significantly by ELD.
    Immunohistochemistry Location of Somatostatin Cells in Digestive Tract of Zi Goose during Growth Period
    2009, 30(3):  6-6.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.003
    Abstract ( 68 )   PDF (276KB) ( 50 )   Save
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    For further understanding the digestive physiology process of Zi goose in different growth period, the distribution of somatostatin immunocompetent cells in digestive tract of Zi goose in different ages (1, 10, 30, 60 and 90 d)was studied by SP immunohistochemical method. The results showed that somatostatin (SS)cells were not observed in digestive tract of 1-day-old Zi goose and it emerged until 10-day-old.The number of SS cells increased with the growth of day-old. There were more SS cells in the gizzard and the glandular stomach, densely in the pylorus and occasionally in the duodenum.
    Effects of Cysteamine on Tissue Structure and Development of Immune Organs in Chickens
    2009, 30(3):  9-9.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.005
    Abstract ( 68 )   PDF (310KB) ( 66 )   Save
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    In order to study the effects of cysteamine (CS) on the development of immune organs, 100 1-day-old local chickens were randomly divided into two groups, 50 chickens in each group. The chickens of control group were fed with basal diet, while that of experiment group with basal diet supplemented 0.1% CS. The test period was 30 d. At the end of the experiment, 20 chickens were randomly selected from each group and slaughtered by bloodletting in jugular vein. Then thymuses, bursae of Fabricius and spleens were collected and then fixed by Bouin liquid. Paraffin sections were prepared, stained with HE, observed under microscope (Olympus) and taken photographs. As shown by the results, the chickens in experiment group had following changes compared with the control group: the cortex of thymic lobule was thicker and lymphocytes gathered in cortex; the amount of thymic corpuscle decreased; the amount of lymphoid nodule in bursa of Fabricius increased, and lymphoid nodules were developing; the cortex of bursa of Fabricius incrassated and more lymphocytes appeared in clearly separated cortex and medulla, while the bursae of Fabricius atrophied and deteriorated in the control group; the structure of spleen was clear and amount of splenic nodule increased in white pulp. The results showed that CS supplemented to diet should promote the development of lymphic organ, and thus enhance immune functions of chickens.
    Research Advances of the Major Genes Affecting Sheep Fecundity Characters
    2009, 30(3):  15-15.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.008
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (307KB) ( 50 )   Save
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    The article summarize the present research situations and detection methods of the sheep fecundity based on molecular genetics.
    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Bovine Interferon-gamma Gene
    2009, 30(3):  18-18.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.009
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (236KB) ( 48 )   Save
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    Based on the published nucleotide sequence of bovine interferon-gamma (BovIFN-γ) gene, a pair of RT-PCR primers were designed and synthesized. The mature peptide fragments of γ-interferon gene was amplified using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)from total RNA of bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes, and then carried out cloning, sequencing and sequence analysis. The results showed that the mature peptide of BovIFN-γ gene can be successfully amplified by primers designed. Additionally, the homology between the amplified gene fragment sequence and the relevant sequence in GenBank can reach up to 99.77 %.
    Expression of KAP6 Gene Family on the Skin of Fetal Goat
    2009, 30(3):  20-20.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.010
    Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (287KB) ( 111 )   Save
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    The aim of this research was to study the expression of KAP6 gene family on the skins follicle of fetal inner mongolia arbas white cashmere goat. In the present study, the gigoxin (DIG)labeled cRNA of arbas white cashmere goat KAP6 gene family was synthesized in vitro and was used to localize in the skin slice of fetal goat by chromosomal in situ hybridization technique, so as to detect KAP6 mRNA in the skin tissues of cashmere goat during embryonic period. The results showed that a strong signal in the cortex layer of both primary and secondary hair follicles was expressed. Therefore, KAP6 is the component of wool and cortex protein of cashmere and an important protein, which play a role of keratinization in cortical layer, directly involved in the synthesis of cashmere and coarse wool and affected the physico-ehemieal property of pelage.
    Relationship Between Myosin Heavy Chain Gene and Pork Quality
    2009, 30(3):  24-24.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.011
    Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (446KB) ( 163 )   Save
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    Muscle fiber was basic unit for constructing muscle and muscle fiber characteristics had direct impacts on pork quality. According to polymorphism of myosin heavy chain (MyHC), porcine muscle fibers were divided into four types: 1, 2a, 2b and 2x, and they were corresponded to the slow-oxidative type, fast-oxidative type, fast glyeolytic type and the intermediate type by the metabolism. The generation of muscle fiber was regulated exaedy by the myogenin gene on the molecular level. The muscle fiber type converted in the process of growth constantly, and it was influenced by many factors such as heredity, growth, sex, nutrition and others factors.
    Preparation and Thermal Disinfection Process of Whey on IgG Content of Colostrum
    2009, 30(3):  33-33.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.014
    Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (294KB) ( 63 )   Save
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    The content of IgG was detected by single immunodiffusion method so as to evaluate the losing degree of IgG caused by preparation and thermal disinfection process of whey, such as degreasing, removing of casein, and so on. As shown by the results, IgG decreased by 4.5 % -11.5 % after the process of degreasing and removing of casein, while IgG decreased by 8.0 %-18.8 % after cold pasteurization. No IgG was detected in the colostrum after the colostrum was treated at(75±2)℃for 15 s and(80±2)℃ for 10 s. And this result is inconsistent with previous reports. No IgG was detected in UHT-treated mature milk. There was interaction between casein acid clotting (to remove casein)and heating procedure, causing more loss of IgG, and the content of IgG was decreased by 2.1%-4.3 % compared with that in chymosin-treated (to remove casein)samples.
    Research Progress for Analysis of Multi-sulfonamide Residues in Edible Animal Products
    2009, 30(3):  35-35.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.015
    Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (298KB) ( 69 )   Save
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    This paper introduces the source and harm of Sulfonamides (SAs)in animal products, then mainly introduces the multi- residues analysis methods of SAs, and then the methods was compared and analysed. The research direction and foresight development for multi-residues analysis methods of SAs was also illustrated.
    Preliminary Selection of Indicator Strains for Detection of Antibiotic Residue
    2009, 30(3):  40-40.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.018
    Abstract ( 94 )   PDF (279KB) ( 74 )   Save
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    The indicator strains should grow fast, decompose lactose or grow well in milk, be generally sensitive to commonly used antibiotics, and have sensitive restriction in line with the allowable maximum residue limit (MRL). With these requirments as the selection principle, the growth curves of nine standard strains in common medium and whey were observed. And the sensitivity of them to 15 kinds of antibiotics was also determined. Two strains of Geobacillus stearothermophilus, one strain of Staphylococcus aureus and one strain of Streptococcus thermophilus were selected as indicator strains for development of kit. Stability of drug sensitivity, optimization of culture conditions and stability of activity (shelf life)are needed further study.
    The Study on the Influence of the Quality of Sheep Meat about Feeding Rumen-protected Leucine and α-KIC Diet
    2009, 30(3):  45-45.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.020
    Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (168KB) ( 53 )   Save
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    In this study, by the determination of the pH, water loss rate, the rate of cooked meat; color and tenderness different parts of sheep meat to study the quality of sheep meat with different levels of rumen-protected leucine and α-KIC diet on the sheep. Studies have shown that the determination of the pH value, water loss rate, the rate of cooked meat color and tenderness of sheep meat at different feeding levels had no significant differences; In addition to pH value, the other target between different parts at the same feeding level have significant differences.
    Recent Advance in Essential Oils on Animals Nutrition
    2009, 30(3):  47-47.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.021
    Abstract ( 109 )   PDF (219KB) ( 180 )   Save
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    Introduced the essential oils of the safety evaluation, physical and chemical properties, sources and composition. On plant essential oils in monogastric animals and ruminant nutrition research.
    Evaluation of Rumen Protected Leucine Availability in the Products
    2009, 30(3):  49-49.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.022
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    In vitro and in Sacco techniques were used to identify the stability of the rumen-protected Leucine (RPLeu) in the artificial saliva and rumen of the Inner Mongolia White Cashmere Goats (IMWCG), and its digestibility in the duodenum. The coated amino acids were incubated for 2,4,8,12,16 and 24 h in the artificial saliva, rumen and duodenum. Results showed that: Release rate of the RPLeu was improved with the cluture time;Release rate of the RPLeu in saliva ,rumen and duodenum were10.63 % ,25.82 % and 85.27 % after 8 hour.It showed that the tureen-protected Leucine had a good stability in saliva and rumen ,and it had a good digestibility in the duodenum.
    Determination on Benzoic Acid in Feed by SPE-HPLC
    2009, 30(3):  51-51.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.023
    Abstract ( 83 )   PDF (165KB) ( 55 )   Save
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    The benzoic acid in feed was determined by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the determination method was established. Benzoic acid in feed was extracted by methanol, purified by C18 solid phase extraction column and detected by RP-HPLC. The linear relationship of benzoic acid in the range of 50-250 g/L was better and the limit of detection of benzoic acid in feed was 0.006 g/kg.
    Application and Research Progress of Phytase
    2009, 30(3):  61-61.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.029
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (320KB) ( 70 )   Save
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    Phytic acid and its sahs play a role in anti-nutrients in animals, can reduce feed utilization and improve the feed cost. Through adding phytase to animal feed, the phosphorus in animal feed can be used effectively, and thereby reducing the discharge of phosphorus and environmental pollution. The article reviewed the sources, mechanism and the application and research of Phytase in recent studies.
    The Utilization of Protein and Nonprotein Nitrogen by Ruminant Livestock
    2009, 30(3):  66-66.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.032
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (198KB) ( 126 )   Save
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    Through to ruminant livestock nutrition physiology the understanding, elaborated how enhances the feed protein and the nonprotein nitrogen in ruminant livestock production the use efficiency.
    Application Research of Chinese Herbal Feed Additive in the Production of Cattle and Sheep
    2009, 30(3):  69-69.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.034
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (307KB) ( 81 )   Save
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    The present application of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive in the production of flocks and herds was elaborated. The problems of Chinese herbal medicine feed additive in the actual production process were analyzed, and its application prospect were forecast in the article.
    Comparison between Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Atomic Emission Spectrometry on the Determination of Sodium in Milk Powder
    2009, 30(3):  83-83.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.043
    Abstract ( 150 )   PDF (282KB) ( 56 )   Save
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    According to the method determining sodium in food in GB 5009, the content of sodium in milk powder was determined by using atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry at the wavelength of 330.2 nm, and two kinds of methods were compared. The result showed that the sensitivity and detection limit of 2 methods were close, with higher sensitivity of atomic absorption. The precision and accuracy of 2 methods were similar, which all could meet the daily requirements of food inspection. The recovery rate of 2 methods was in 92 %-102 %. On the whole, the method of atomic absorption spectrometry was slightly superior to that of the atomic emission spectrometry.
    Acute Poisoning Experiments with Flavonoid from Vine Tea on Mice
    2009, 30(3):  86-86.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.045
    Abstract ( 106 )   PDF (99KB) ( 69 )   Save
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    The acute poisoning experiment on mice was carried out by using suspension made with flavonoid of vine tea. The result showed that doses of flavonoid from vine tea at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 g/kg had no acute toxic effect on mice and the flavonoid from vine tea was a non-toxic material.
    Effect of Philter and Exogenous Hormones on Reproductive Performance of Landrace Gilts
    2009, 30(3):  87-87.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.046
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    In order to study the effect of Chinese medicine philter and exogenous reproductive hormone on reproductive performance of landrace gilts, the estrualization experiment on 48 heads of purebred landrace gilts in a pig farm was carried out by using Chinese medicine philter and exogenous reproductive hormones including cloprostenol (PG)and luteinizing releasing hormone A3 (LRH-A3). The results showed that the best aphrodisiac effect was phiher+PG+LRH-A3, followed by philter +LRH-A3, and the minimal aphrodisiac effect was PG +LRH-A3.
    Maintenance of Animal Specimen
    2009, 30(3):  91-91.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.048
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    This paper analyzed the cause of the destroy of animal specimens and provide the prevention mean. At the same time, the new methods and materia medica were used in foreign were introduced.
    Exploration of Teaching Mode Based on the Knowledge Characteristics of Animal Immunology
    2009, 30(3):  102-102.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.055
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    Based on the characteristics of rapid development, too abstract to understand, multi-disciplinary cross in animal immunology subject, in this paper we explore a comprehensive teaching mode, including questioning and heuristic teaching method, etc. Moreover, some ideas about teaching reform on the course of animal immunology were also put forward.
    Strategies to Stimulate Learning Enthusiasm of Students
    2009, 30(3):  104-104.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.056
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    The methods to improve the teaching quality of universities were explored with "Western Economics" as an instance. The teaching method combining three links (review + teaching + review) was proposed, and then the major obstacles to apply this teaching method were also analyzed. In other words, students didn't play a main role in learning, were not enthusiastic about learning, and didn't study hard enough. Thus, the key to adopt the teaching method combining three links is how to enhance the learning enthusiasm of students. The strategies to stimulate enthusiasm learning were also put forward.
    Current Situation and Countermeasures of White Goose Industry in Wanxi Area
    2009, 30(3):  108-108.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.058
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    White goose industry is the agriculture pillar industry in wanxi area. A quo-depth investigation of white goose industry showed that there are more pronounced features and advantages at the aspects of basic and applied research, industrial division, the degree of market development, etc. However there were also many problems such as insufficient investment in science and technology, lack of policy support, feeding unscientific and the uncoordination of the standardized level and the industrial scale. Given the above problems, some countermeasures were put forward.
    Observation on Application Effect of Multipolar Inactivated Vaccine (Xinjiang Strain) of Chicken Escherichia coli
    2009, 30(3):  124-124.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.066
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    The contrast test of multipolar inactivated vaccine with hydroxide adjuvant from self-made chicken Escherichia coli on 3 chicken flocks was made. There was great difference among the survival rate of 8-43 week-old chicken in immunized group and non- immunized group (P〈 0.01 ). There was not significant difference in the laying rate of 28 week-old chicken, but there were great differences among the laying rate and the rate of feed and egg of 43 week-old chicken (P〈 0.01 ). The result showed that applying self- made E. coli muhipolar inactivated vaccine in the chicken house could obtain better control effect.
    Study on the Minimum Immune Dose of Triplex Oil Emulsion Vaccine against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and Egg Drop Syndrome
    2009, 30(3):  128-128.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.069
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    3-week-old SPF chickens were immunized with triplex oil emulsion vaccine ND-IB-EDS with different doses of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 mL prepared by institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. ND and EDS HI antibodies in chickens were detected after immunization for 3 weeks and the chickens were challenged with virulent NDV Beijing strains; In addition, SPF chickens were immunized with H 120 live vaccine at first immunization and that were immunized with triplex oil emulsion vaccine at 0.1 - 0.5 mL per chicken resp. at second immunization, and then the IB HI antibodies in chickens were measured after two immunities. The results showed that immune dose of 0.1 mL could produce better immune effect and therefore the minimum immune dose of the ND-IB-EDS vaccine was 0.1 mL per chicken.
    The Detection Research Progress of Salmonella
    2009, 30(3):  138-138.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.077
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    SalmoneUa is an important zoonosis, set up a fast and accurate method has been the core problem for Salmonella testing.The detection research progress of Salmonella was reviewed in this paper.
    Analysis of Meteorological Conditions about Poa pratensis L. Growth
    2009, 30(3):  149-149.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.083
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    According to the livestock forage observational data of Urumqi Meteorological Experiment Station, the climatic conditions of Poa pratensis L. growth period, growth height and grass production were analysed, in order to provide evidence for meteorological services in animal husbandry.
    Study on Inbred-fruitfulness of Different Alfalfa Varieties
    2009, 30(3):  151-151.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.084
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    The inbred-fruitfulness of 10 alfalfa varieties treated with 3 inbred ways and 2 pollination modes were investigated. The result indicated that the different treatments had varied inbred-fruitfulness rates, the difference was significant, but the difference was not obvious among each treatment for helical number of per-pod arid thousand seed weight of seeds. The self-fruitful rates of 3 inbred ways presented an increasing tendency according to the order of inbred in single flower—— inbred in same inflorescence ——inbred in same plant, and the difference between the inbred in same inflorescence and that in same plant was not evident, but all had significant difference level with inbred in same flower. Compared with spontaneous pollinationl the artificial pollination was able to increase obviously the self-fruitful rate of alfalfa. But artificial pollination did not improve significantly the seed setting rate of inbred in single flower, however it mainly increased the self-fruitful rates of inbred in same inflorescence and same plant.
    Effect of Warming and Fertilization on Soil Organic Matter—— With Research Base of Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Located in Siziwangqi as Example
    2009, 30(3):  153-153.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.085
    Abstract ( 139 )   PDF (315KB) ( 90 )   Save
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    With the desert steppe of Inner Mongolia Plateau as research object, in which the Stipa breviflora Griseb., A rtemisiafrigida Willd. and Cleistogenes mutica Keng were major plants, the tests of warming facilities and nitrogen application were conducted under natural field conditions to study the change laws of soil organic matter in each soil layer and with different treatments under the conditions of fertilization and warming, fertilization without warming, warming without fertilization and neither fertilization and warming. The results showed that the organic matter contents in soil were all increased under the warming and nitrogen application conditions and that were all reduced gradually with deepening of the soil under 4 treatment conditions. Under the action of warming and nitrogen application, the organic matter content in soil in 2008 was evidently lower than that in 2007, which had great relation to rainwater in those years. The change taws for the organic matter contents in different depth of soil in control area were consistent, which all diminished gradually with year increasing.
    Diversity of Some Blood Biochemical Indexes in Dairy Cows Infected with Mastiffs
    2009, 30(3):  163-163.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.091
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    21 clinical healthy Holstein dairy cows (CMT-negative), 19 dairy cows infected with recessive mastiffs (CMT -positive)and 33 dairy cows infected with clinical mastitis were randomly selected, and blood samples were taken from the jugular vein for measuring serum biochemical indexes of total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), globulin (GLOB), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), N-acetyl-β-D- glucosaminidase (NAG)and immunoglobulin IgA, IgM and IgG. The resuhs showed that the serum ALP and NAG activities of the dairy cows infected with clinical mastiffs were significantly higher than those of healthy dairy cows and the dairy cows infected with recessive mastitis ( P〈0.01 or P〈0.05 ). the serum immunoglobuliin IgA, IgM and IgG contents of the coinical dairy cows were significantly higher than thoseof the healthy dairy cows(P〈0.01 or P〈0.05 ). The serum ALP and NAG activities and immunoglobulin IgA, IgM, IgG contents of the dairy cows infected with recessive masfitis were higher than those of the healthy dairy cows, but there had no significant difference (P〉0.05). The serum TP, ALB and GLOB contents among 3 groups of dairy cows were not significant difference (P〉 0.05 ).
    Identification of Brucella in Dairy Cow by PCR
    2009, 30(3):  165-165.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.092
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    The milk samples and relative samples of lung, liver, spleen etc. in aborted fetus of dairy cow infected with Brucella suspiciously in an area of Inner Mongolia were collected and 11 pathogenic strains were isolate and cultured. 11 pathogenic strains were identified as BruceUa and confirmed as B. abortus biovar 5, 6, 9 or 3b by using 4 kinds of PCR methods as BCSP31-PCR, VirB8-PCR, multiplex PCR and AMOS-PCR.
    General Situation Analysis on Protection and Development and Utilization of Agricultural Biological Resources in Sichuan Province
    2009, 30(3):  182-182.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.103
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    The development and utilization of agricultural biological resources in Sichuan Province were generalized and summed up, and discussed from 4 aspects of recourses in crop, horticulture, livestock and poultry and comprehensive resource utilization, and then the developing progress of agricultural biological resources in Siehuan Province was prospected.
    Trial to Control Rhynchaenus empopulifolis Chen with 6HW-50-type High-range Car Sprayer
    2009, 30(3):  192-192.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.03.112
    Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (89KB) ( 137 )   Save
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    A comparative experiment of 1.2 % bitter smoke of different application amount using 6HW-50-car high-range spray machines, so as to assess the control effect of the new spraying equipment on Rhynchaenus empopulifolis Chen.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

