北方农业学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 123-128.doi: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2020.01.24

• 农业经济·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


何贤芳, 赵莉, 刘泽, 汪建来   

  1. 安徽省农业科学院 作物研究所,安徽 合肥 230031
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-31 出版日期:2020-01-19 发布日期:2020-05-08
  • 通讯作者: 汪建来(1964—),男,研究员,硕士,主要从事小麦遗传育种的研究工作。
  • 作者简介:何贤芳(1983-),女,助理研究员,博士研究生,主要从事小麦遗传育种的研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of yield difference and production restriction factors of rice stubble wheat in Anhui Province

HE Xianfang, ZHAO Li, LIU Ze, WANG Jianlai   

  1. Crop Research Institute,Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hefei 230031,China
  • Received:2019-10-31 Online:2020-01-19 Published:2020-05-08

摘要: 【目的】了解安徽省不同地区稻茬小麦产量水平差异与生产限制因子。【方法】 利用参与式农村评估方法调研安徽省沿淮、江淮、沿江3个稻茬麦区小麦产量现状和限制因素构成。【结果】 安徽省稻茬麦区当前从事小麦生产的人员年龄主要集中在41~60岁,占总人数的79.52%;稻茬麦产量从北往南递减,变幅为3 048.60~5 685.60 kg/hm2,平均产量为4 978.5 kg/hm2,总体平均产量呈现沿淮地区>江淮地区>沿江地区,降水、病害和光照时长是导致南北区间产量差异的主要因素;全省尺度稻茬小麦平均产量差异达2 637.00 kg/hm2,区域内产量极差分别为2 778.00、2 502.00、1 575.00 kg/hm2,品种选择、耕作方式和田间管理水平的不同是区域内产量差异形成的主要因素。稻茬小麦生产的非人为可控限制因素主要有赤霉病和穗发芽;人为可控限制因素主要有品种选择不合理,播种质量差、出苗质量低和农机农艺不配套;社会限制因素主要有投入大、成本高、市场粮价低、效益差和化肥农资价格高且不稳定;生态限制因素主要有土壤质地差、土壤耕层浅和土壤不够肥沃以及干旱、涝渍、光照不足和有效积温不足。【结论】 提升中、低产田块的产量潜力是缩小区域内稻茬麦产量差异的有效途径;适宜的小麦品种与布局,建设病(虫、草)害预测预报体系,完善农机与植保社会化服务组织和加强新型农业经营主体及农机手的科技培训是缩小稻茬麦区产量差异的技术核心手段。

关键词: 安徽, 稻茬麦, 产量差, 限制因素, 途径

Abstract: 【Objective】 To understand the yield difference of rice stubble wheat and the production restriction factors in different regions of Anhui Province. 【Methods】 A participatory rural assessment method was used to investigate the status quo of wheat yield and the composition of limiting factors in three rice stubble areas along the Yanhuai region,the Jianghuai region,and the Yanjiang region in Anhui Province. 【Results】 At present,the age of wheat production personnel in rice-stubble wheat area of Anhui Province is mainly 41-60 years old,accounting for 79.52% of the total population. The yield of rice cropping wheat decreased from north to south,with a range of 3 048.60-5 685.60 kg/hm2 and an average yield of 4 978.5 kg/hm2. The overall average yield was Yanhuai region>the Jianghuai region>the Yanjiang region. The average yield difference of rice stubble wheat in the whole province was 2 637.00 kg/hm2,and the regional yield range was 2 778.00 kg/hm2,2 502.00 kg/hm2,and 1 575.00 kg/hm2,respectively. The main non-human limiting factors in rice stubble wheat production were gibberellic disease and ear germination. Artificial controllable limiting factors mainly include unreasonable variety selection,poor sowing quality,low seedling quality,and unmatched agricultural machinery and techniques. The main social limiting factors are large input,high cost,low market grain price,poor efficiency,and high and unstable prices of fertilizer. The main ecological limiting factors are poor soil texture,shallow and less fertile soil,drought,waterlogging,insufficient light,and insufficient effective accumulated temperature. 【Conclusion】 It is an effective way to reduce the yield difference of rice stubble wheat in the region to increase the yield potential of middle and low yield fields. The technical core means to narrow the yield difference of rice stubble wheat area are to establish suitable wheat variety and distribution,to build the forecast system of disease (insect,grass),to improve the social service organization of agricultural machinery and plant protection,and to improve the training of new agricultural operators and agricultural machine operators.

Key words: Anhui, Rice stubble wheat, Yield gap, Limiting factors, Way


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