北方农业学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 64-68.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2018.06.13

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  1. [1]内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010010
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-20 出版日期:2018-08-19 发布日期:2019-08-19
  • 作者简介:王新宇(1992—),男,硕士,研究方向为土壤学;通讯作者:包翔(1962—),男,副教授,博士,硕士生导师,主要从事草原土壤利用与保护的教学与科研工作。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of fire on soil black carbon and organic carbon content

WANG Xinyu[1];BAO Xiang[1];WANG Ruili[1]   

  1. [1]College of Grassland and Resource Management,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010010,China
  • Received:2018-10-20 Online:2018-08-19 Published:2019-08-19

摘要: 文章以大兴安岭地区根河市境内天然火烧林地为研究对象,对位于同一区域的不同年代的火烧强度有差别的土壤有机碳和黑碳开展了研究分析。结果表明:随着火烧强度的变化,土壤中黑碳、有机碳的含量也随之发生变化。与对照样地相比,森林火灾形成的初级阶段,重度火烧迹地土壤黑碳含量146.29g/kg,增加了118.3%;有机碳含量105.31g/kg,增加了189.3%。轻度火烧迹地土壤黑碳含量110.93g/kg,增加了65.5%;有机碳含量52.30g/kg,增加了43.7%。在森林火灾发生后的若干年中,土壤中黑碳含量和有机碳含量变化幅度不同,但总的趋势较对照样地均为增加。与对照样地相比,2015年、2014年重度火烧迹地土壤黑碳含量分别增加了88.8%、32.3%,有机碳含量分别增加了61.6%、9.4%;轻度火烧迹地土壤黑碳含量分别增加了24.5%、9.5%,有机碳含量分别增加了11.7%、8.4%。火烧后第13年土壤中黑碳、有机碳含量与对照样地相比趋于持平。土壤中黑碳含量和有机碳含量之间存在一定的关联,有机碳含量将会随着黑碳含量的增高而增高。通过分析森林火灾发生过程中土壤中黑碳含量和有机碳含量的变化有利于加深人们对生物圈碳循环过程的认识。

关键词: 火烧;土壤黑碳;土壤有机碳

Abstract: In this paper,theforests of Genhe city in Greater Khingan range as the research objects.Among forests of different ages and located in the same region,the effects of fires of different intensity on the different physical and chemical properties of soil black carbon and organic carbon were analyszed.The conclusions are as follows.With the change of fire intensity,the content of black carbon in soil changed accordingly.Compared with the control sample,at the primary stage of the formation of severe forest fires,soil black carbon content was 146.29 g/kg,an increase of 118.3%.Soil organic carbon content was 105.31 g/kg,an increase of 189.3%.Lightly burned soil black carbon was 110.93 g/kg,an increase of 65.5%;while the organic carbon content was 52.30 g/kg,an increase of 43.7%.In the forest fire after several years,variations of black carbon content and organic carbon content in soil were different,but the overall trend was still increasing.Compared with the control plots,after the severe burn of soil black carbon sites were increased by 88.8%in 2015 and 32.3%in 2014;and organic carbon content increased by 61.6%in 2015 and 9.4%in 2014.Lightly burned soil black carbon content increased by 24.5%and 9.5%;and organic carbon content increased by 11.7%and 8.4%.Compared with the control plots,the content of black carbon and organic carbon in soil held relatively constant over the thirteen years following the fire.There is a relationship between the contents of black carbon and organic carbon content in soil.Organic carbon content will be increased with the increase of the content of black carbon.The analysis of the changes of soil black carbon content and organic carbon content in the aftermath of forest fire can help to deepen the understanding of the process of carbon cycle in the biosphere.

Key words: Fire;Soil black carbon;Soil organic carbon


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