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20 February 2021, Volume 49 Issue 1
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  • Germplasm resources·Crop genetic breeding
    Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of sugarbeet germplasm resources by SSR markers
    ZHAO Shangmin, LI Xiaodong, FU Zengjuan, E Yuanyuan, ZHANG Hui, WANG Liang, ZHANG Ziqiang, ZHENG Wenzhe, ZHANG Bizhou, BAI Chen, ZHANG Huizhong
    2021, 49(1):  1-9.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.01
    Abstract ( 423 )   PDF (1051KB) ( 60 )   Save
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    【Objective】 In order to develop the way of innovation and utilization of sugarbeet germplasm resources,make the excellent hybrid combinations and improve the efficiency of breeding.【Methods】 The genetic diversity and population structure of 70 sugarbeet germplasm resources were analyzed by SSR molecular markers. The sugarbeet genomic DNA was extracted by CTAB method,and the genomic DNA of 70 sugarbeet germplasm resources was amplified by PCR using 12 pairs of SSR primers with good polymorphism and clear bands,the amplified products were detected by 6% denatured polyacrylamide GEL electrophoresis,and the results were statistically analyzed.【Results】 A total of 52 alleles were amplified from the resources,each pair of primers could catch 2-6 alleles,the average number of the alleles was 4.33,and the heterozygosity(Ho)was 0.06-0.60,the average value was 0.22. The expected heterozygosity(He)was 0.15-0.97,the average value was 0.69,which indicated that the genetic diversity of the resources was rich,and the polymorphism information content(PIC)was 0.10-0.96,and the average value was 0.65. According to SSR marker data,70 sugarbeet germplasm resources were divided into 6 subgroups at K=6,which was essentially consistent with the result of principal component analysis.【Conclusion】 The study further reflected the genetic diversity,genetic background and inherent genetic structure of the 70 sugarbeet germplasm resources materials,and provided a theoretical foundation for the selection and utilization of the materials in future breeding.
    Comparative analysis of comprehensive evaluation of silage corn new varieties by grey correlation analysis and DTOPSIS method
    DING Ning, ZHANG Yuqiang, ZHANG Shenju
    2021, 49(1):  10-16.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.02
    Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (565KB) ( 111 )   Save
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    【Objective】 To comprehensively evaluate the silage corn new varieties and provide basis for the promotion of silage corn.【Methods】 Grey correlation analysis and DTOPSIS method were utilized to comprehensively analysis 13 traits of the 12 varieties from the national regional test of silage corn in Huang-Huai-Hai area in 2014. And the two methods were compared by the maximum difference rate method and discrimination method.【Results】 The two methods could make objective and comprehensive evaluation for the varieties. Among them,the biological dry weight of silage corn variety Dajingjiu 26 was 18 742.5 kg/hm2,12.5% higher than that of the control,which reached a very significant level(P<0.01). The biological dry weight of it ranked the first obtained in the two methods. The variety,Dajingjiu 26,had the characteristics of moderate growth period,lodging resistance,small leaf spot resistance,low content of neutral detergent fiber and high starch content. The results of variance analysis of biological dry weight of the 12 varieties were in the order of V9>V1>V10>V7>V3>V5>V12>V4>V2>V8>V11>V6. For the biological dry weight of the varieties,the rank correlation coefficients of grey correlation analysis and DTOPSIS method were 0.930 1 and 0.902 1 respectively,and the two comprehensive analysis methods could truly reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the silage corn varieties. The maximum difference rate of Ci of DTOPSIS method was 84.6%,and the discrimination degree was 0.733 3,which was better than that of grey correlation analysis.【Conclusion】 DTOPSIS method could easy to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the tested varieties,and it was also a better method for comprehensive evaluation of silage corn varieties.
    Adaptability evaluation of new varieties of sugarbeet with high quality and disease resistance in Ta′e Reclamation Area in Xinjiang
    LUO Jingjing, WANG Heya, WANG Kang, WANG Fucheng, WANG Xia, CUI Yu, BAI Ruxiao, YANG Zhe
    2021, 49(1):  17-22.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.03
    Abstract ( 654 )   PDF (524KB) ( 66 )   Save
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    【Objective】 To screen new varieties of sugarbeet with high quality and disease resistance in Ta′e Reclamation Area in Xinjiang.【Methods】 In the 4-year continuous cropping disease nursery of sugarbeet,a randomized block arrangement design was used to conduct a plot comparison test. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. The local main growing variety Beta796 was used as the control variety. The 9 introduced sugarbeet varieties KWS7748,KWS9968,KWS9899,KWS9962,KWS0066,KWS3410,KWS3354,Beta468,KWS5599 were comprehensively analyzed for their variety adaptability,disease resistance,root yield and sugar yield and other traits.【Results】 The KWS7748 and Beta468 had outstanding performance in disease resistance,root yield,sugar yield and other traits,which were better than the control variety Beta796. The root yield and sugar yield of variety KWS7748 were 43.15% and 43.50% higher than Beta796,and the root yield and sugar yield of Beta468 were 25.83% and 34.47% higher than Beta796,respectively.【Conclusion】 KWS7748,Beta 468 were suitable for cultivation in Ta′e Reclamation Area and could be promoted in the area.
    Corp cultivation·Physiology and biochemistry
    Effect of the interaction between irrigation amount and planting density on flowering photosynthetic performance and the grain yield in spring corn
    LI Xiaozhong, SUN Jiying, GAO Julin, LIU Jian, WANG Zhigang, HU Shuping, BAO Haizhu, YU Xiaofang, TIAN Tian
    2021, 49(1):  23-33.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.04
    Abstract ( 372 )   PDF (4739KB) ( 89 )   Save
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    【Objective】 To define the interaction model between irrigation amount and planting density of the canopy structure of spring corn population with high efficiency and coordination in the irrigated area of Tumed Plain. 【Methods】 Xianyu 335 as the test varieties,two test factors of irrigation gradient and planting density were set. Two water gradients,normal irrigation treatment(75% field moisture capacity,S1) and moderate water stress(45% field moisture capacity,S2) for irrigation amount and two planting density treatments,75 000 plants/hm2(M1) and 105 000 plants/hm2(M2) were set in the study. The samples were taken after water stress treatment to determine soil physical index,chemical index,spring corn leaf photosynthetic characteristics,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,relative content of chlorophyll,dry matter accumulation above the ground,and grain yield. The effects of irrigation amount,planting density and their interaction on flowering photosynthetic performance and grain yield of spring corn were analyzed.【Results】 Compared with normal irrigation treatment(S1),moderate water stress (S2) significantly could reduce grain yield,water consumption(ET) of whole growth period,water use efficiency(WUE),irrigation water production efficiency(IWPE),dry matter accumulation(P<0.05). Compared with the treatment of normal irrigation combined with 75 000 plants/hm2(S1M1),in the treatment of normal irrigation combined with 105 000 plants/hm2(S1M2),the relative content of chlorophyll(SPAD) decreased by 2.859,the maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm) decreased by 0.033,the photosynthetic index(PI) decreased by 0.882,the net photosynthetic rate(Pn) decreased by 2.130 μmol/(m2·s),the transpiration rate (Tr) decreased by 1.153 μmol/(m2·s),and the stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased by 0.054 μmol/(m2·s). Leaf water use efficiency(WUEL) showed an increasing trend with the increase of planting density. Compared with S1M1,WUEL of S1M2 increased by 0.492 μmol/mmol;the correlation coefficients between grain yield and Fv/Fm,Pn were 88% and 92%,respectively. Therefore,Fv/Fm and Pn were given priority in variety selection. Moderate water stress and high planting density could significantly reduce the photosynthetic performance and grain yield(P<0.05).【Conclusion】 In the irrigated area of Tumed Plain,under normal irrigation combined with planting density of 105 000 plants/hm2(S1M2),the plant populations coordination of spring corn was better,and the grain yield was 11 507.79 kg/hm2.
    The effects of planting density and row and plant spacing on yield characters of edible sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District
    SUN Xiangchun, MIAO Sanming, WANG Xuejiao, ZHANG Yan, FAN Xiurong, SUN Xiuyun, WANG Yanjun, GAO Haiyan, ZHAO Xiaoyu, LI Qiang
    2021, 49(1):  34-39.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.05
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (546KB) ( 88 )   Save
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    【Objective】 In order to determine the optimal planting density and row and plant spacing of edible sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District,and provide technical support and theoretical basis for high yield,high quality and high efficiency cultivation of edible sunflower in this area.【Methods】 Split zone test was used to design planting density of 21 000,24 000, 27 000,30 000,33 000 plants/hm2;large row spacing of 1.00,1.10,1.20 m,small row spacing of 0.40 m,0.38-0.68 m plant spacing for each treatment. And the best configuration of planting density and row and plant spacing of edible sunflower were compared and analyzed in Hetao Irrigation District.【Results】 The optimal planting density 27 000 plants/hm2,the row and plant spacing was 1.20 m for large row spacing,0.40 m for small row spacing and 0.46 m for plant spacing on edible sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District,the highest yield was 4 729.3 kg/hm2,which was significantly different from other treatments(P<0.01),and the highest economic benefit was 34 996.8 yuan/hm2. The next was the planting density of 27 000 plants/hm2,the row and plant spacing was 1.10 m for large row spacing,0.40 m for small row spacing and 0.49 m for plant spacing,the yield was 4 671.5 kg/hm2 and the economic benefit was 31 858.6 yuan/hm2.【Conclusion】 According to the results of comprehensive yield and economic performance analysis,the optimal planting density of 27 000 plants/hm2,the row and plant spacing was 1.20 m for large row spacing,0.40 m for small row spacing and 0.46 m for plant spacing on high yield,high quality and high efficiency cultivation of edible sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District.
    Effects of different cultivation patterns on soybean growth and development in the southern foothills of Daxing′Anling
    LIAN Bo, WANG Xuejiao, SU Erhu, ZHAO Xiaoyu, LI Jinlong, CHEN Guangping, JIA Limin, LI Qiang
    2021, 49(1):  40-46.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.06
    Abstract ( 367 )   PDF (1278KB) ( 237 )   Save
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    【Objective】 In order to clarify the best cultivation pattern of soybean in the southern foothills of Daxing′Anling in Inner Mongolia,and provide technical support and theoretical basis for soybean dense-planting cultivation in this area. 【Methods】 In 2017—2019,Mengdou No.13 was used as material,and three cultivation patterns of soybean were set as experimental treatments:planting on wide and high ridge,and three rows of ridge (110 cm wide ridge,RBH),three rows of narrow furrow and dense-planting of ridge(three rows on 65 cm ridge,RNC),and three rows of ridge cultivation(double rows on 65 cm ridge,CK). The agronomic characters,SPAD value,leaf area index,dry matter accumulation and yield index of soybean were analyzed,the efficiency and income were calculated through the input-output accounting.【Results】 There was no significant difference in nutrient growth days,reproductive growth days,growth period and nodes number of main stem among the treatments(P>0.05). The plant height and bottom pod height were RNC>RBH>CK. The effective branch numbers of CK was significantly higher than that of RNC and RBH(P<0.05);SPAD value showed RBH>RNC>CK and increased gradually with growth period. At flowering period(R2),pod setting period(R4) and seed filling period(R6),SPAD value of RBH was significantly higher than RNC and CK(P<0.05). Compared with CK,SPAD value of RBH increased 9.3%,7.0% and 8.6% respectively in 3 years. Leaf area index(LAI) increased gradually with growth period,maximum value of LAI reached at seed filling period,and then decreased gradually,the results showed RNC>RBH>CK and RNC increased LAI most significantly. Dry matter accumulation as RBH>RNC>CK and increased gradually with growth period. Pod number per plant,seed number per plant and seed weight per plant showed RBH>CK>RNC. No significant difference for 100 seed weight(P>0.05). The theoretical yield and actual yield of soybean under different cultivation patterns showed RBH > RNC > CK, and there were significant differences among different treatments(P<0.05). The theoretical yield and actual yield of soybean under RBH increased significantly and increase 665.2 kg/hm2 and 403.0 kg/hm2 respectively compared with RNC and CK in 2019. The income under different cultivation patterns showed RBH>RNC>CK,and the average income of RBH and RNC increased by 18.00%(1 392.0 yuan/hm2)and 2.67%(190.4 yuan/hm2)compared with CK.【Conclusion】 RBH(110 cm wide ridge) cultivation pattern for increasing soybean yield and efficiency in the southern foothills of Daxing′Anling in Inner Mongolia.
    Effects of different exogenous hormones on flowering,fruiting and photosynthetic parameters in common buckwheat
    JIN Xiaolei, LUO Zhongwang, XIE Rui, XIN Wanhe, FANG Yongyu
    2021, 49(1):  47-52.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.07
    Abstract ( 311 )   PDF (1713KB) ( 63 )   Save
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    【Objective】 To reveal the effects of different exogenous hormones on the seed number and photosynthetic performance in common buckwheat.【Methods】 Varieties of “BZS” and“CT1” as experimental materials and treated with different concentrations(100,150,200 mg/L) of paclobutrazol(PP333) and 6-benzyl adenine(6-BA) at different time of seedling stage to study the effects of different treatments on pollen fertility,stigma receptivity,photosynthetic parameters,flowering number and the seed number of common buckwheat.【Results】 Compared with the control(water),PP333 treatment at 100 mg/L and 6-BA at 150 mg/L,the seed numbers reached maximum increased respectively 20.3% and 47.9%. The net photosynthetic rate and intercellular CO2 concentration during full booming stage were both increased when spraying PP333 and 6-BA compared with CK at different stage of common buckwheat. The transpiration rate was increased and stomatal conductivity was decreased when spraying PP333 compared with CK but the effect of spraying 6-BA was opposite to that of spraying PP333.【Conclusion】 In the second true leaf stage of common buckwheat,PP333 100 mg/L or 6-BA 150 mg/L treatments could improve pollen fertility,stigma receptivity,seed number per plant,and photosynthetic performance.
    Soil and fertilizer·Agroecology environment
    Effects of different ratios of nitrogen and potassium on root growth and yield in potato
    DI Caixia, LI Xiuping, LI Yanfang, LI Baohe, Shana, LI Bin, ZHAO Ju
    2021, 49(1):  53-59.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.08
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (696KB) ( 85 )   Save
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    【Objective】 To clarify the effects of different nitrogen and potassium ratios on potato root correlation index during tuber bulking period and yieid under the condition of high ridge drip irrigation in semi-arid area,then the suitable nitrogen and potassium combinations condition for root growth and yield increase of potato were screened.【Methods】 The root activity,total root absorption area,root morphological indexes,commercial potato rate and yield of potato were analyzed under 9 treatments field test with different nitrogen and potassium ratios at the Wuchuan drought planting experimental station.【Results】 The root activity and total root absorption area of potato with N12K15 were the highest and significant differences(P<0.05) compared with other treatments(except N12K18 treatment on root activity). The root length,root surface area and root tips number were highest when root diameter range from 0-0.5 mm,accounting for 35.7%-47.3% of the total root length,57.7%-71.4% of the root surface area,and 89.7%-94.6% of the total root tips number. Root volume of potato elevated with increase of root diameter when the root diameter was higher than 4.5 mm root volume reached 51.6%-56.0% which was the highest. Root top ratio by N12K15 treatment was the highest(0.67). N12K15 treatment also had the highest number of commodity potato,total weight of commodity potato,commodity potato rate and yield among all treatments. The N6K15 and N6K18 treatments were effectively improved number of commodity potato,total weight of commodity potato,commodity potato rate and yield than N6K12 treatment,number of commodity potato reached 6.5%-29.9%,total weight of commodity potato increased 10.7%-32.2%,yield increased 14.2%-30.1%.【Conclusion】 The effect of N12K15 treatment on potato root growth and yield increase was more significant at the Wuchuan drought planting experimental station.
    Effects of topdressing urea on dry matter accumulation and yield of sorghum
    XU Qingquan, CUI Fengjuan
    2021, 49(1):  60-64.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.09
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    【Objective】 To clarify the effect of topdressing urea on dry matter accumulation and yield of sorghum. 【Methods】 Tongzao No.2 and Tongza 139 as the experimental materials,with randomized block design and three gradients:0(N0),112.5 kg/hm2(N1) and 225.0 kg/hm2(N2) to analyze the effects of topdressing urea by different dosage on dry matter accumulation,proportion of dry matter in each organ,conversion rate of source production capacity after flowering,and yield of sorghum.【Results】 The growth period of sorghum treated with topdressing urea was longer than that without topdressing urea. When 225.0 kg/hm2 urea using,the dry matter accumulation of Tongzao No.2 reached highest,dry matter accumulation reached 19 141.78 kg/hm2 until the maturity stage,dry matter ratio of ear was the highest(56.96%) at the maturity stage,and conversion rate of source production capacity after flowering was the highest(85.32%),and grain yield reached 5 101.48 kg/hm2. When 112.5 kg/hm2 urea using,the dry matter accumulation of Tongza 139 reached highest,dry matter accumulation reached 23 369.33 kg/hm2 until the maturity stage,dry matter ratio of ear was the highest(55.61%) at the maturity stage,and conversion rate of source production capacity after flowering was the highest(89.87%),and grain yield reached 7 788.21 kg/hm2.【Conclusion】 When topdressing urea amounts of 225.0 kg/hm2 for Tongzao No.2 and 112.5 kg/hm2 for Tongza 139,which could effectively increased the dry matter accumulation of sorghum and improved the conversion rate of source production capacity after flowering and increased the yield.
    Effect of spraying organic carbon fertilizer on photosynthetic characteristics of wheat under weak light
    SUN Lei, SUO Quanyi, ZHAO Haihong, CHEN Shuhui, KANG Wenqin
    2021, 49(1):  65-70.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.10
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    【Objective】 Explore the effects of spraying different organic carbon fertilizers on photosynthetic characteristics of wheat under weak light conditions,and provide a reference for the application of organic carbon fertilizers under adverse conditions.【Methods】 Potted experiment with wheat variety Yongliang No.4 as the test material,shading control at jointing stage(60% of natural light),foliar spraying of sucrose(SUC),humic acid(HA),amino acid(AA),and spraying water(W) as control. And the photosynthetic index and the photosynthetic product were measured at 2,5,10 days after spraying.【Results】 Under weak light,the SPAD value of wheat after spraying SUC,HA and AA for 10 days increased by 4.03%,3.63%,3.51% respectively compared with the control. The net photosynthetic rate(Pn) after spraying SUC,HA and AA for 2 days increased by 32.04%,20.61%,23.91% compared with the control,and increased by 34.30%,9.76%,4.75% respectively after 5 days. Spraying SUC for 10 days Pn was 2.5 times that of the control,and the difference was significant(P<0.05). The transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs),and intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci) after spraying SUC for 5 days increased by 13.81%,30.07%,and 14.03% respectively compared with the control. The soluble sugar content increased by 33.20%,18.90% and 31.96% after spraying SUC,HA and AA for 10 days compared with the control;the sucrose content increased by 11.04%,43.56% and 22.70% respectively after spraying SUC,HA and AA for 10 days compared with the control.【Conclusion】 Foliar spraying of organic carbon fertilizer could compensate for the obstruction of carbon metabolism caused by insufficient photosynthesis of wheat under weak light,and could increase the photosynthetic index and photosynthetic product content of wheat leaves.
    Degradation characteristics of full biodegradable mulching film and its effect on non-flooding rice yield
    LIU Hui, LIU Hongjin, WANG Jinling, WU Yan, LIU Bo, SUN Dehua, GUO Xiaoyu, Chunlan, LIU Junpeng
    2021, 49(1):  71-76.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.11
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    【Objective】 To evaluate the practical effects of different full biodegradable mulching film on non-flooding rice. 【Methods】 Using 6 kinds of full biodegradable mulching film(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)and 1 common mulching film(CK) as the test materials,through the field landfill experiment and the non-flooding rice mulching cultivation experiment,the degradation characteristics of the full biodegradable mulching film in each treatment was monitored,and the effect of the full biodegradable mulching film on the yield of rice in dry cultivation.【Results】 In the field landfill experiment after 90 days of landfilling,T5 treatment entered the cataclastic period,most of the T1 and T2 treatments entered the cataclastic period,and had no intensity and elasticity;T6 treatment entered the big crack period,the degradation speed was the slowest,and had minor elasticity. After 180 days of landfilling,the T1,T3,T4 and T5 treatments entered the no-film period,and the T2 and T6 treatments were still in the cataclastic period,and the six fully biodegradable mulches had no intensity and elasticity. After 365 days of landfilling,all the 6 kinds of full biodegradable mulching films were degraded. No degradation,no intensity and elasticity change for CK during 365 days landfilling. In the non-flooding rice mulching cultivation experiment,compared with other treatments,100 days after mulching(August 6th),the T6 treatment entered the cracking period,and the time to enter the cracking stage was the latest;141 days after mulching(September 17th),all 6 kinds of full biodegradable mulching films entered cataclastic period. Compared with CK,the rice yields of T1,T5,and T6 treatments increased significant 18.68%,17.38% and 17.06%,respectively(P<0.05). The T1 treatment got the highest rice yield(8 806.99 kg/hm2). 【Conclusion】 Based on the comprehensive evaluation of the degradation of 6 kinds of full biodegradable mulching films and their effects on non-flooding rice yield,it was concluded that for the non-flooding rice system,T1 and T5 degraded faster and increased yield,and also benefit to the ecological environment.
    Effect of different wheat straw return coverage on the diversity of soil microbial communities in dry farmland
    ZHANG Tingting, WANG Lifang, ZHANG Dejian, LU Zhanyuan, CHENG Yuchen, LI Fu, LIU Zhanyong, DUN Huixia
    2021, 49(1):  77-87.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.12
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    【Objective】 To study the effect of different wheat straw return coverage on the diversity of soil microbial communities in dry farmland in Inner Mongolia,in order to screen out the most suitable amount of straw returning to the field to provide a theoretical basis for improving the straw returning technology in Inner Mongolia.【Methods】 The experiment set a total of 5 wheat straw return coverage(0,30%,50%,70%,90%),using high-throughput sequencing to detect fungi and bacteria in the soil,and corresponding species richness analysis and community structure analysis were performed.【Results】 The microbial community had the highest diversity,higher species richness,and better species uniformity when the coverage of wheat straw returned to the field was 50%. The peaks of fungi and bacteria appeared at different coverage,and the 70% wheat straw return coverage also had greater positive effects.【Conclusion】 With straw mulch,higher the soil microbial diversity,and also more stable the community,especially when the wheat straw return coverage was 50%,the soil microbial community can be maintained at a relatively stable level. It also had a greater positive impact on the diversity of soil microbial communities,when the wheat straw return coverage 70%.
    Analysis of landscape pattern changes and driving forces in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin
    LI Xiao, ZHENG Qingrong, HU Yanqiu, GAO Yanzhen, LUO Shuzheng
    2021, 49(1):  88-97.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.13
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    【Objective】 To clarify the land change and landscape pattern in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin from 2000 to 2018,and provide a reasonable basis for the ecological environment protection and sustainable development in the area.【Methods】 Fragstats 4.2 software was used to analyze the landscape pattern of land use data in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin in 2000,2005,2010,2015 and 2018,and study the landscape pattern spatial-temporal change in the area,and to analyze the driving mechanism of the landscape pattern change with the gray correlation analysis.【Results】 From 2000 to 2018,the area of grassland in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin was absolutely dominant. In the transfer of land use area,the transfer area of cultivated land to grassland was relatively large,which was mainly used for construction land. From 2000 to 2018,the landscape in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin showed a trend of diversified and fragmented characteristics. The gray correlation analysis showed that the proportion of the secondary industry,the proportion of the tertiary industry,the per capita grain output and the average annual temperature were the main driving forces for the changes in the landscape pattern in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin.【Conclusion】 From 2000 to 2018,the land use structure in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin had changed,the construction land had increased significantly,the fluctuation of grassland,cultivated land,and forest land had decreased,and the water area and unused land had changed little. The development of urbanization,the development of agriculture and various ecological constructions were the main reasons promoted the change of the landscape pattern in the upstream area of Hutuo River basin.
    Effects of different hormone treatments on rooting of polychromatic crape myrtle cuttings
    WANG Hao, TAN Jun, LIU Wei, LIU Bo
    2021, 49(1):  98-103.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.14
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    【Objective】 To screen the optimal hormone treatment method for polychromatic crape myrtle cuttings for improving the production efficiency of polychromatic crape myrtle.【Methods】 The young branches of polychromatic crape myrtle were used as cuttings to analyze rooting rate and root effect index under different hormone types,hormone concentrations,treatment time,treatment part,and to detect its endogenous hormones and nutrients changes during the rooting process of cuttings under the optimal treatment and water soaking.【Results】 The hormone treatment could improve polychromatic crape myrtle rooting significantly. Hormone types and hormone concentration both had a highly significant effect on the rooting rate and root effect index(P<0.05),and treatment time could affect significantly the rooting rate only (P<0.05),but reatment part had no significant difference (P>0.05). The comprehensive influence of four factors was hormone types>hormone concentrations>treatment time>treatment part. The optimal treatment was 400 mg/L IBA to treat the lower 1/3 part of the branches for 5 min. The detection of endogenous hormones and nutrients during the rooting process of cuttings that were optimally treated and soaked in water showed that hormone could increase the content of IAA,soluble sugar content and soluble protein content in the critical period of rooting,meanwhile reduce the ABA and ZR content,and promote differentiation of root primordia and elongation of adventitious roots.【Conclusion】 The cutting effect of 400 mg/L IBA on the lower 1/3 part of branches for 5 min was better,and the higher rooting rate and root effect index of polychromatic crape myrtle could be obtained.
    Optimization of protoplast preparation and regeneration conditions of Hypsizygus marmoreus based on response surface method
    FENG Tingting, SONG Tianlei, Chunxia, LIU Chaoxiong, LI Yajiao, MU Zongjie, SUN Guoqin, YU Chuanzong, WANG Haiyan, GUO Jiufeng
    2021, 49(1):  104-110.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.15
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    【Objective】 To provide reference for the studies on cell mutagenesis,fusion and gene editing of Hypsizygus marmoreus.【Methods】 The single factor test and response surface method were used to screen and optimize the main factors affecting the preparation and regeneration conditions of the protoplasts of Hypsizygus marmoreus—bacterial age,osmotic pressure stabilizer types,lysozyme concentration and enzymolysis time.【Results】 The single factor test results showed that the optimal preparation condition of protoplasts were 7 days of bacterial age,with the concentration of 0.6 mol/L mannitol as osmotic pressure stabilizer,the lysozyme concentration of 2%,enzymolysis for 5 h. The optimal regeneration conditions of protoplasts were 6 days of bacterial age,with the concentration of 0.6 mol/L mannitol as osmotic pressure stabilizer,the lysozyme concentration of 2%,enzymolysis for 3 h. The response surface method showed that when 0.6 mol/L mannitol was used as the osmotic pressure stabilizer,the best preparation and regeneration conditions were 7 days of bacterial age,2% of lysozyme concentration,and 4 h of enzymolysis,which had good fitting with the predicted value of the model.【Conclusion】 Based on the optimal preparation conditions determined by response surface method,higher protoplast yield and regeneration rate could be obtained.
    Effects of long-term warming on photosynthesis daily dynamics of three main plants in Stipa breviflora desert steppe
    LEI Xuefeng, WANG Yan, LI Yang, LIANG Yan, BAI Long
    2021, 49(1):  111-118.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.16
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    【Objective】 To study the effects of long-term warming on the photosynthetic daily dynamics of three main plants in Stipa breviflora desert steppe—Stipa breviflora,Artemisia frigida and Kochia prostrata,and to explore the response of desert steppe plants to warming.【Methods】 The experiment was conducted in a random split plot design with two treatments:warming and non-warming(control). A far-infrared radiator was used to simulate the warming treatment,and a portable photosynthetic instrument was used to monitor the daily dynamics of photosynthetic characteristics of Stipa breviflora,Artemisia frigida and Kochia prostrata.【Results】 Long-term warming made the daily dynamic curve of photosynthetic characteristics of Stipa breviflora and Kochia prostrata slightly changed,and Artemisia frigida were more affected by warming. There was a certain difference in the response trend of the daily dynamic average of photosynthetic characteristics to warming. Among them,Stipa breviflora had the highest response degree,and Kochia prostrata and Artemisia frigida had a lower response degree. The photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of Stipa breviflora,Artemisia frigida and Kochia prostrata were increased to varying degree by increasing temperature,but water utilization rate was reduced.【Conclusion】 Long-term warming had little effect on the photosynthetic characteristics of the three main plants Stipa breviflora,Artemisia frigida and Kochia prostrata in Stipa breviflora desert steppe. Different plants had different responses to warming. Warming had a relatively large effect on the photosynthetic characteristics of Stipa breviflora. The daily dynamic curve of photosynthetic characteristics of Artemisia frigida had a relatively obvious response to warming.
    Agriculture information technology
    Analysis of foreign database literature on the field of saline-alkali land based on the scientific knowledge map
    DUN Huixia, CHEN Xiaoling
    2021, 49(1):  119-126.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.17
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    【Objective】 To reveal the development status and research trend of saline-alkali land field.【Methods】 Using the literature on the field of saline-alkali land in the Web of Science core database from 2007 to 2017 as the data source,the method of bibliometrics was used to statistically analyze the number of publications,countries,institutions,and journals in the field of saline-alkali land in the past 10 years. The scientific knowledge map VOSviewer software was used to visually analyze the national cooperation,institutional cooperation,author cooperation,keyword clustering and emerging topics of the literature,and divided the research direction of the saline-alkali land field from the macro level.【Results】 The number of papers on the field of saline-alkali land had been growing rapidly year by year,the largest number of the papers in the journal INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,formed a collaborative network with HILL MICHAEL S,LI WENJUN and WESTERHAUSEN MATTHIAS as the core authors. The institution with the most scientific research results is the Chinese Academy of Sciences,and had formed a research group centered on the United States,China,and Germany. The hot keywords in the past 10 years were crystal-structure,complexes,water,calcium,alkaline-earth etc.,and the emerging keywords in the past 5 years were biomass,reactivity,kinetics,pyrolysis,performance etc.. 【Conclusion】 The research situation on the field of saline-alkali land in the past 10 years was in the growth stage.
    Large scale extraction of main crops growing area based on remote sensing geographic feature curve
    Wulantuya, YU Lifeng, BAO Junwei, XU Hongtao, Wuyundeji, REN Tingting, ZHAO Jiale, DUN Huixia, YU Weizhuo
    2021, 49(1):  127-134.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2021.01.18
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    【Objective】 To study the method for extracting the growing area of main crops in Hulun Buir City and Hinggan League in Inner Mongolia by using remote sensing geographic feature curve data.【Methods】 NDVI calculated by using MOD09Q1 as the dataset,46th,2018;reconstructed time series dataset by using the method of NRF filter and integrate feature curve data sets by adding NDVI minimum in May,DEM data,the slope data and LSWI maximum in May. The CART decision tree classification method was used to extract the growing area of 5 main crops,and the ground quadrat data was used to verify the accuracy.【Results】 The standard feature curve of wheat,oilseed rape,corn,soybean,and rice was built,and the crop information extraction models were constructed for the different areas;the relative accuracy of ground quadrat data verification reached more than 77%.【Conclusion】 Considering the remote sensing geographic feature curves,it was feasible to quickly extract the area of main crops on a large scale by using the CART decision tree classification method.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China