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20 December 2023, Volume 51 Issue 6
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  • Germplasm resources
    Creation and application of new cotton varieties with early maturity,high yield,good fibre quality,high adversity resistance and suitability for mechanization
    WU Liqiang, WANG Xingfen, ZHANG Yan, KE Huifeng, LIU Sujuan, LI Zhikun, XU Dongyong, YANG Jun, SUN Zhengwen, GU Qishen, CHEN Bin, WANG Hongzhe, LU Huaiyu, ZHANG Guiyin, MA Zhiying
    2023, 51(6):  1-9.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.01
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    In response to the urgent demand for mechanization,lightened and simplified cotton production management,as well as the breeding difficulties of collaborative improvement and enhancement of plant architecture,early maturity,yield,fibre quality,and disease resistance for cotton varieties,research on new variety development with the early maturity,high yield,good fibre quality and suitability for mechanization and coordinative cultivation techniques were carried out. Breeding technologies of synchronous improvement of early maturity,density resistance,lodging resistance and suitability for mechanization were established with “two modifications,two increases,and four selections”. Ten elite breeding parent materials were produced. A total of 633 SNP loci associated with 14 traits were determined,including flowering period,Verticillium wilt resistance,boll weight,lint percentage,fibre length,fibre strength and so on. Twenty-six KASP markers with lower cost and higher throughput were developed for breeding selection of fibre quality and Verticillium wilt resistance. Twelve key genes regulating early maturity,fibre quality,adversity resistance and seed germination were discovered. And their expression patterns in different varieties were documented. Using the elite breeding parent materials,breeding techniques,and developed molecular markers,four new varieties including Jinongda 23,Jinongdamian 24,Jinongdamian 25 and Jinongda 36 were bred with early maturity,high yield,good fibre quality and suitability for mechanization. New breakthroughs were made in improving mechanical characteristics such as compact plant architecture,early maturity,concentrated boll opening,and synergistic enhancement with high yield,good fibre quality and disease resistance. Simple,labor saving,and efficient supporting techniques with “one-hole-one-seed machinery sowing,expanding the number of bolls in the population,chemical regulation in whole growing season and pruning-free,and concentrated harvesting in cotton fields” were created for mechanical harvesting. By combining science,enterprises and application,demonstration bases with strong representatives,wide coverage,and strong driving force were established,leading the large-scale production and application of new varieties,with an income increase of 2 700-3 000 yuan per hectare and 60-75 labor saving,significantly reducing costs and increase efficiency.
    Soil and fertilizer·Physiology and biochemistry
    Effects of nitrogen fertilizer reduction and substitution on potato field soil physicochemical properties,potato yield and potato quality
    DU Erxiao, LI Huanchun, REN Yongfeng, KANG Wenqin, ZHENG Na, BAI Hongmei, ZHAO Yiwen, ZHAO Peiyi
    2023, 51(6):  10-17.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.02
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    【Objective】To assess the effects of nitrogen fertilizer reduction and substitution on potato field soil physicochemical properties,potato yield and potato quality in the north foot of Yinshan Mountains in Inner Mongolia.【Methods】The experiment was carried out in Wuchuan dryland experiment station of Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences. Seven treatments were set up,including conventional fertilization(NPK,CK),no nitrogen fertilization(PK),reduced nitrogen fertilization(RN),reduced nitrogen fertilization+water-soluble fertilizer(RN+WF),reduced nitrogen fertilization+decomposed sheep manure organic fertilizer(RN+SM),reduced nitrogen fertilization+bio-organic fertilizer(RN+BM),and reduced nitrogen fertilization+controlled release urea(RN+RUN). The impacts of reduced nitrogen fertilization and partial substitution of nitrogen fertilizer with different fertilizers on soil bulk density,total porosity,available nutrients,organic matter as well as potato yield and quality were evaluated.【Results】The soil bulk density and total porosity of RN+BM treatment were significantly (P<0.05) higher than other treatments. In comparison with NPK treatment,RN+RUN treatment significantly (P<0.05) elevated the available nitrogen,available phosphorus,and available potassium content in the 10-20 cm soil layer by 1.62%,2.38% and 1.54%,respectively. RN+BM treatment had the highest increase of organic matter content in the 0-10 cm soil layer,with an increase of 2.45% compared with NPK treatment. RN+BM treatment significantly (P<0.05) improved the potato yield and quality. In comparison with NPK treatment,the potato yield improved by 16.95%,VC,starch,crude protein and reducing sugar content increased by 15.92%,2.96%,16.26% and 6.67% respectively,and nitrate content decreased by 7.89%.【Conclusion】Reduced nitrogen fertilization+bio-organic fertilizer effectively improved potato field soil physicochemical properties,improved potato yield and quality,was the suitable fertilization pattern for potato cultivation in the north foot of Yinshan Mountains in Inner Mongolia.
    Effects of PEG simulated drought stress on the germination of different Panicum miliaceum L. varieties
    HU Yulu, FENG Hui, REN Jiangling, LIU Yuhan, LIU Sichen, QIAO Zhijun, CAO Xiaoning
    2023, 51(6):  18-27.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.03
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    【Objective】Explore the effect of drought stress on the germination of different Panicum miliaceum L. varieties,to clarify the drought resistance evaluation index of Panicum miliaceum L. during germination stage and the drought resistance ability of different varieties.【Methods】Twenty registered Panicum miliaceum L. varieties with large planting areas in the main producing areas were used as experimental materials. 20% PEG-6000 solution was used to simulate drought stress. Eight germination traits including germination potential,germination rate,embryo length,coleoptile length,lateral root number,radicle length,germination index and sprout index were measured. The drought resistance of Panicum miliaceum L. at germination stage was evaluated by correlation analysis and membership function analysis.【Results】Under drought stress,the germination potential,germination rate,embryo length,coleoptile length,lateral root number,radicle length,germination index and sprout index of the 20 Panicum miliaceum L. varieties were all inhibited. Among them,the germination potential,germination rate,germination index and sprout index of Longmei No. 15 were inhibited most,with reduction rates of 59.05%,43.05%,68.68%,and 65.99%,respectively. Longmei No. 7 were less inhibited,with reduction rates of 20.41%,11.49%,40.51%,and 36.78%,respectively. The membership function value comprehensive evaluation results showed that the drought resistance ability of Longmei No. 7 was stronger at 0.868,while Longmei No. 15 was weaker at 0.093. Correlation analysis showed that,relative germination index,relative germination potential,relative embryo length,relative coleoptile length,relative radicle length,and relative lateral root number were significantly correlated with the membership function comprehensive evaluation value(D value). 【Conclusion】Longmei No. 7 was screened as strong drought resistance variety while Longmei No. 15 was the weak drought resistance variety. Relative germination index,relative germination potential,relative embryo length,relative coleoptile length,relative radicle length and relative lateral root number can be used as reference indexes for drought resistance evaluation of Panicum miliaceum L. at germination stage.
    Effects of four arbors leaf litter leachate on the growth and physiological characteristics of wheat
    GENG Jian, WU Honghua, ZHOU Jian
    2023, 51(6):  28-36.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.04
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    【Objective】The effects of leaf litter leachate of four arbors,Sophora japonica,Salix babylonica,Ulmus pumila,and Betula platyphylla on the growth and physiological characteristics of wheat were studied to provide references for the rational allocation of resources in wheat growth process.【Methods】Using wheat variety Shannong 28 as acceptor material,five treatments of distilled water(CK),Sophora japonica leaf litter leachate(A1),Salix babylonica leaf litter leachate(A2),Ulmus pumila leaf litter leachate(A3),and Betula platyphylla leaf litter leachate(A4) were set up in the indoor pot experiment. The plant height,root length,ground diameter,leaf chlorophyll content,peroxidase(POD) activity and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity were measured on the 55th and 100th day after seeding.【Results】On the 55th and 100th day,the wheat plant height under Ulmus pumila leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased(P<0.05) by 14.11% and 8.31% compared with CK. Wheat root length under Salix babylonica leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased by 9.65% and 10.14% compared with CK(P<0.05). All the four leaf litter leachate treatments significantly decreased(P<0.05) wheat ground diameter. On the 55th day,wheat leaf chlorophyll content under Salix babylonica leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased(P<0.05) by 11.90% compared with CK. On the 100th day,wheat leaf chlorophyll content under Ulmus pumila leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased(P<0.05) by 7.03% compared with CK. On the 55th and 100th day,wheat leaf POD activity under Betula platyphylla leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased(P<0.05) by 0.88% and 3.22% compared with CK,wheat leaf SOD activity under Salix babylonica leaf litter leachate treatment significantly increased(P<0.05) by 13.78% and 9.68% compared with CK. At 55 d and 100 d growth,wheat was most sensitive to the allelopathy of Salix babylonica and Ulmus pumila leaf litter leachate treatment.【Conclusion】The leaf litter leachate of Salix babylonia and Ulmus pumila had strong allelopathic effects on wheat growth,promoted the secretion of specific metabolites of wheat,and changed the surrounding micro ecological environment.
    Research progress and application of avenanthramide
    TANG Yaru, WANG Liwei, AN Jianghong, HE Jiangfeng, LIU Yongbin
    2023, 51(6):  37-50.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.05
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    Oats exhibit a wealth of carbohydrates,soluble dietary fiber,proteins,lipids,phenolic compounds,alkaloids,vitamins,and minerals. Among these,avenanthramide are compounds exclusively found in oats. This paper primarily reviewed the research progress related to nomenclature,classification,extraction methods,synthesis,content enhancement,structure-activity and antioxidant activity,as well as the bioavailability,and physiological activity of avenanthramide. It prospected the functional value of avenanthramide in food health and clinical medicine,as well as the optimization of chemical synthesis processes,aiming to offer insights for the development and utilization of avenanthramide.
    Plant protection·Horticulture
    Inhibitory effects of biocontrol strain JT86 on three sclerotia-producing pathogens of tobacco
    WANG Han, ZHANG Miaomiao, HAI Weixi, WANG Xiaojian, GAO Weikai, ZHANG Xi, HUANG Meiren, LIU Xiaoxue, LIU Chengwei, LI Huaiyuan, SHU Canwei
    2023, 51(6):  51-58.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.06
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (1674KB) ( 22 )   Save
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    【Objective】To explore the inhibitory effect of biocontrol strain JT86 on sclerotia-producing pathogens of tobacco. 【Methods】The cell wall hydrolase activities in the fermentation broth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa JT86 were detected using the double-antibody sandwich method. The mycelium and sclerotia morphological changes of the pathogen treated with JT86 fermentation broth were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The inhibitory effects on the hyphal growth and sclerotia germination of Rhizoctonia solani,Sclerotium rolfsii,and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were tested.【Results】The inhibitory rates of JT86 fermentation broth on the hyphal growth of R. solani,S. rolfsii and S. sclerotiorum were 77.07%,50.82%,and 95.25%,respectively. After 24 h treatment with JT86 fermentation broth,the sclerotia of the three pathogens did not germinate,with inhibitory rates all reached 100%. JT86 fermentation broth had high protease,cellulase and chitinase activities,but did not produce indoleacetic acid. Scanning electron microscopy showed that JT86 fermentation broth could cause severe hyphal atrophy and deformity of R. solani.【Conclusion】The JT86 fermentation broth had good inhibitory effects on the growth and development,as well as sclerotial germination of R. solani,S. rolfsii and S. sclerotiorum.
    Growth characteristics of different Lentinula edodes strains and screening of elite strains
    BAO Hongchun, WU Xiaoyan, LI Xiaolei, YU Chuanzong, PANG Jie, LI Wenbiao, WANG Jing, JI Xiang, GUO Fangying, KONG Lingjiang
    2023, 51(6):  59-69.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.07
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (4833KB) ( 15 )   Save
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    【Objective】Study the growth characteristics of different Lentinula edodes strains and the differences between strains to screen for the elite strains suitable for cultivation in the western regions of Inner Mongolia.【Methods】26 Lentinula edodes strains were used as test materials. The colony morphology,mycelium growth rate,optimum growth temperature,mycelial growth vigor,and phylogenetic relationships between strains were analyzed by morphological observation and antagonistic test.【Results】The optimum growth temperature of the test strains was 25 ℃. XG-168,XG-Y,Dongxiang No. 4,and Dongxiang No. 5 had complete colony edges,fast mycelial growth rate,vigorous colony growth,and multiple lock-like joint structure. The average mycelium growth rates were all 3.33 mm/d. Mycelium germination times were all 2 d. The full growth times of mycelium were all 12 d,with vigorous and dense mycelium growth. The genetic relationships between XG-Y and Fupingxianggu 0912,HXG-8L1 and Qingyuanxianggu,Zunhuaxianggu 168 and Pingquanxianggu 168,XG-Y and MXG-1669,XG-12 and MXG-1669 strains were relatively close. While Baolin No. 2 had a distant genetic relationship with other strains.【Conclusion】XG-168,XG-Y,Dongxiang No. 4 and Dongxiang No. 5 had prominent growth characteristics,could be used as elite strains for cultivation in the western regions of Inner Mongolia.
    Study on the application of fermented mushroom residue and fermented corn cob to seedling substrate of leafy vegetables
    HAN Chao, CHANG Chunyuan, ZHANG Jiangpeng, WU Sufen, LI Xinxin
    2023, 51(6):  70-79.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.08
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    【Objective】To explore the application of fermented mushroom residue and fermented corn cob in improving leaf vegetable seedling substrate.【Methods】Lettuce and romaine lettuce were used as test materials. Using different volume rations of fermented mushroom residue and fermented corn cob mixed with compound substrate of turf and vermiculite mixture,and turf∶vermiculite=7V∶3V as control(CK),the effects of different substrate ratios on the physicochemical properties of the substrate as well as the growth and development of lettuce and romaine lettuce seedlings were studied.【Results】In the different ratios of compound substrates,the bulk density of T3 treatment was highest among all the treatments at 0.48 g/cm3. The total porosity,aeration porosity,total phosphorus content,available nitrogen content,pH value,and EC value of T6 treatment were highest among all the treatments,at 79.26%,29.60%,0.21 g/kg,1 564.76 mg/kg,7.51,and 4.47 mS/cm,respectively. The total potassium content of T3 treatment was highest among all the treatments,at 6.44 g/kg. The effective phosphorus content of T7 treatment was highest among all the treatments,at 18.86 mg/kg. The available potassium content of T3 treatment was highest among all the treatments,at 380.68 mg/kg. The emergence rates of lettuce and romaine lettuce in the substrate of T8 treatment(21% fermented mushroom residue,21% fermented corn cob,28% turf,and 30% vermiculite)reached 95.59% and 95.96%,respectively. The plant height,stem diameter,single leaf area,and total dry weight of the seedlings were 8.92 cm,2.08 mm,20.13 cm2,93.70 mg,and 15.11 cm,3.50 mm,7.40 cm2,164.01 mg,respectively,all significantly higher than CK(P<0.05). The comprehensive evaluation coefficients of seedling growth indexes were 0.974 and 0.959,respectively,all higher than CK and other treatments.【Conclusion】The addition of fermented mushroom residue and fermented corn cob significantly improved the physicochemical properties of leafy vegetable seedling substrate. Equal volume of fermented mushroom residue and fermented corn cob mixture had significant promoting effects on the growth and development of lettuce and romaine lettuce seedlings,could partially replace turf in the seedling substrate of leafy vegetables.
    Survey and analysis of garden plants in park green spaces
    XIE Tengxiao, TANG Shibin, HUANG Ting, LI Jianling
    2023, 51(6):  80-88.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.09
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    【Objective】To understand the current situation of garden plant resources and application in park green spaces of Yuzhou District,Yulin City.【Methods】A survey of 10 artificial plant communities in park green spaces of Yuzhou district,Yulin City were conducted. The species resources and application of garden plants were statistically analyzed.【Results】There were 76 families,177 genera,and 261 species of garden plants in park green spaces of Yuzhou District,Yulin City,including 1 fern,8 gymnosperms and 252 angiosperms (consisting of 169 dicotyledonous plants and 83 monocotyledonous plants). The dominant garden plant families were Palmae,Moraceae,Bambusoideae,Euphorbiaceae,Myrtaceae and Caesalpiniaceae. There were 105,84,4,and 68 species of trees,shrubs,woody climber,and herbs. Woody plants were mainly evergreen plants,and herbaceous plants were mainly perennial plants. A total of 19 hydrophytes and phreatophytes were found. There were 177,147,83,22,and 23 species of ornamental flower,foliage, fruit,stem,and aromatic plants,respectively.【Conclusion】The garden plant species in park green spaces of Yuzhou District,Yulin City were abundant. The dominant families of garden plants were mainly plants with tropical and subtropical origins. Evergreen trees were widely used. Garden plants were mainly ornamental flower,foliage and fruit plants.
    Agrometeorology·Agroecology environment
    Characteristics of leaf air temperature difference and the influencing factors during the critical water demand period of maize in semi-arid sandy areas
    WANG Guangjie, HUANG Binxiang, SONG Yao, MIN Kuangnan, LI Shun′ao, GAO Riping, ZHAO Xiling, WANG Jing, REN Yongfeng
    2023, 51(6):  89-97.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.10
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    【Objective】Analyze the characteristics of leaf air temperature difference during the critical water demand period of maize to clarify the main climatic factors affecting maize leaf air temperature in semi-arid sandy areas.【Methods】During maize critical water demand period(July-September),distributed multi-point leaf temperature continuous measurement experiment was carried out in the field in the maize planting area in Chifeng City,Inner Mongolia. The changing characteristics of leaf temperature and leaf air temperature difference indexes during maize critical water demand period were analyzed. The influence degrees of wind speed,air humidity,rainfall,and soil moisture on the leaf air temperature difference were discovered by correlation analysis to reveal the key influencing climatic factors.【Results】As maize grew and the length of drought duration increased,leaf air temperature change during maize critical water demand period gradually became more drastic,daily leaf air temperature difference increased,leaf temperature difference had an overall upward trend. The overall trend of wind speed gradually decreased. The air humidity was consistent with the process of rainfall changes. Soil moisture decreased with the time progress. The effect of wind speed variation on maize leaf air temperature difference was mainly reflected in sunny days. Wind speed variation had negative correlation with maize leaf air temperature and positive correlation of maize leaf temperature. Air humidity was strongly correlated with both leaf air temperature difference and leaf temperature and was not affected by weather conditions. Rainfall made the fluctuation of leaf air temperature difference became smaller and irregular,but the value of leaf air temperature difference became larger. As the 0-80 cm layer soil moisture storage in maize planting plot gradually decreased,the leaf air temperature difference gradually became larger. The impact of climatic factors on maize leaf air temperature difference during maize critical water demand period were wind speed>air humidity>rainfall>soil moisture.【Conclusion】The leaf air temperature difference showed a fluctuating upward trend during the critical water demand period of maize,and was significantly affected by climatic factors. Wind speed and air humidity were the main climatic driving factors leading to the change of maize leaf air temperature difference.
    Measurement and decoupling effect of agricultural carbon emission performance in Henan Province
    KONG Xiangfei
    2023, 51(6):  98-114.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.11
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    【Objective】Analyze the total amount,intensity and decoupling effect of agricultural carbon emissions in Henan Province,to provide references for the high-quality development of agriculture and formulation of emission reduction policies in Henan Province.【Methods】Taking Henan Province as the research object and generalized agriculture as the research perspective,the carbon emission coefficient method,intensity calculation formula and Tapio decoupling model were used to calculate the total agricultural carbon emissions,intensity and decoupling elasticity coefficient of Henan Province from 2011 to 2020,and the corresponding temporal-spatial characteristics were analyzed.【Results】The primary sources of agricultural carbon emissions in Henan Province were mainly consists of CH4,N2O and chemical fertilizer. The total agricultural carbon emissions in Henan Province can be divided into three temporal stages:steady growth period,rapid decline period,and volatility trend decline period and six types of spatial regions:“high-steady”“high-volatility”“medium-steady”“medium-volatility”“low-steady” and“low-volatility”. The agricultural carbon emission intensity in Henan Province,can be divided into two temporal stages:accelerated decline period and fluctuating decline period,as well as three types of spatial regions:convergent decline type,accelerated decline type and back-end rise type. The decoupling effect of agricultural carbon emissions can be classified into three temporal stages:weak decoupling,strong decoupling,and repeated conversion,and three spatial types:economic development and ecological environment good relationship region,stable relationship region and poor relationship region.【Conclusion】Henan Province has made outstanding achievements in agricultural emission reductions. The relationship between agricultural development and ecological environment gradually improved,but lacking stability. The carbon emission characteristics of livestock and poultry industry was strong correlated with agricultural carbon emission characteristics in Henan Province. And there were regional differences in the total amount,intensity and decoupling effect of agricultural carbon emissions. Based on the above analysis,following suggestions were proposed:enriching the carbon emission reduction policy system of livestock and poultry industry,formulating regionally targeted agricultural carbon emission reduction policies,and institutional reform and technological innovation going hand in hand.
    Temporal-spatial characteristics and source analysis of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong Province
    MA Jin, GE Mengjie, KANG Wenqin
    2023, 51(6):  115-128.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.12
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    【Objective】To explore the spatial characteristics,source,and development trend of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong Province.【Methods】Inventory analysis and output coefficient method were used to calculate the total emission of chemical oxygen demand(COD),total nitrogen(TN),and total phosphorus(TP),equivalent standard emission,emission intensity per unit area,emission per 10 000 yuan output value of agricultural non-point source pollution from different sources in Shandong Province and various cities from 2000 to 2020.【Results】From 2000 to 2020,the equivalent standard emission of agricultural non-point source pollution decreased by 29.43% in Shandong Province. The average annual contribution rates of equivalent standard emission of TN and TP were 51.48% and 38.70%,respectively,with contribution rates of the two over 90%. Livestock and poultry breeding was the main agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong Province with TN and TP contribution rates over 60%. The emission per 10 000 yuan output value had decreasing trend. Emission intensity per unit area was high in the west and low in the east. Weifang and Linyi were the high pollution areas. Dezhou,Heze and Liaocheng were the relatively high pollution areas. The average contribution rate of intra-regional differences in the Theil index of agricultural non-point source pollution was 97.8%,and the average inter-regional rate was 2.2%.【Conclusion】The overall trend of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong Province was decreasing,but the extensive management characteristics of agricultural production were still prominent. The pollutant with the highest contribution rate was TN. Livestock and poultry breeding was the main source of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong Province. Difference in emission intensity per unit area between the eastern and the western regions was predominant. The areas with high agricultural non-point source pollution emissions were mainly distributed in the central and western regions with developed agriculture and dense population. The regional differences of agricultural non-point source pollution in the province were gradually narrowing. And the contribution of intra-regional differences was much greater than that of inter-regional differences.
    Age identification and growth model selection of Gobio huanghensis in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River
    WANG Jilong, WANG Xinyue, LI Peilun, LIU Jiacheng, LIU Yanbin, WANG Tai, LIU Kai
    2023, 51(6):  129-134.  doi:10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2023.06.13
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    【Objective】Identify the age of Gobio huanghensis,analyze its growth characteristics,to enrich the biological research data of Gobio huanghensis in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.【Methods】Gobio huanghensis samples were collected in 7 stations located in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Gansu Province. Otoliths were used as age identification materials. Four models,Von Bertalanffy growth formula(VBGF),Logistic growth formula(Logistic GF),Gompertz growth formula(Gompertz GF),and Power exponential growth formula(Power exponential GF)were selected to simulate the body length growth of Gobio huanghensis. The model parameters were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. And the fitting effects of the models were evaluated by calculating the AIC values to determine the optimal growth model for Gobio huanghensis.【Results】A total of 550 Gobio huanghensis samples were collected,and divided into 5 age groups of 1 to 5 years of age. Among them the 2-year age group had the highest number of 351 samples. Body length ranged from 2.60 to 17.41 cm. Body weight ranged from 0.18 to 99.39 g. For the Gobio huanghensis simulating results of the 4 models,Gomportz GF growth model had the lowest AIC value(4.99)and the best simulating effect,followed by Logistic GF(14.58),and VBGF(16.29)growth model,while Power exponential GF growth model had the highest AIC value(82.42)and the worst simulating effect. The Gobio huanghensis Gomportz GF growth model was described as:Lt=18.81×exp{-exp[-0.66×(ti-1.73)]}.【Conclusion】Gompertz GF growth model was the most suitable growth model for Gobio huanghensis in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China