畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 66-66.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.02.033

• 遗传与繁育 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴师[1,3] 李华慧[1,3] 覃现才[2] 宾娟容[3]   

  1. [1]广西大学动物科技学院,广西南宁530003 [2]广西象州县动物疫病预防控制中心,广西象州545800 [3]广西柳州畜牧兽医学校,广西柳州545003
  • 出版日期:2011-02-20 发布日期:2011-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 吴师
  • 作者简介:吴师(1969-),男,高级讲师,硕士,主要研究方向为预防兽医学和家畜品种改良。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Pregnancy Rate in Hybrid Yellow Cattle and Water Buffalos

WU Shi,LI Hua-hui,QIN Xian-cai, BIN Juan-rong (1.College of Animal Science, Guangxi University, Nanning 530003, China; 2. Xiangzhou Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center, Xiangzhou 545800, China; 3. Guangxi Liuzhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary School, Liuzhou 545003, China)   

  • Online:2011-02-20 Published:2011-02-20

摘要: 近年来,广西象州县的多个牛人工授精品改点的受胎率,黄牛为33%~51%,水牛为35%~55%,母牛的受胎率仍有较大的提升空间。该试验利用HCG能够促进母牛卵泡发育和排卵这一特性,在母牛发情时肌肉注射HCG后进行输精,并观察其对母牛受胎率的影响,以及是否能够提高牛人工授精的效果。试验结果表明,使用HCG能够明显提高牛人工授精的受胎率,同时也提高了工作效率。

Abstract: In recent years, the pregnancy rates of yellow cattle and water buffalos in many cattle breed improvement stations of Xiangzhou County of Guangxi region were 33%-51% and 35%-55%, respectively, which indicated the pregnancy rate still needed to be increased. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can promote follicular development and ovulation in cows. Cows were intramuscularly injected with HCG during estrus and then artificially inseminated, and its effects on pregnancy rate and artificial insemination of cows were observed. The results showed that HCG can significantly increased pregnancy rate in artificially inseminated cattle as well as work efficiency.
