畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 119-119.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.05.067

• 畜牧生产 • 上一篇    下一篇


敖门达来 韩晓华 李志明 林在隆   

  1. 内蒙古赤峰市农牧科学研究院,内蒙古赤峰024031
  • 出版日期:2011-05-20 发布日期:2011-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 敖门达来
  • 作者简介:敖门达来(1965-),男,研究员,主要从事养牛科学研究与科技成果的推广工作。

Applications of the Feeding Management Technology Regulations of High-quality Beef Cattle in Chifeng City

Aomendalai,HAN Xiao-hua,LI Zhi-ming,LIN Zai-long (Chifeng Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences in Inner Mongolia,Chifeng 024031,China)   

  • Online:2011-05-20 Published:2011-05-20

摘要: 优质肉牛产业化在内蒙古赤峰市畜牧业发展中占有重要地位。肉牛业的发展对于调整优化畜牧业结构、增加农牧民收入、振兴国民经济等都有着非常重要的现实意义。《赤峰市优质肉牛饲养管理技术规程》是指导农牧民进行肉牛养殖的科学性、规范性、可操作性的技术规程,该规程有利于肉牛业可持续、健康、稳定发展,可以更好地推广应用肉牛饲养管理、繁殖改良、饲料调制、育肥等技术,可加快肉牛产业化、规模化、集约化、现代化发展的进程。

Abstract: The industrialization of high-quality beef cattle plays an important role in the development of animal husbandry in Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia.The development of beef cattle industry is of very important practical significance for adjusting and optimizing the structure of animal husbandry,increase the income of farmers and herdsmen,revitalizing the national economy.Feeding Management Technology Regulations of High-quality Beef Cattle in Chifeng City has characteristics of scientificity,normalization and practicability and it can be used to guide farmers for the breeding of beef cattle.It can promote the sustainable,healthy and steady development of beef cattle industry,popularize the technologies of raising,breeding,finishing and feed formulation for beef cattle,accelerate the process of the industrialization,scalization,intensification and modemization development of beef cattle industry.
