畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 4-4.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2012.03.002

• 基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


叶明强[1] 陈小凤[2] 邝哲师[1] 郭明昉[3] 赵祥杰[1] 罗秋兰[1] 王付彬[3] 罗国庆[1] 叶剑利[4]   

  1. [1]广东省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所,广东广州510610 [2]广东省韶关市粤凰生态科技有限公司,广东韶关512026 [3]广东省昆虫研究所,广东广州510260 [4]广东省南雄县林业局,广东南雄512400
  • 出版日期:2012-03-20 发布日期:2012-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 叶明强
  • 作者简介:叶明强(1977-),男,助理研究员,博士,主要从事昆虫生物技术与农业微生物应用研究工作。
  • 基金资助:
    广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2009B090200042); 韶关市产学研结合项目(2009C/01); 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作项目(2010B090301016); 广东省林业科技创新专项资金项目(2009KJCX011-04)

Effects of Stratiomyiid Larva on the Growth Performance and Blood Indices of Broilers

YE Ming-qiang, CHEN Xiao-feng, KUANG Zhe-shi,GUO Ming-fang, ZHAO Xiang-jie, LUO Qiu-lan,WANG Fu-bin,LUO Guo-qing,YE Jian-li (1.Bio-technical Research Institute,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guangzhou 510610, China;2.Yuehuang Ecological Technology Limited Company in Shaoguan City of Guangdong Province,Shaoguan 512026, China;3. Guangdong Institute of Entomology, Guangzhou 510260,China;4. Forestry Bureau in Nanxiong County of Guangdong Province, Nanxiong 512400,China)   

  • Online:2012-03-20 Published:2012-03-20

摘要: 选用70日龄古典型岑溪三黄鸡400羽,随机分成4组,每组100羽,对照组、处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别饲喂基础日粮(鱼粉2.0%日粮)、金黄指突水虻幼虫粉2.0%日粮、金黄指突水虻幼虫粉4.0%日粮、金黄指突水虻幼虫粉6.0%日粮。经过28d试验,探讨金黄指突水虻幼虫粉取代鱼粉对古典型岑溪三黄鸡生长性能、血液生化指标、肌肉氨基酸、肌肉脂肪酸等的影响。结果表明,2.0%金黄指突水虻幼虫粉组在一定程度上能促进生长,同时可促进免疫器官的生长发育,提高肌肉总氨基酸含量和肌肉饱和脂肪酸含量;2.0%金黄指突水虻幼虫粉组饲喂的血液指标中,除血清尿素氮外,其他指标均有提高。

Abstract: Four hundred 70-day-old typical Cenxi three-yellow chicken were randomly divided into four groups with 100 chicken in each group. Chicken in control group, group Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ were fed with basal diet(2.0% fishmeal ), the diets with 2.0%,4.0%,6.0% Ptecticus aurifer larva powder respectively. The test lasted for 28 days.The effects of replacing fishmeal by P. aurifer larva powder on the growth performance,serum biochemical indices, muscle amino acid content and fatty acid content were investigated. The results showed that 2.0% P. aurifer larva powder could promote the growth, accelerate the growth and development of immune organs and enhance the contents of total amino acids and saturated fatty acids in the muscles. In the group of adding 2.0% P. aurifer larva powder, the serum physiological indices increased except for blood urea nitrogen.
