畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 1-1.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2016.11.001

• 基础科学 •    下一篇



  1. 贵州省畜牧兽医研究所,贵州贵阳550005
  • 出版日期:2016-11-20 发布日期:2016-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 韩雪
  • 作者简介:韩雪(1982-),女,助理研究员,硕士,主要研究方向为动物遗传育种。 通讯作者:陶宇航(1961-),男,副研究员,主要研究方向为家禽养殖。
  • 基金资助:
    贵州省科学技术基金:黔科合J字[2011]2174; 贵州省农业科学院研究生创新基金:黔农科合(创新基金)2010011; 贵州省动植物育种专项:黔农育专字[2011]027

Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Changshun Blue-eggshell Chicken based on Microsatellite Marker

HAN Xue, SU Chao-zhi, LI Liang, TAO Yu-hang (Guizhou Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Guiyang 550005, China)   

  • Online:2016-11-20 Published:2016-11-20

摘要: 利用8对微卫星引物对长顺绿壳蛋鸡遗传多样性进行检测。结果表明,该群体的平均有效等位基因数为3.585 6个,平均多态信息含量为0.659 7,平均期望杂合度为0.713 1,平均基因杂合度为0.710 2,表明长顺绿壳蛋鸡群体遗传变异较大,遗传多样性较为丰富。研究结果为长顺绿壳蛋鸡品种资源合理保护与开发利用提供了科学依据。

Abstract: Eight pairs of microsatellite primers were used to detect genetic diversity of Changshun blue-eggshell chicken. The results show that the average effective number of alleles, average polymorphism information content, average expected heterozygosity, and average gene heterogeneity in the population were 3.585 6, 0.659 7, 0.713 1, and 0.710 2 respectively,indicating that the population of Changshun blue-eggshell chicken has great genetic variation and rich genetic diversity. The results can provide scientific references for rational protection, development and utilization of Changshun blue-eggshell chicken.
