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20 January 2009, Volume Issue 1
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  • Effect of Drinking Boron on the Growth Performance and Renal Organization Structure of Gushi Chickens
    2009, 30(1):  1-1.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.003
    Abstract ( 105 )   PDF (411KB) ( 52 )   Save
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    The influence of boron with different level added in water on renal organization structure was studied. 180 pcs of 1 d old Gushi chicks were randomly divided into control group, Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ, the drinking water of Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ contained 100 and 200 mg/L boron resp., the experiment period was 6 w. 10 pcs of Gushi chickens were selected at every weekend to slaughter by bloodletting at neck artery and vein, kidney were taken at once in anatomy, fixed with Bouin liquid, paraffin section prepared, H .E staining, microscopic observation and photograph were conducted. The results showed that glomus swelling on renal corpuscle, tubular wall cell swelling of renal tubule, degeneration, denaturalization of collecting tubule and on the straight part cell particles of renal tubule for tested Group Ⅰ at 1-2 w; the renal organization structure began to restore from the 3rd week and organization structure got right at the 6th week. For the Group Ⅱ, at 1-2 w, the phenomena of atrophy, necrosis and disintegration of renal corpuscle glomus for Gushi chickens were common, capsule of glomerulus became bigger, capsule wall structure was not complete, swelling of proximal and distal convoluted tubular cells, denaturalization or hydropic degeneration of cell particles; the renal organization structure of Gushi chickens had recovery sign at 3-6 w; but the renal histopathology change was still evident at the 6th week. Conclusion: There were some inhibitory or damage effects on renal organization structure of Gushi chickens at 1 -2 w by adding 100 mg/L boron in drinking water, and had promotion and improvement effects on renal organization structure growth of chickens at 3 -6 w.It had inhibitory even toxic effect on renal organization structure growth of Gushi chickens by adding 200 mg/L boron in water at the whole test period, so as to affect body excretion function.
    Study on the Protection of Baicalin on the Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice
    2009, 30(1):  4-4.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.004
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (202KB) ( 62 )   Save
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    The protection of baicalin on the acute liver injury in mice was discussed. Fifty mice were divided into 5 groups of the control, model, low, moderate and high baicalin doses randomly. The baicalin groups were given different doses of baicalin injection by subcutaneous injection and the acute liver injury was induced by carbon tetraehloride in mice, then the feed intake, drinking amount, liver index, activities of ALT in serum and liver and the content of TP, ALB and GLO of mice were observed. The results indicated that compared with model group, the activities of ALT in mice serum of all the close groups of baicalin were decreased extremely significantly (P〈0.01), that in mice liver were increased extremely significantly (P〈0.01)and their other indices had no significant difference. It was concluded that the baicalin given by subcutaneous injection had some protection on the liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice and the moderate dose was best.
    Study Advance on the Virulence Factors ofListerisa Monocytogenes in Mjme and Their Detection
    2009, 30(1):  6-6.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.005
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (299KB) ( 71 )   Save
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    Listerisa monocytogenes in mjme was the pathogen of an important zoonosis, which endangered public hygiene and food industry. The main virulence factors, specific identification genes and detection methods of Listerisa monocytogenes in mjme were discribed simply by the writer.
    Research Progress of Pathogenic Extracellular Products
    2009, 30(1):  8-8.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.006
    Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (199KB) ( 54 )   Save
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    Many pathogenic microorganisms could produce many kinds of extracellular products indlucing protease, phospholipase, lipase, gelatinase, hemolysin and so on. The gelatinase, protease, amylase, phospholipase produced by the microorganisms were extracellular enzymes, they could play synergistic action with hemolysin in the pathopoiesis of bacteria to break down the tissue composition of host. The pathogenic extracellular products of pathogenic microorganisms and their reseach methods were summarized by the writer.
    Effect of Chinese Herb Extracts on Chickens' Performance
    2009, 30(1):  10-10.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.007
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (291KB) ( 62 )   Save
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    The experiment studied the effect of 2 kinds of Chinese herb extracts on chickens' performance. 240 one day old healthy chickens were chosen in the test and divided into 3 groups at random, i.e. blank control group, Test Group Ⅰ and Test Group Ⅱ with 80 chickens in each group. The Chinese herb extracts Ⅰ and Ⅱ were added into the basal diet as per 0.6 % of Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ resp. with 21 d of experiment period. The results showed that the daily gain of chicken in Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ was higher 4.71% and 2.43 % than that of control group; the feed-weight ratio of Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ chickens was lower 15.35 % (P〈0.05)and 19.29 % (P〈0.05)than that of control group; the survival rate of Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ chickens was higher 7.5 % (P〈0.05)and 6.25 % than that of control group; The economic benefit of Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ chickens was higher 26.37 % (P〈0.05)and 29.67 % (P〈0.05)than that of control group. It indicated that the Chinese herb extracts Ⅰ and Ⅱ being added into the chickens' basal diet could increase the chickens' daily gain. feed conversion rate and survival rate, and was able to promote chicken growth and boost economic benefit significantly.
    Research Progress of Antibacterial Activity of Plant Essential Oil
    2009, 30(1):  12-12.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.008
    Abstract ( 214 )   PDF (312KB) ( 156 )   Save
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    The plant essential oil was come from nature, it had activities of bacteriostasis, disinsection and antioxidation etc. and was widely used. The author outlined the research progress of antibacterial activity of plant essential oil both at home and abroad from 3 aspects of plant protection, medicine health and food preservation, so as to provide reference for developing plant essential oil.
    Mechanism and Control of Water Quality Factors Influencing the Growth of Fish
    2009, 30(1):  15-15.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.009
    Abstract ( 138 )   PDF (305KB) ( 89 )   Save
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    The poor feeds stability, too high stocking density, little water renewal would lead to the accumulation of feed-residue and excretions and induce the deterioration of water quality in aquicuhure. The water quality was mainly indicated by the variations of indices including pH value, dissolved oxygen content, chemical oxygen consumption, transparency, ammonia nitrogen content, nitrite content and sulfide concn, of water. The deterioration of water quality would cause fish to infect disease, even to die very easily. The mechanism and control approach of main water quality factors influencing the growth of fish were disussed by the writer.
    Determination and Comparison on the Dry Matter and Water Content inFruit of Jujube Varieties
    2009, 30(1):  17-17.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.010
    Abstract ( 90 )   PDF (165KB) ( 55 )   Save
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    The drying rate and water content of fresh jujube was one of the main technological indices for the evaluation that a jujube variety was good or not. The determination method of dry matter and natural water content in fresh jujube was introduced by the writer and the dry matters and natural water contents in fruit of 21 jujube varieties of Binzhou City in Shandong Province were determined and cam pared, so as to provide scientific basis for vast farmers to optimize planting structure and plant good jujube varieties with local conditions.
    Research Progress of Anabaena
    2009, 30(1):  19-19.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.011
    Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (206KB) ( 92 )   Save
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    Anabaena was a micro algae of cyanophyta nostocs and both photosynthesis and azotification existed in it. The research progress of Anabaena culture, Anabaena of water bloom and its rehabilitation, obtaining phycocyanin from Anabaena and transgenic A nabaena in recent years were discussed by the writer.
    Dynamics and Histological Observation of Splenic Growth Index of AA Broiler
    2009, 30(1):  21-21.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.012
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (277KB) ( 106 )   Save
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    In order to further know about the dynamic change and histological structure of splenic growth index of AA broiler, the weight and spleen index of AA broiler spleen were detected and the the size of spleen nodule, thickness of periarterial lymphatic sheath and size of central artery were observed by H· E staining and light microscopic by the writer. The results showed that during the whole experimental period, the spleen weight was always rising, and spleen index was crenellatedly increased and reached to the maximum when they were 49 days old, which indicated the immune function of spleen was best when they were 49 days old; the diameter of spleen nodule was largest when they were 14 days old, and the body fluid immune function of spleen was strongest at this time; the periarterial lymphatic sheath was thickest when they were 3 days old, and the cellular immunity of spleen was strongest at this time.
    Effect of Bee Pollen on the Growth of Immune Organs of Miscellaneous Broilers
    2009, 30(1):  23-23.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.013
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (182KB) ( 57 )   Save
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    Two hundred and seventy-two 1 day old miscellaneous broilers (Cobb 1500×Hisex) were randomly divided into 4 groups with 2 repeats per group, 34 miscellaneous broilers for each repeat and male and female accounted for a half resp. Group Ⅰ was blank control, and 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 1.5 % bee pollens were added into Group Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ resp. Four 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days old chickens were randomly sampled from each repeat, the liveweight and fresh weight of immune organs (spleen, thymus and bursal) were weighed, the immune organ indexes were calculated, and the relative growth and absolute growth of immune organs were analyzed, and the effect of bee pollen on the growth of immune organs of miscellaneous broilers were researched. The results showed that the spleen index of Group Ⅲ was significantly lower than that of control group (P〈0.05)when they were 35 days old; that of Group Ⅳ was significantly lower than that of control group (P〈0.05)when they were 42 days old. There was no significant difference between all the days groups in thymus index (P〉0.05).The bursa of fabricius index of Group Ⅳ was obviously higher than that of control group (P〈0.05)when they were 35 days old.
    Research Advance on the Main Chemical Components of Aloes Leaf and Their Efficacies
    2009, 30(1):  25-25.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.014
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (311KB) ( 153 )   Save
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    The research results on chemical components of aloes leaf and their efficacies was summarized by the writer and the research progresses in aspects including their types, pharmacological action and clinical application were discussed. Aloes leaf mainly contained many chemical components such as anthraquinones, carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, mineral and trace elements, active enzymes and vitamins, among which anthraquinones compounds were the main active components. Aloes leaf had effects such as cosmetology, health care, bacteriostasis, reducing blood lipid, antitumor and anti-ageing. It had medicine value for further development.
    Application of GIS in Habitat Selection Study of Wildlife
    2009, 30(1):  27-27.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.015
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (218KB) ( 81 )   Save
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    The habitat selection research was an important matter in wildlife study, the production of GIS technology provided wide space for the wildlife habitat selection research. The main function and data management modes of GIS were briefly introduced in this paper;, the major application of GIS in the wildlife habitat selection research was summarized and its development trend was predicted.
    Introduction for The Factors Affecting The Gel of Soy Protein Isolates
    2009, 30(1):  29-29.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.016
    Abstract ( 166 )   PDF (324KB) ( 142 )   Save
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    This paper introduced mechanism and preparation of gel-forming for SPI,also including the method of determining.It makes a brief introduction for the facts which affect the texture properties of the soy protein in gel .These facts including soybean variety, pH value ,heating time ,hydrogen bonding and neutral salts.At last,this paper briefly analyses the situation ,difficulties and foreground.
    Determination and Analysis on the Nutritional Components in the Placenta of Plateau Yak
    2009, 30(1):  31-31.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.017
    Abstract ( 93 )   PDF (192KB) ( 75 )   Save
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    The nutritional components in the placenta of pregnant yak living in Qinghai-Tibet plateau (at the altitude above 4 500 m) were determined. The results showed that the contents of 17 amino acids and 11 trace elements in yak placenta were equal to that in huminis and deer placentas, indicating that yak placenta had some medicine value.
    Determination of Carbaryl Content in Eggs by Spectrophotometry
    2009, 30(1):  38-38.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.020
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (190KB) ( 67 )   Save
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    With p-nitrophenyl-azo fluoborate as chromogenic reagent, the optimum condition of determining carbaryl content in eggs by spectrophotometry was discussed and the analysis method was established. The linear range of carbaryl content was 0.1-1.0 μg/mL The recovery of standard addition of the analysis results of sample was between 82.6 % and 88.4 % and the RSD was 1.0 %.The method could be used in determination of carbaryl content in eggs.
    Comparison on the Three Methods of Extracting Total Flavone from Stellera chamaejasme
    2009, 30(1):  39-39.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.021
    Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (303KB) ( 83 )   Save
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    The optimum method of extracting total flavone from Stellera chamaejasme was confirmed through comparing the contents of total flavone extracted by different extraction methods. In the experiment, the total flavone in S. chamaejasme was extracted by soxhlet extraction, ultrasonic extraction and polyamide resin column chromatography and the contents of total flavone in the extracts were determined by spectrophotometer. The results showed that the content of total flavone in the extracts extracted by soxhlet extraction from S. chamaejasme was 19,20 %, that by ultrasonic extraction was 23.39 % and that hy polyamide resin column chromatography was 24.18 %. The ultrasonic extraction was the optimum method for extracting total flavone from S. chamaejasme and the content of total flavone in the extracts extracted by polyamide resin column chromatography was highest.
    Research Advance on the Detection Technology of Cryptosporidiosis
    2009, 30(1):  41-41.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.022
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (313KB) ( 64 )   Save
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    Cryptosporidium was an important pathogen of animal and human diarrhea and one of main lethal factors in AIDS patient. At present, the research on Cryptosporidiosis had become a focus in the research field of global parasitology. There was no efficient drug till now, which could cure Cryptosporidiosis, so the fast, simple, convenient and accurate discovery of Cryptosporidium was the key for con trolling Cryptosporidiosis. As the molecular biotechnology was applied, the detection technology of Cryptosporidiosis got very great development. Now, the detection technologies of Cryptosporidiosis in recent years were summed up simply.
    The Design and Application of The Quantitative Real-time PCR
    2009, 30(1):  43-43.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.023
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    The design principles and application in medicine ,molecular biology, food testing of the quantitative real-time PCR were reviewed in this paper.
    Determination of Melamine in Raw Milk by HPLC
    2009, 30(1):  45-45.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.024
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    The melamine in raw milk was extracted with acetonitrile, isolated by Biobasic SCX chromatographic column (250 mm× 150 mm, 5 μm) and detected by diode array UV-detector. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-0.05 mol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer solution (with volume ratio of 30:70) and the detection wavelength was 240 nm. In the addition concn, range of 5-20 mg/kg, the recovery of this method was 92 %-96 %, its RSD was smaller than 10 % and its detection limit was 0.25 mg/kg.
    Application of Ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometry on Veterinary Drugs Analysis
    2009, 30(1):  47-47.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.025
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    This article provides an overview of UV-vis spectrophotometry on veterinary drugs analysis, gives a new system for the classification according to its different analysis principles and should pay attentiOn to the issues on its practical application.
    Progress of Directional Differentiation of Cultured Stem Cells
    2009, 30(1):  50-50.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.027
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    The paper reviewed the classification and the directional differentiation of the stem cell, and studied the mechanism of the directional differentiation ,which give a reference for the substitute therapy of the tissues and organs.
    Application of ITS Sequences in Classification and Identification and Molecular Test of Fungi
    2009, 30(1):  52-52.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.028
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    The paper introduced ITS sequence structural characteristic ,summarized the application of ITS sequences in the identification and molecular test of plant pathogenic fungus. And its applied prospect was put forward.
    Research Progress of Applying Breeding Control Technology in Yak Production
    2009, 30(1):  56-56.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.030
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    The breeding characteristics was the important biology traits and economic properties, it was able to furthest enhance and improve the management methods of livestock breeding by deeply understanding the relationship between breeding characteristics and livestock structure and function. The yak performance would be greatly improved by using modern bioengineering technology. The yak breeding characteristics and application research progress for breeding control technology in yak production were described by the author.
    Embryogenic Callus Induction of Tall Fescue and Its Plant Regeneration
    2009, 30(1):  58-58.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.031
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    The regeneration technology of 2 tall fescue varieties (Xinxiu and Yemingzhu No. 2) was studied, the high frequency regeneration system was set up and foundation for genetic transformation was laid. With mature seeds as explant, embryogenic callus was induced. The best culture medium for embryogenic callus induction of 2 varieties was MS+2, 4-D 5.0 mg/L+6-BA 0.1 mg/L. The optimal medium for callus differentiation was MS+6-BA 2.0 mg/L for Xinxiu and MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L for Yemingzhu No. 2, and the optimum medium for rooting was MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L.
    Study on Grassland Vegetation and Its Utilization of Mid-low Belt of North Slopes of Tianshan Mountains
    2009, 30(1):  60-60.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.032
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    The research introduced the topography and geomorphology and climate character in mid-part low altitude belts on the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains. With the 3-level classification system of kind, group and type, the grassland types were divided into 2 big sorts and total 10 types. The main forage plants of mid-low altitude belts on the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains were investigated; the different grassland types were arranged rationally according to the different ingestion behavior and habit of livestock. The utilized pasture of three seasons of spring-autumn, summer and winter were carved up in the light of climate, topography and grassland type etc., and the grazing method in the low altitude belt grassland was put forward.
    Contrastive Analysis on the Chromosome Karyotypes of Affaffa Cultivated in Southern China and Its Regenerated Plantlet from Protoplast
    2009, 30(1):  63-63.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.033
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    The chromosome karyotypes of the bred type XN-1 of alfalfa and its regenerated plantlet from protoplast were analyzed contrastively. The results showed that the chromosomes of regenerated plantlet from protoplast had no obvious difference from that of stock plant in the aspects of length, ann ratio and centromere index and their karyotypes accorded with 2n=4x=32=29m+3sm (SAT).
    Research on the Grass-measurement Formulation Technology of Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia
    2009, 30(1):  65-65.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.034
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    The annual yield of dry grass in the natural pasture of Chaganbuligesumu of Siziwang banner in Inner Mongolia was 450 kg/ hm^2 and the quality of forage grass and feed supplied by this natural pasture was evaluated to be I st grade comprehensively. The grass- measurement formulation technology was used by the writer to guide the herdsmen, who cultured 600 sheep on 333.33 hm^2 pasture. The resuhs showed that every hectare of pasture needed to be supplimented with 494.70 kg dry grass, 3.60 kg crude protein and 1.05 kg phosphorous annually.
    Experimental Study on the Production Characters of Broadleaf Vetch and Awnless Brome Sowed by Single and Mixed Sowing Methods
    2009, 30(1):  70-70.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.037
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    The comparative experiment was performed on the characters such as grass output, turning green stage, hibernating ability and growth period through sowing 2 forages of awnless brome and broadleaf vetch by single and mixed sowing methods in alpine region in the 2 years of 2006 and 2007. The experiment indicated that the awnless brome and broadleaf vetch sowed by mixed sowing methods had advantages in their growth performances such as germination, turning green and hibernating rate and their production performances such as grass output. The mixed sowing method of awnless brome and broadleaf vetch was available way for local grassland construction.
    Integrated Development and Utilization with Grass Industry as Core of Yellow River Beach in Henan Province
    2009, 30(1):  71-71.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.038
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    According to the natural conditions of Yellow River beach in Henan Province and the development characters of grass industry and animal husbandry, the possibility and necessity of standard production of grass industry in the beach were analyzed and the specific measures of optimizing the agricultrual produciton structure of beach, developing ternary planting model and green dairy industry economy and improving the ecological environment of beach completely were put forward on the basis of good-quality and high efficient production of green grass industry. The purpose was to make full use of the superior natural environment of Yellow River beach, create modernized green grass industry and animal husbandry economy wholly, strengthen the integrated development and utilization of beach and promote the social, ecological and economic sustainable development of the whole Yellow River beach.
    Analysis on Melamine Residue in Feed with Potentiometric Titration - online Test
    2009, 30(1):  77-77.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.040
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    The paper proposed the potentiometrie titration - online test to determine the melamine in feed. The sample solution was prepared after the sample was processed, then the potentiometrie titration was conducted with sulfuric acid standard liquid, and the specially designed program was used to collect titration data and titration curve was dynamically displayed, and data processing with computer. The detection results showed that the method was in simple and sensitive operation with correct outcome and low analysis cost, and was suitable for routine testing.
    Necessity of Total Mixed Ration (TMR) Application on Mutton Sheep Industry in Guizhou
    2009, 30(1):  79-79.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.041
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    TMR was a topic that talked much in recent years in the aspects of modernization in China and cow breeding in large scale, hut the concern degree on mutton sheep production was not so intensive. As a province of dominant area in mutton sheep industry, the development pattern of Guizbeu's mutton sheep industry had been attracted significant attention. The author had some thought on the necessity of TMR application and expected to have certain reference significance on the mutton sheep industry in Guizbeu.
    Effects of Different Met-Cu Levels on the Nutrient Digestibility of Steer
    2009, 30(1):  81-81.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.042
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    According to 4×4 latin square design, four 2.5-3 years old Simmnental steers with average body weight of (420±20) kg and equipped with permanent ruminal cannulas were selected in the experiment. With DL-met-Cu as Cu source and mixed concentrates and air dried corn stalks as basal diet, the effects of adding Cu on different levels (0, 8, 16 and 24 mg/kg dry matter) in diet on the nutrient digestibility of steers were studied on 1.3 M nutrition level. The results showed that the digestibility of crude fat in the group of 8 mg/kg was best and had no significant difference (P〉0.05),the digestibility of no-nitrogen extracts in the group of 16 mg/kg was extemely significantly higher than that of the controlled group (P〈0.01). The digestibilities of OM, CP, CF, NDF and ADF in the group of 24 mg/ kg were best, in whch the digestibility of CP was extremely significantly higher than that of the controlled group (P〈0.01).The addition of 24 mg/kg dry Cu in diet could significantly improve the nutrient digestibility of diet. It was suggested that with DL-met-Cu as Cu source, the diet should be added with 24 mg/kg Cu.
    Experiment on Applying Soy Waste in the Fattening of Pig
    2009, 30(1):  83-83.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.043
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    The waste produced from soy extraction was used to feed and fatten pigs in the experiment performed by the author. The three-way cross pigs Duchangda and Dudachang weighted at 3 stages of 15-30, 30-60 and 60-90 kg were selected and the different formulas were adopted in different stages in the feeding expeiment. Finally, the optimum formula was ascertained. The conclusion was that the dried soy waste not only could enhance the growth performance of pigs, but also could reduce the cost in the fattening process of pigs. So the higher economic benefit was got.
    New Regulator Generated by Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Milk - Compositae
    2009, 30(1):  85-85.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.044
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    The conjugated linoleie acid (CLA) was a general name of a group of geometric isomer and positional isomer that contained linoleic acid of conjugated double bond. There was research report at present, the compositae and its extract could increase the CLA content in milk. The nutrition regulation method of CLA and increasing CLA content by eompositae in the research reports were outlined in this paper.
    Polarographic Determination of Trace Free Copper in Feed Additives
    2009, 30(1):  89-89.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.046
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    The method of determining the trace free copper in feed additives by single-sweep polarography in the system H2SO4-EDTA- KNO3-gelatin was put forward. The free copper in sample was extracted by nitrate extraction. The polarographic peak potential of copper was -0.2 V (relative to saturated calomel electrode). In the range of 0.1-100 μg/mL, the conen, of copper showed good linear relationship with peak current. The detection limit of copper was 0.04 μg/mL, its RSD was 3.3 % and its recovery of standard addition was 97 %.This method was simple and convenient. The determination by this method was fast and precise, so it could be used in the practical determination of samples.
    Application Test on Replacement of Dicalcium Phosphate in Laying Hens' Feed with Phytase
    2009, 30(1):  90-90.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.047
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    The effect of adding commodity phytase into the laying hens' feed to substitute dicalcium phosphate (DCP) with different level was explored and discussed by using the principle of phytase being able to hydrolyze phytic acid in plant feedstuffs. 50 to 54-week-old Hy-line brown laying hens were selected as experiment objects, 400 FYT phytase were added in every 1 000 kg feedstuff to replace 8 g and 16 g of DCP resp. to observe the influence of phytase on the performance of laying hens. The results showed that the performance of laying hens could keep steady by replacing 16 g DCP with 400 FYT phytase, while the performance of laying hens could be enhanced with substitution of 8 g DCP. The daily egg output, laying rate and feed-egg ratio raised 3.4 %, 3.6 % and 3.7 % resp., therefore, the performance of laying hens could be enhanced by replacing 8 g DCP with 400 FYT phytase in the laying hens' feed and total phosphorus in feed formula could be reduced as well.
    Application of HPLC Technology in Safety Production of Feedstuff
    2009, 30(1):  92-92.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.048
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    High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) had characteristics of wide determination scope, high separation efficiency, quick analysis speed and high level of automation. It was extensively used in the nutrient of amino acid, vitamins etc. in feed and in analysis and detection on non-nutritional additives of multi-trace. The method provided powerful guarantee for feed safety production.
    Application Prospects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract with Feed Grade
    2009, 30(1):  99-99.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.052
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    The ginkgo biloba extract contained many kinds of biological active components of flavonoids, lactones, phenols and so on, and had become a natural, green feed additive with a very wide application prospects in breeding of livestock, poultry and fishery. The active components of ginkgo biloba leaves, function of ginkgo biloba extract and its research application progress were summarized in this paper, and the basis was provided for the extensive application for ginkgo biloba extract of feed grade.
    The Infection and Detection Research Progress of Salmonella enteritidis
    2009, 30(1):  103-103.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.054
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    The host defense capability, the infection and the relationship between the host cell,the reasons for the poultry mostly hiddeninfected and the detection of Salmonella enteritidis research progress were mainly reviewed in this paper.
    Epidemiological Investigation on Chicken Coccidiosis in West Anhui
    2009, 30(1):  107-107.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.056
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    The fresh chicken feces were collected from invesgation points of 3 locations of Liuan, Shouxian and Huoqiu by population sampling method for feces detection. The oocysts were isolated from positive feces samples by saturation salt solution float method and centrifugal sedimentation method. The oocysts were obserVed under microscope for species identification and the infection rate and intensity of chicken coccidia of all the investigation points were calculated. The results indicated that in the 50 checked fresh chicken feces samples, the infection rate of chicken coccidia was 100 %, 6 species of coccidia were detected and they were E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. tenella, E. mitis and E. praecox of the genus Eimeria resp. It was illustrated that chicken coccidia was universial in west Anhui region and in some investigation points, its infection intensity was very high and the scientific control awareness of raising households was not strong.
    Study on the Epidemiological Investigation and Epidemic Prevention of PPV Disease
    2009, 30(1):  114-114.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.059
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    The epidemiological investigation on PPV disease was performed among 1 520 pregnant sows of 21 intensive pig farms of 6 cities (counties) with different geographic environments of Xuancheng City in Anhui Province by the writer. Among them, the reproductive handicap syndrome occurred on 671 sows, which accounted for 44.1%.The 1 520 pregnant sows produced 7 799 piglets, among which the 1 530 piglets were dead and the dead piglets accounted for 19.6 % in the total piglets. Among 671 pregnant sows with reproductive handicap syndrome, 207 shares of serum were sampled for serologic examination on PPV, Cp, Br and JEV. Among them, the positive response of antibody to PPV was up to 79.8 %. The study results indicated that the main cause of reproductive handicap syndrome was PPV infection in the city. So, the main object of preventing reproductive handicap syndrome should be transferred from Br disease to PPV disease and the periodic monitorring system of antibody in serum of pig group should be set up to strengthen the epidemic prevention of PPV disease.
    Present Situation of Rural Water Environmental Pollution and Its Control Countermeasures
    2009, 30(1):  123-123.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.064
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    The rural water environmental pollution had become the improtant factor of restricting agricultural sustainable development, rural ecological environmental and farmer health. The causes, present status and control methods of Chinese rural water environmental pollution were analyzed comprehensively in this article. The control technology of rural living wastewater was discussed emphatically. The policy approaches and suggestions were put forward for controlling rural water environmental pollution.
    Nutritional Measures of Reducing the Environment Pollution Caused by Large.scale Piggery
    2009, 30(1):  125-125.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.065
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    In modem breeding industry, the large-scale piggery had become a non-negligible pollution source. The problems about environment pollution brought by the excreta and waste from large-scale piggery and how to reduce the environment pollution caused by large-scale piggery through nutritional measures were summarized by the writer.
    Exploration on Developing the Production of Biogas from Cow Dung by Anaerobic Fermentation Technology in Inner Mongolia Area
    2009, 30(1):  127-127.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.066
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    Huhhot was Chinese milk city. Due to the rapid development of dairy, its quantity of cultivated cows was rising linearly. At the same time, a large amount of dung was produced, which caused serious environmental pollution. Under the historical chance of nationally advocating energy-conservation and discharge-reduction economical society, this was a unharmonious factor to hinder social development undoubtedly. So, finding a industrial treatment model suitable for the anaerobic fermentation of cow dung under low temperature had important meaning for the development of animal husbandry and new energy source in Inner Mongolia.
    Research Progress on the Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal of Wastewater from Livestock Farm
    2009, 30(1):  128-128.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.067
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    Some domestic and abroad relatively typical treatment methods of wastewater from intensive livestock farm at present, such as SBR, upflow anaerobic sludge bed and field prototype process were introduced by the writer. Their advantages and disadvantages in denitrification and phosphorus removal and their application and research status were compared. The denitrification and phosphorus removal status of wastewater from livestock farm was discribed simply. Finally, the problems in the denitrification and phosphorus removal of wastewater from livestock farm were discussed and its development trend was prospected.
    Research Progress on Preventive Drug to Weaned Piglets Diarrhea
    2009, 30(1):  130-130.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.068
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    The weaned piglets diarrhea was a kind of disease that seriously harmed swine industry. The antibiotics abuse had resulted in many problems of producing of drug-resistant bacteria, drop of antibiotics efficacy and residue in livestock products and so on, which greatly limited its application on prevention and treatment to weaned piglets diarrhea. The author summarized the research progress on some medicines that were used easily, in low cost and green environmental protection, and also could effectively prevent and treat weaned piglets diarrhea.
    Therapeutic Experiment on Thrush in Pigeon of Chinese and Western Medical Compound Preparation Yanwenqing
    2009, 30(1):  132-132.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.069
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    The control experiment of medicines on thrush in pigeon was performed by using Chinese and western compound preparation (It was consisted of Chinese drugs such as Coptis chinensis and Cortex phellodendri and ciprofloxacin hydroehloride, also named Yanwenqing tablet.) The results indicated that its cure rate reached 93.3 %, its efficacy was a little higher than that of myeostatin tablet and obviously higher than that of oxytetraeycline tablet and 0.05 % copper sulphate solution.
    Astragalus Chinese Herbal Medicine-in Animal Production
    2009, 30(1):  135-135.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.071
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (103KB) ( 62 )   Save
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    Astragalus is a type of Chinese herbal medicine benefit simply because the small side effects, and drug and nutrition role, is widely used in livestock production. This article on immunoenhancer as Astragalus and nutritional additives in livestock and poultry production in the application are reviewed.
    Study Advance on the Efficacy of Cordyceps militaris
    2009, 30(1):  137-137.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.073
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    Cordyceps militaris was widely accepted as a medicine (edible) fungus, it was studied widely and thoroughly in its aspects such as pharmocological action and effective components, so it had important development value. The study advance on the efficacy of Cordyceps militaris in recent years was summed up by the writer.
    Study on the Producing Performances of Xingyi Bantam of Guizhou and Yellow Bantam
    2009, 30(1):  139-139.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.074
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    The producing performances of Xingyi bantam of Guizhou and yellow bantam were compared and studied in the experiment. The body weights of Xingyi bantams were close to that of yellow bantams when they were 0-45 days old, the body weights of Xingyi bantams were significantly higher than that of yellow bantams(P〈0.05 )when they were 45-90 days old, the shank lengths of Xingyi bantams were extremely significantly lower than that of yellow bantams (P〈0.01)when they were 0-75 days old and the shank lengths of Xingyi bantams were lower than that of yellow bantams when they were older. These results indicated that the superior performances of Xingyi bantam were worth of further development and utilization. From the beginning of egg production to 12 months old, the average egg laying rates of Xingyi bantam and yellow bantam were 42.42 % and 52.38 %, indicating that the egg laying rate of yellow bantam was higher than that of Xingyi bantam.
    Key Techniques of Ecological Fish Culture in Ponds of Cold Region
    2009, 30(1):  144-144.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.077
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    According to the characteristics of fish culture in ponds of cold region, the pond-cleaning and disinfection method, precautions before and after the fingerlings were put into ponds, water quality control and ecological disease prevention measures, detailed rules of feeding management and measures adopted after the fish disease occurred were discussed by the writer. The purpose was to provide technical support for ecological fish culture in ponds of cold region.
    Progress of Studies on Domestic Mutton Quality Analysis
    2009, 30(1):  147-147.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.079
    Abstract ( 126 )   PDF (207KB) ( 139 )   Save
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    Based on the most recent years the quality of domestic mutton analysis, The research results, research areas, methods and means of domestic mutton quality analysis were summarized in this article.
    A Brief Introduction on Carcinogens in Food v
    2009, 30(1):  149-149.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.080
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    This paper summaried and evaluate the eommen carcinogens in food in daily life on base of extensive literatures,in order to of- fer a reference to diet and health food development.
    The Research Advance on Analysis Techniques and Methods of Food Additives
    2009, 30(1):  153-153.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.082
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    This review gives a brief introductory and summary on analysis technique and methods of mainly domestic food additives. Additives included in the review are colourings, sweeteners, antioxidants and preservatives.
    Investigation of Dairy Cattle Miscarriage Reason and Morbidity Rule in Huhhot
    2009, 30(1):  157-157.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.084
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    This experiment altogether investigated 8 dairy farms in 2006-2008 years dairy cattle's miscarriage situation at Huhhot. The result indicated that the Huhhot area's dairy cattle rate of abortion is 7.87 % equally, reaches 11.49 % high, and with the month, the birth rank as weil as the pregnancy number Of days, whether there is to miscarry history, artificial insemination number of times factor related and so on.
    Impact of Large-scale Dairy Farm on Environment Pollution and Its Control
    2009, 30(1):  163-163.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.090
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    A large amount of solid waste and breeding wastewater produced from dairy farm had caused severe environment pollution. The measures with prevention as major were suggested to reduce its environment pollution in 3 aspects of source control, earthworm-digestion application and agricultrue-animal husbandry combination and the dairy manure was processed effectively and utilized comprehensively through technical measures. This had improtant meaning for lightening feces pollution, reducing resource waste and improving ecological environment.
    Research Advances of Prevention and Treatment for Mastitis of Dairy Cattle with Chinese Herbal Medicine
    2009, 30(1):  168-168.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.093
    Abstract ( 116 )   PDF (301KB) ( 108 )   Save
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    This artical summarized the new receareh advances and mechanism in prevention and treatment for mastitis of dairy cattle with Chinese herbal medicine in recently years;Author believe that prevention and treatment for mastitis of dairy cattle with Chinese herbal medicine will have a wide prospect.
    Advance the Rural Economic Construction of Wuzhishan City by Developing the Grass Plan
    2009, 30(1):  170-170.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.094
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    Based on the rural economic types and resource advantage of Wuzhishan city, in order to increase the peasants' income and develop the local economy, some modes of production are suggested on the base of protecting ecologic environment that we could plant grass in the forest,carry out grass-crop rotation and plant grass to raise livestock.
    Meat Mutton Productive Present Situation and Development Countermeasure in Suzhong Area
    2009, 30(1):  172-172.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.095
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    In this paper remain question of meat mutton production and advance prospect of that were analysized through the research of meat mutton productive present situation in suzhong area and based on the natural,society situation and remain question of root mutton production ,countermeasure of meat mutton productiive development were offered,which can provided reference for healthy and fast development of root mutton production in suzhong are.
    Design of New Animal Husbandry Pattern, the Districts and Their Products of New Animal Husbandry in Jilin
    2009, 30(1):  176-176.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2009.01.097
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    Through analyzing main districts and their products of New Animal Husbandry executed in Jilin, the construction of Fine Animal Husbandry System was raised, and the pattern of developing Fine Animal Husbandry was designed in this paper.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

