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20 August 2013, Volume Issue 4
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  • The Current Situation and Prospect of Research on Prunus mira koehne Cultivation and Physiology
    2013, (4):  1-1. 
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    Prunus mira koehne is one of Chinese endemic species and has many excellent characteristics. The recent research on cultivation and physiology were reviewed, and prospects on future research were discussed in order for better protection, development and utilization of Prunus mira koehne germplasm resources.
    The Existed Problem on Facility Agriculture in Baotou City and its Countermeasures
    2013, (4):  3-3. 
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    With the rapid development of facility agriculture in the city of Baotou, various kinds of problem in facility agriculture are most prominent in the course of facilities agricultural production, which restricting local facility agriculture development. By investigating local facility agriculture, combining with its geographic characteristics, we analyzed and summarized the main problems of facility agriculture in Baotou, proposed relevant countermeasures in order to raise the level and economic benefits in facility agricultural production, meanwhile, promoted the implement of "the north potato of south dish "strategy in Baotou.
    From the Perspective of The Circulation System of Agricultural Products H--ow to Dreak The Dilemma of "low Prices Hurt Farmers, High Prices Hurt Purchasers"
    2013, (4):  5-5. 
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    In terms of the dilemma of "low prices hurt farmers, high prices hurt purchasers", from the perspective of the circulation system of agricultural products, this article proposes to regular the circulation system of agricultural products, to nurture the environment of the circulation system of agricultural products, so as to stabilize agricultural products prices.
    Effect of Striped Deep Rotary Tillage on Soil Density, Root Character and Yield of Spring Maize
    2013, (4):  14-14. 
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    The experiment was carried out by three tillage methods of first year strip deep totary tillage (TX),second year exchange row strip deep totary tillage (GTX) and the conventional shallow tillage (ck).Through measured the soil compaction,the density of dry root weight,tile diameter of root,the density of root length,the density of root superficial area and the yield,and so on, revealed the effect of strip deep totary tillage on the soil compaction and root characters.The results showed that TX and GTX can effectively broke the plow pan,reduced soil compaction for 10.0-27.5cm soil layer, and increased the distribution of dry root weight,root length and root superficial area for 15-60cm soil layer,and lowered the diameter of root,and increased the yield by 19.68% and 24.35%,respectively.
    Effect of Degradable Mulch Plastic Film on Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature and Yield of Maize in Western Inner Mongolia
    2013, (4):  17-17. 
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    The experiment was carried out by three treatments of degradable films (B),kind of ordinary films (C),and none-films (ck),and discussed the effect of degradable films on temperature and moisture of soil, yield and agronomical characters. The two years results are as follows, degradable films has reached the level 7 (50% ground is not visible to the naked eye film) degradation speed before tasseling stage; B and C had obvious effect on soil moisture conservation from 3 leaf stage to tasseling stage, and had equivalent effect on soil moisture conservation from Before sowing stage to 3 leaf stage for 0-20cm soil layer, however, with the degradation rate of acceleration, the effect was diminishing; B and C had obvious effect on raising temperature for 0-10cm soil layer in May, and showd B 〉 C;Compared with ck, B and C improved maize plant height, ear height and harvest index, and speeded up the development process. In the end, B and C can effectively increased by an average of 15.09% and 16.63%,173.54¥and 196.58¥ per mu, but Compared with the ordinary films ,the degradable films saved workers and time, and reduced the pollution of the environment.
    Comparison of Methods for Rapid Genomic DNA Extract from Castor Oil Plant
    2013, (4):  20-20. 
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    Study on a quick and effective method of castor DNA was suitable for the ISSR amplification experiment. Genomic DNA was extracted from castor tender leaf with improved CTAB method, improved SDS method and kit method, the purity and concentration was measured by spectrophotometer and agarose gel electrophoresis of the DNA, and takes it as the template for ISSR-PCR analysis. Result:Improved SDS method and modified CTAB method to extract the DNA concentration was low, the purity was not high, takes longer, operation is more difficult; Qiagen method to extract DNA concentration is higher, the purity was good, operation was simple and takes less, cost is higher. Three methods proposed in the ISSR DNA - PCR could amplify the stripe. Conclusion:Materials test under the condition of fewer,less preferred methods of extracting DNA kit, the fast and high success rate.
    Drought Treatment Technology of Potato Seed before Planting
    2013, (4):  25-25. 
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    Based on the drought treatment technology researching of potato seed before sowing,In the period of potato growing, We have been mainly determined and analyzed Potato Seedling, Physiological Indexes( SOD, POD, Chlorophyll, Proline, Soluble Sugar )and Photosynthetic Indexes in the different treatment, and analysised the data of potato yield and water use efficiency, the results showed that: applying Han li ring aquasorb can increase the potato drought resistance, and the water use efficiency of potato improved obviously, it is increased by 21.25% then CK.
    The Extract Method of Robinia Pseudoacacia Mitochondria
    2013, (4):  28-28. 
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    A method for the isolated and sub-fractionation of the mitoehondria of Robinia pseudoacacia from plant tissue is described. The method comprised:(1) the blender tissue homogenization and the homogenate of tissue was obtained;(2) different centrifugation to remove impurities such as cell fragments;(3) add suspension, then, density gradient to obtain relatively pure mitochondria precipitation. Results showed that the integrity of mitochondrial was better by using this method and suitable for study on mitochondrial function as well as lay the foundation for the study of mitoehondrial proteomics.
    Effect of NAA on Seed Germination of Muskmelon
    2013, (4):  31-31. 
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    Two ecological types are annual Vine plants, Melon and Muskmelon also known as cantaloup melon, Cucurbitaceae melon. Different concentrations of NAA direct to cantaloup melon seeds, and to study the germination rate, the growth of seedlings, chlorophyll content and root activity indicators, screened from the NAA for cantaloup melon seed the optimum concentration of germination and growth, in order to improve the germination rate of seeds of cantaloup melon, germinating, how to save seed and to shorten the breeding cycle of the Technical Reference. The results showed that low concentrations of NAA ( 10^-10-10^-6 mg/L)can increase the germination rate of cantaloup melon, root length, lateral root number, chlorophyll content and root activity.
    The Key Factor of Potato Shoot-tip Culture
    2013, (4):  36-36. 
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    The paper discusses key factor on the tissue culture of potato and the non-poisonous potato on the top of stem what should be paid attention to the process of cuhivalion. To improve the qualify of potato and the non-poisonous effect of potato, the article also put forward the counter in detail.
    New Sunflower Variety Test in Linhe District
    2013, (4):  38-38. 
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    The sunflower is the traditional economic crops in Linhe area. In order to speed up the sunflower varieties updated and promote the sunflower industry, we have arranged new varieties comparative test in 2012 on the basis test over the years, which used to observe and identify their adaptability, resistance and high yield.It can provide the basis for large area popularization.
    Evaluation System of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievement Transformation Demonstration Base Construction in Xinjiang
    2013, (4):  41-41. 
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    The establishment of evaluation index system which is about agriculture demonstration base of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is the important link of the health and comprehensive development of the base, and also is the necessary means. On the base of the expounding necessity which is about the construction of evaluation index system, this paper expounds the thinking of construction. On the base of the method of expert scoring and AHP, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of agriculture demonstration base of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Xinjiang.
    Effects of Sowing Time 、Sowing Rate and N 、P Fertilization Level on Millet Yield
    2013, (4):  44-44. 
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    Through the research of four factors and three levels orthogonal experiment on sowing time,sowing rate and application of N.P2O5 about millet,by range of methods for analysis,the result show that Influence factors on millet yield sequence order is application of P2O5〉sowing rate〉sowing time〉application of N.With the method of level analysis,the result show that the optimal Combination of yield is A1B2C2D3, this means is in this region millet sowing date for May 10th, seeding quantity is 1.5kg / 667m2, application of Nitrogen fertilizer is 3.0kg / 667m2 and application of P205 is 6.0kg/667m2 .The study of experimental to provide scientific basis for combination in future.
    The Research to Nitrogen Absorption and Accumulation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of High Yield Spring Corn under Different Nitrogen Rate
    2013, (4):  47-47. 
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    In order to solve the problem that the low nitrogen fertilizer efficiency of high yield corn limit coordination of high yield and efficient, we took experiment to made clear the nitrogen use efficiency of high-yielding spring maize.The materials are different genotype maize varieties.We set different N applications (0, 30, 450, 600 kg/hm2) and comparison analysised the differences of the nitrogen absorption and utilization, transfer characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency of high yield spring corn.The results showed that with increaing nitrogen rate, the lower yield increased, and the nitrogen harvest index decreased when N application was more than 300 kg/hm2. The nitrogen absorption increase first then decreased.N physiological use efficiency declined slightly. The nitrogen uptake efficiency significantly correlated to utilization efficiency. It was the reason to N fertilizer efficiency dropped sharply that the nitrogen uptake efficiency significantly decreased.
    Drip Irrigation Under Film Potato Phosphorus Application Rate of Phosphoric Fertilizer Absorption and Distribution
    2013, (4):  50-50. 
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    In this paper, Favorita and Purple and White potato varieties were used as the experiment material to study the phosphor absorption and distribution on coated drip irrigation potato of different phosphor application, Main results are as follows: with the growth process, the experiment has demonstrated that significant decreases in the P content of various organs in different potato species. The phosphorus contents of each organ gradually increased as the P fertilizer application was raised; with the advance of growing stages, The whole plant of phosphorus application amount showed a different degree of rising trend. The uptake accumulation of each organ were increased and the absorption rate were accelerated, which were due to the phosphor fertilizer increased. Phosphorus was easy to flow in potato plant, it was mainly concentrated distribution in blade in seedling stage, but was in the tuber in later stage of growth.
    Research Progress on Inhibitory Effects of Silicon Fertilizer and Calcium Magnesium Phosphate on Cadmium Absorption by Plants
    2013, (4):  54-54. 
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    Applying soil conditioner is an effective way to mitigate soil heavy metals pollution. This paper briefly describes the effeetion inhibiting crops cadmium absorption by silicon fertilizer and calcium magnesium phosphate, which provides reference for the guidance of inhibiting crop cadmium absorption and improving food safety in Inner Mongolia.
    Fertilizering Quantity and Staying The Seedling Density to The Yield Effect of The Son of Proso
    2013, (4):  56-56. 
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    This text introduced and studied the local planting Son of proso species in the different stays the seedling density and different Fertilizering quantity of phosphoric acid Eran to the yield effect of the Son Under the condition in native area plant. According to this experiment, studying the consociation effect of Fertilizering quantity and the fatty density to the son of proso, maked the best seedling density and Fertilizering quantity, attain the purpose of not a seedling or a seedling, raised to labor the rate of production, raised the fertilizer utilization.
    Talk about the Potassium Nutrition and the Fertilization of Crops
    2013, (4):  57-57. 
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    In recent years,learned by Fertilization, a large area of farmland soil available K declined very significantly.Planted corn area has reached 772000hm2 of high-yield areas,potassium deficiency has become a major factor in restricting corn yield and quality.So,according to the analysis of potassium literacy maize plants sub-results,the great importance of K fertilizer. Especially the recommendation of the application of potassium chloride.
    The Test of Single Factor Celery Fertilizer Amount
    2013, (4):  64-64. 
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    Through single factor test phosphorus fertilization experiment, effects of different phosphate fertilizer on the growth and yield of celery,Interaction effects and in the local soil,water quality conditions of maximum fertilizer utilization ratio, optimization of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium application rate ratio,Experimental results show that,in each of the 667 square metres of applying N 40kg,20kg pure K is constant, , with 667 square metres of phosphorus fertilizer 10-15kg, increase production effect is the best.
    Analysis the Variation Characteristics of Heat Resource in Wulanchabu
    2013, (4):  80-80. 
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    The heat elements variation characteristics of Wulanchabu city from 1959 to 2010 were analyzed. The results show that compared with 60 time, the average temperature rise of 1.2 tol.9 degree in the recent 10 years, the maximum temperatures in 10 banners were appeared in 2005 and 2010, the first day of the temperature stability through10 degrees advanced 2 to 5 clays, the last day is delayed for 4 to 7 days: the active accumulated temperature more than 10 degree has increased 200 to 300 degree; the latest frost day advance 4 to 15 days, the first frost day delayed for 7 to 15 days; the frost-free period was extended 10 to 30 days.
    Data Sharing System of Automatic Weather Station in Hohhot
    2013, (4):  83-83. 
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    In order to use the large amount of data effectively to meet the needs of various users in hohhot,the system is designed to be able to deal with working status monitoring,data query,statistics,precipitation ,data output, and emergency alarm.The realization of these functions is described in detail.the system is practical,fast,and stable,and has extend to basic-level stations.
    Climatic Regionalization Analysis of Tobacco Planting in Ningcheng County
    2013, (4):  85-85. 
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    Tobacco is the main economic crops in Ningcheng county,there is great significance for reasonable layout tobacco production and the development of the tobacco industry that conduct climatic regionalization of tobacco planting in Ningcheng county.The three climatic zones for the planting of tobacco in Ningcheng county were divided by GIS technology,and characteristics of climatic zones are reviewed respectively,and Suggestions were put forward.
    Analysis of Hulunbuir 2012-2013 Winter Climate Characteristics
    2013, (4):  87-87. 
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    The winter 2012/2013 (this article refers to November l, 2012 to February 28, 2013), the main climate features of Hulunbuir City: the average abnormal low temperature compared with the calendar year the corresponding period value. Precipitation compared with the calendar year the corresponding period more. The main weather and climate events: the average temperature of a pasturing area and part of the area of anomaly, in the nearly fifty years of history at very low values in the forefront. Heavy snowfall in much more, in a history of nearly fifty years at the forefront of the value of the same period, local pastoral and agricultural areas historically extreme. In addition, the winter cold snow, traffic was blocked, Xinbaragyouqi appeared within the disaster. At the end of winter snowstorm disaster areas appear, Xinbaragyouqi, the territory of Xinbaragzuoqi.
    Application of the Grape Cultivation Key Technology of Greenhouse in Cold Region
    2013, (4):  96-96. 
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    In the cold region of the 48 ° north latitude of Arong Qi, the key technology of grape cultivation under the condition of greenhouse has been tested and achieved remarkable results. The best combination to explore advanced cuhivation techniques of greenhouse grape in the region, and provide technical support for the grape popularization and application in cold Region.
    The Technologies of Maize the High-efficient and High-yield Cultivation in Northeast China
    2013, (4):  97-97. 
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    In the maize planted area of northeast, realizing local natural conditions such as illumination, climate and soil,choosing suitable for local period of high yield, high efficiency, high quality maize hybrids. Cooperate to use reasonable the high-efficient and high-yield cultivation techniques. Accompanied by intensive and meticulous cultivation, scientific fertilizer- applying, scientific management is guarantee for the maize yield improvement.
    Beet Cultivation Techniques for High Yield and Good Quality
    2013, (4):  99-99. 
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    Sugar beet is our country important sugar material, forms the beet cultivation techniques for high yield and good quality measures, to achieve higher economic benefits.
    Investigation on the Ecological Types and Population Structure in Hulun Buir City
    2013, (4):  115-115. 
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    This paper summarizes the results of the survey of ecological types and population structure of Hulun Buir City, including farmland, forest and grassland ecological type, content involves the tree species, plant species, composition of main crop, productivity, soil type, the main diseases and insect pests, providing the basis for agriculture and animal husbandry forestry production to the rational allocation and crops, livestock, tree reasonable layout and its varieties.
    Advantages of Millet Production in Tongliao and Development Counter Measures
    2013, (4):  119-119. 
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    Millet production strategy was provided according to the Millet production advantage, status and problem existing in the planting of Tongliao, Firstly Germplasm resources should be optimized; Furthermore Millet product must be developed and it's market must be expanded; In the end, Mechanized production and standardized production base are also important.
    The Analysis of the Influence of the Causes about Purity of Sorghum Seeds Reduction and Several Countermeasures to Improve
    2013, (4):  121-121. 
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    The purity of Seeds is the most important quality index of Sorghum seed testing. The evaluation of Seeds grade is on the basis of the test. The seed purity level of Sorghum Yield and quality were analyzed.The results of test have direct and significant influence, therefore, this paper analyzes the causes of affecting the sorghum seeds purity drop ,and then we try to finding out the countermeasures.These work in sorghum seed production plays an important role in the future,which Brings us benefits in seeds production with high purity, good quality.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China