畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 61-61.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.04.026

• 经济与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


脱征军[1] 张作义[2] 张小莉[3]   

  1. [1]宁夏农牧厅畜牧工作站,宁夏银川750001 [2]宁夏银川市西夏区农牧水务局,宁夏银川750021 [3]宁夏银川市西夏区镇北堡镇人民政府,宁夏银川750021
  • 出版日期:2013-04-20 发布日期:2013-04-20
  • 通讯作者: 脱征军
  • 作者简介:(1978-),男,畜牧师,主要从事畜牧业技术推广工作。 通讯作者:张作义(1982-),男,畜牧师,硕士,主要从事畜牧业技术推广工作。

Thinking about the Transformation of Chinese Dairy Farming Mode

TUO Zheng-jun,ZHANG Zuo-yi,ZHANG Xiao-li(Animal Husbandry Workstation, Ningxia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Yinchuan 750001,China;Xixia Region Water Affairs Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Yinehuan 750021 ,China;Zhenbeibao Town People's Government of Xixia Region, Yinchuan 750021 ,China)   

  • Online:2013-04-20 Published:2013-04-20

摘要: 受“三聚氰胺奶粉”事件冲击后,我国奶业在政府引导下经过3年的整顿和振兴,已进入转型发展的关键阶段,因此,对奶业养殖模式转型的认识程度直接关系到奶业未来的发展。结合我国奶业发展实际,深入分析和探讨了奶业养殖模式转型发展的方向和对策,以期为加快我国奶业转型升级、健康发展提供参考。

Abstract: After the effect of ‘melamine milk powder' case, Chinese dairy industry has went through three years' reetity and entered in the key step of transformation and development, so the understanding degree to dairy farming mode transformation will be directly related to the development of dairy industry. Combined with the actual development of Chinese dairy industry, the direction and countermeasures about the transformation and development of Chinese dairy fanning mode were analyzed and discussed deeply in order to provide reference for accelerating the transformation and upgrading and the healthy development of Chinese dairy industry.
