畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 56-59.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2021.01.011

• 动物生产与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


何小龙1, 刘学文2, 达赖1, 陈木兰3, 付绍印1, 祁云霞1, 王标1, 刘永斌1   

  1. 1.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031;
    2.兴安职业技术学院,内蒙古 乌兰浩特 137400;
    3.兴安盟畜牧工作站,内蒙古 乌兰浩特 137400
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-16 发布日期:2021-02-18
  • 通讯作者: 刘永斌(1977-),男,研究员,博士,硕士生导师,主要从事家畜育种与生产研究工作。
  • 作者简介:何小龙(1983-),男,研究员,博士,主要从事草食家畜遗传育种研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on Lambing Performance and Feeding Benefit of Xing'an Multi-lamb Sheep

HE Xiao-long1, LIU Xue-wen2, Dalai1, CHEN Mu-lan3, FU Shao-yin1, QI Yun-xia1, WANG Biao1, LIU Yong-bin1   

  1. 1.Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;
    2.Xing An Vocational and Technical College,Ulanhot 137400,China;
    3. Animal Husbandry Workstation of Hinggan League,Ulanhot 137400,China
  • Received:2020-10-16 Published:2021-02-18

摘要: 兴安多羔羊是正在培育的适合内蒙古东北部规模化舍饲养殖的肉羊新品种,典型特征是繁殖率高、生长发育快、养殖效益好。为对兴安多羔羊繁殖性能和养殖效益进行量化分析,该研究对2018-2019年内蒙古杜美牧业生物科技有限公司的兴安多羔羊产羔数据进行了综合分析,通过计算得到初产母羊多羔率为80.48%,经产母羊多羔率为88.51%,平均每只基础母羊每窝产羔数为2.18只、年产羔数为4.02只;兴安多羔羊平均初生重、断奶重和50日龄的平均日增重分别为3.98 kg、14.32 kg和229.78 g,LEY指数为3.26只,成年母羊养殖净利润为2 367元/(只·年)。以上结果说明兴安多羔羊具有很好的品种优势,适合在内蒙古东北大规模推广。

关键词: 兴安多羔羊, 湖羊, 繁殖率, LEY指数

Abstract: Xing'an multi-lamb sheep is a new mutton sheep breed which is suitable for large-scale confined feeding in northeast regions of Inner Mongolia, which is typically characterized by high reproduction rate, fast growth and development, and good feeding benefit. In order to quantitatively analyze the reproduction performance and feeding benefit of Xing'an multi-lamb sheep, this study conducted a comprehensive analysis on the lambing data of Xing'an multi-lamb sheep collected from year 2018 to 2019 in Inner Mongolia Dumei Animal Husbandry Biotechnology Co., Ltd.. Through calculation, the multiple lambing rate of primiparous ewes was 80.48%, and that of multiparous ewes was 88.51%. The average litter size per ewe was 2.18 lambs, and 4.02 lambs were obtained per ewe per year. The average birth weight, weaning weight and average daily gain of 50-day-old lambs were 3.98 kg, 14.32 kg and 229.78 g, and the LEY index was 3.26. The net feeding profit of adult ewe was 2 367 Yuan per sheep per year. The results showed that Xing'an multi-lamb sheep has a good breed advantage and is suitable for large-scale promotion in northeast regions of Inner Mongolia.

Key words: Xing'an multi-lamb sheep;, Hu sheep, reproduction rate, LEY index
