畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 42-42.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2016.03.014

• 动物营养与饲料科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. [1]内蒙古农业大学动物科学学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010018 [2]内蒙古农牧业科学院动物营养与饲料研究所,内蒙古呼和浩特010031
  • 出版日期:2016-03-20 发布日期:2016-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 吴志红
  • 作者简介:吴志红(1992-),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为动物营养与饲料科学。 马燕芬(1979-),女,副研究员,博士,主要研究方向为动物营养调控理论与技术。 通讯作者:高民(1962-),男,研究员,博士,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为反刍动物营养调控理论与技术。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(31460616); 内蒙古自然科学基金(2014BS0348); 内蒙古农牧业科学院青年创新基金(2015QNJJM07); 现代农业(奶牛)产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-37)

Role of Nrf2-ARE Pathway in Oxidative Stress Injury and Its Relationship with Other Signaling Pathways

WU Zhi-hong, MA Yan-fen, ZHAO Lei, SONG Li-wen, GAO Min (1.College of Animal Science,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,China;2.Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, China)   

  • Online:2016-03-20 Published:2016-03-20

摘要: 氧化应激损伤与机体中多种疾病的发生与发展过程密不可分,当机体产生严重氧化应激时,抑制氧化应激和清除氧自由基是治疗机体产生疾病的重要策略。Nrf2-ARE信号通路是机体内极为重要的内源性防御体系,通过调控Nrf2-ARE信号通路可起到维持机体细胞内氧化还原状态平衡和降低氧化应激造成损伤的作用。综述了Nrf2-ARE信号通路调控机体抗氧化酶活性、与机体氧化应激相关疾病的相关性及其与其他信号通路的关系,以期为深入了解Nrf2-ARE信号通路在抵抗机体产生氧化应激损伤的作用和机制方面提供参考。

Abstract: Oxidative stress injury is considered to be closely associated with development of a variety of diseases in the body.When oxidative stress is severe, the inhibiting of oxidative stress and scavenging of oxygen free radical can be served as an important strategy for treatment of related diseases. Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway is an extremely important endogenous defense system in the body, which can maintain the balance of redox state in the cell and reduce the injuries produced by oxidative stress by regulating Nrf2-ARE signaling pathways. The role of Nrf2-ARE pathway in regulating antioxidant enzymes activity, the association of Nrf2-ARE pathway with the emergence of oxidative stress related diseases, and the relationship of Nrf2-ARE pathway with other signaling pathways were reviewed in this article, so as to provide a reference for a better understanding of the role of Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway in resisting oxidation stress injury in the body as well as of related mechanisms.
