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30 August 2019, Volume 40 Issue 8
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  • Characterization of Cellular and Tissular Expression of IL1RN Gene in Jinfen White Piglets and New Shanxi Black Piglets
    SUN Nu-nu, MA Jing-jing
    2019, 40(8):  1-5.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.001
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (616KB) ( 55 )   Save
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    Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) is an important host immunoregulatory factor and is a natural IL-1 antagonist. This study aimed to characterize the cellular and tissular expression of IL1RN gene in weaned piglets of two local pig breeds in Shanxi Province. The total RNA of 18 tissues and cells, including heart, liver, spleen, lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.,of Jinfen white piglets and new Shanxi black piglets was extracted by Trizol method. The expression of IL1RN gene in different tissues and cells of the piglets was determined by RT-PCR assay. The expressional difference of IL1RN gene in four immune related tissues and cells (spleen, lymph nodes, macrophages, white blood cells) between the two local pig breeds were statistically compared with SPSS 19.0 software. The results showed that except for adipose tissue, the expression of IL1RN gene was observed in all the other tested tissues and cells in both of the two local pig breeds; extremely significant (P<0.01) expressional difference in IL1RN gene between macrophages and lymph nodes, spleen, white blood cells in Jinfen white piglets was found, and that between lymph nodes and spleen, white blood cells were also observed; the expressional difference in IL1RN gene between spleen, lymph nodes, macrophages and white blood cells in new Shanxi black piglets was extremely significant (P<0.01) when compared pairwisely; there were extremely significant (P<0.01) expressional differences in IL1RN gene in spleen, macrophages and white blood cells between the two local pig breeds, and significant (P<0.05) expressional difference in IL1RN gene in lymph nodes between the two local pig breeds was found. Our results provide a basis for further unraveling the function and underling mechanism of the IL1RN gene in disease resistance in the two local pig breeds.
    Effect of Passivation Materials on Form Transformation of Heavy Metals (Cu, Zn) During Pig Manure Composting and Assessment of Their Phytotoxicity
    DIAO Li-peng, ZHANG Zhuo-yi, WU Di-mei, HUANG Zhen, BAI Ruo-bing
    2019, 40(8):  6-11.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.002
    Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (703KB) ( 82 )   Save
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    The effect of two heavy metal passivators (biochar and VT-1000 microorganisms agent) on concentrations and forms of heavy metals (Cu and Zn) during pig manure composting was studied by BCR sequential extraction method. Furthermore, the phytotoxicity of the compost treated with the two heavy metal passivators was evaluated. The results showed that after composting, the total concentrations of Cu and Zn in pig manure exhibited a ′relative concentration effect′, resulting in an increase in their concentrations. Composting treatment promoted the transformation of Zn from high-activity form to low one, thereby reducing its bioavailability. Biochar had better passivation effect on Cu and Zn after composting, and its passivation rate on acid extractable fraction of Cu and Zn was 27.23% and 73.46%, respectively. The composted pig manure treated with the two passivation materials had no significant (P>0.05) effect on germination rate, root length and germination index of the seeds. It was indicated that the pig manure treated by composting was fully decomposed and had no inhibitory effect on seed germination. The combined data suggest that biochar is an ideal passivation material for reducing the bioavailability of Cu and Zn in pig manure, and it is conductive to reduce the risk of heavy metal pollution in land fertilized with pig manure compost.
    Bioinformatical Analysis and mRNA Expression of E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Genes in Zebrafish
    LI Bao-jun, WANG Wei-wei, AN Li-xia
    2019, 40(8):  12-16.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.003
    Abstract ( 196 )   PDF (1613KB) ( 78 )   Save
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    [objective] To bioinformatically characterize the E3 ubiquitin ligase genes in zebrafish and to analyze their mRNA expression profile. [Method] The cDNA sequences analysis, protein secondary structure and structural domain prediction, amino acid sequences homology alignment and phylogenetic tree establishment of E3 ubiquitin ligase genes were carried out with bioinformatical methods. The mRNA expression pattern of the target genes in zebrafish was assessed by using whole mount in situ hybridization. [Result] Six E3 ubiquitin ligase genes were found in NCBI GenBank, including TRIM54, TRIM55a, TRIM55b, TRIM63a, TRIM63b and TRIM101. There are high homologies between these genes. The secondary structure of E3 ubiquitin ligases was mainly composed of alpha helix and random coil. The conserved structural domains were RING zinc finger, B-box zinc finger and coiled coils. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed the E3 ubiquitin ligase genes were divided into four groups TRIM54 gene of different species belonged to one branch; TRIM55 were grouped together, nearing the branch of TRIM101; TRIM63 made up the fourth branch. The mRNA expression of these genes was detected in sarcomeres of zebrafish 24 h after fertilization. TRIM55a, TRIM63a and TRIM101 showed a stronger expression than the other TRIM genes did. These TRIM genes might play essential role in muscular development and function in zebrafish. [Conclusion] The E3 ubiquitin ligase genes had high conservation and their mRNA were specifically expressed in sarcomeres in zebrafish. This study provides a theoretical basis for exploring the roles of E3 ubiquitin ligase genes in fish muscle and an important guidance for fish production.
    Research Progress on Detection Methods for T-2 Toxin and HT-2 Toxin
    TU Di, WU Ying-xin, XIONG Kuan-kuan, YANG Ling-chen
    2019, 40(8):  17-22.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.004
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (597KB) ( 81 )   Save
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    Both of T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin belong to trichothecene mycotoxins. T-2 toxin is the most toxic mycotoxin among class A trichothecene mycotoxins. HT-2 toxin is the most important metabolite of T-2 toxin in vivo and in vitro. Both of them are widely distributed in natural environment. The research progress on detection methods for T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin was reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used detection methods for T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin were further analyzed, in hoping to provide references for scientific selection of detection methods for T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin.
    Determination of Optimum in vitro Culture Conditions of Mycoplasma ovis
    Chunmei, Gaowa, WANG Feng-long
    2019, 40(8):  23-29.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.005
    Abstract ( 118 )   PDF (1527KB) ( 68 )   Save
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    In recent years, the prevalence of an infectious disease characterized by high morbidity and mortality in sheep herds has been observed in Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia. This disease was finally diagnosed as eperythrozoonosis, a zoonosis caused by Mycoplasma ovisM. ovis). In order to lay a foundation for the in-depth study on M. ovis, the optimum conditions for in vitro culture of M. ovis was determined, with emphasis on formula improvement of culture medium by referring the Mycoplasma culture medium. The best growth of M. ovis was observed in a self-prepared ZP-S-BS culture medium under 37 ℃ with replacement of half fresh medium at 48 h. The erythrocytes infected with M. ovis could be long-term in vitro cultured with the ZP-S-BS culture medium. The eluted M. ovis was able to be continuously cultured in vitro up to 260 days in ZP-S-BS culture medium and propagate slowly.
    Feasibility Analysis of Introduction of Corn Straw Feed into Pastoral Areas
    WANG Chao, Jinhai, LI Chang-qing, TIAN Feng, WANG Li, ZHANG Hai-ying, LI Zi-qin, XUE Shu-yuan
    2019, 40(8):  30-34.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.006
    Abstract ( 99 )   PDF (636KB) ( 70 )   Save
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    This paper introduced the present situation of animal husbandry industry and grassland ecology in Inner Mongolia, expounded the yield and resource utilization situation of corn straw as feed in this region, and analyzed the paths and economical, ecological and social benefits of introduction of corn straw feed into pastoral areas, in hoping to provide theoretical basis for introduction of corn straw feed into pastoral areas.
    Research Progress on Application of Antibacterial Peptides in Livestock and Poultry Production
    WANG Xue-yang, HAN Shu-min, LI Jin-ku, ZHANG Fan, LI Jing-chun, WEI Guo-sheng, LI Yan-bing
    2019, 40(8):  35-37.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.007
    Abstract ( 190 )   PDF (460KB) ( 171 )   Save
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    As an alternative to antibiotics, antibacterial peptides are widely used in medicine, food and agricultural production. They can promote the growth and improve the immunity of livestock and poultry. The antibacterial peptides that are allowed for addition in feed and their functions were reviewed, with emphasis on the application of antibacterial peptides in animal husbandry production was introduced, in hoping to provide references for livestock producers.
    Production Performance and Agronomic Traits of Four Oat Varieties in the Yellow River Beach Area
    GUO Xiao, QI Shuang, NIU Hui, DENG Hong-yu, HU Hua-feng
    2019, 40(8):  38-41.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.008
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (476KB) ( 77 )   Save
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    In this study, a comparative trial of four oat varieties was designed to characterize their dynamic changes in production performance and agronomic traits under the soil and climatic conditions of the Yellow River beach area in Henan Province. The stem to leaf ratio, fresh to dry ratio, plant height and hay yield of the oat varieties of ′Wuzhai′, ′Linna′, ′Bayou No.3′ and ′Jiayan′ in different growth period were determined when their seeding rate was 225 kg/hm2. The results showed that at the flowering stage,the stem to leaf ratio of the above four oat varieties was 65.34%, 58.18%, 70.05% and 54.72%, respectively, and their fresh to dry ratio was 3.12, 3.17, 3.07 and 3.31, respectively. The growth rate of the oats exhibited a ′S′ shaped dynamic mode of ′low-high-low′. The highest growth rate of the oats was observed at the heading-flowering stage. The plant height of the above four oat varieties at the full-blooming stage was 108.58, 103.43, 100.37 and 113.42 cm, respectively, and the hay yield was 549.17, 514.74, 519.63 and 531.53 g DM/m2, respectively. In conclusion, the four tested oat varieties characterized by rapid growth and high yield are all suitable for planting and growing the Yellow River beach area. ′Jiayan′ has superior comprehensive performance to the other tested oat varieties.
    Effect of Mowing Time on Yield and Quality of Kochia prostrata(L.)Schrad. cv. Nongke No.1
    ZHAN Chun-fang, YI Feng-yan, SUN Hai-lian, WANG Yue, YANG Ding, WANG Hai-ming, WANG Ying-jie
    2019, 40(8):  42-46.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.009
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (604KB) ( 71 )   Save
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    The aim of this study was to determine the optimal mowing time of Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. cv. Nongke No.1. An experiment was designed to statistically assessed the effect of different mowing time (July 28, August 19, September 16) on the yield and quality of ′Nongke No.1′. The main results were shown as follows the growth of ′Nongke No.1′ was slow after the resume growth, then accelerated after the branching stage (in late-May), and almost ceased at the flowering stage (from mid-August to early-September); the obtained dry matter yield of ′Nongke No.1′ was 15 045.5 kg/hm2 when mowed on August 19, which was higher than that mowed on July 28 and September 16; there was no significant (P>0.05) difference in crude protein content of ′Nongke No.1′ between mowing time of August 19 and July 28, but statistically significant (P<0.05) higher crude protein content was observed in mowing time of August 19 compared to September 16; with the delay of mowing time, the stem-leaf ratio and content of crude fiber, ADF and NDF were increased gradually; among the different parts of the plant, the buds had the highest (24.07%) crude protein content and best quality, followed by leaves and stems; when mowed in mid-August, the ratio of stem to leaf of ′Nongke No.1′ was 0.56, which had no significant (P>0.05) difference with that mowed in late-July, but was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that mowed in mid-September. The combined data suggest that more leaves and buds, higher dry matter yield and better quality can be obtained when ′Nongke No.1′ is mowed during the flowering period from mid-August to early-September.
    A Rotation Mode of Crop and Grass in Desert Grassland Area and High-efficient Cultivation Technique of Herbage
    BAI Chun-li, ZHAO He-ping, SHI Yong-ming, DING Hai-jun, LIU Si-bo
    2019, 40(8):  47-49.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.010
    Abstract ( 148 )   PDF (481KB) ( 67 )   Save
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    In view of the actual situation of desert grassland area such as short frost-free period, insufficient water resources and deficient feed and forage supply, a rotation mode of crop and grass was explored in the livestock breeding cooperatives with irrigation and mechanized operation conditions in the northern desert grassland area of Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner in Inner Mongolia. The rotation demonstration of ′alfalfa-grass millet-potato-silage maize′ was carried out by integration of a series of technology, including varieties selection of herbage and economic crop, cultivation in a water and fertilizer integrated system, and timely harvesting. The results showed that this rotation mode increased the yield of herbage and improved the economic benefit of land per unit area. Furthermore, it was also an effective way to improve soil fertility and to obtain good ecological, social and economic benefits, which provided technical support for the structural adjustment and sustainable development of grassland and animal husbandry in this area.
    Screening Test of Silage Maize Varieties in Wuyuan County of Inner Mongolia
    WANG Rui-zhen, LI Bin-rui, DIAO Sheng-peng, LIU Run-ping
    2019, 40(8):  50-52.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.011
    Abstract ( 174 )   PDF (241KB) ( 78 )   Save
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    The study aimed to screen the silage maize varieties suitable for local phenological conditions in Wuyuan County of Inner Mongolia. A screening test was conducted with 10 silage maize varieties introduced in Wuyuan County, including ′Jinling No.37′, ′Jinling No.17′, ′Jinling No.67′, ′Jinling No.10′, ′Wenyu No. 3′, ′Jinyi No.418′, ′Jinyi No.14′, ′Jinyi No.13′, ′Jinyi No.12′ and ′Jinyi No.1157′. The morphology and yield indicators of different silage maize varieties were compared. The results showed that the highest whole plant fresh weight yield was observed in the variety of ′Jinyi No.13′, which was as high as 105 276 kg/hm2. It can be concluded that the best silage maize variety suitable for planting in Wuyuan County is ′Jinyi No.13′.
    A Review of Recent Advances in Research on Cryopreservation Technology of Canine Semen
    HU Wen-ju, SONG Yan-hua
    2019, 40(8):  53-57.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.012
    Abstract ( 792 )   PDF (677KB) ( 63 )   Save
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    The development and application of canine semen cryopreservation technology started relatively late in China, which is still in the research and exploration stage. At present, the mature cryopreservation technology remains limited, and there is still a certain gap in fertilization rate and litter size between the artificial insemination with cryopreserved semen and natural mating. Moreover, the canine variety, regional differences and semen-harvesting time also affect the quality of the cryopreserved semen. This paper renders a review of recent achievements at home and abroad in research on cryopreservation technology of canine semen from the aspects of cryopreservation method, cryoprotectant and thawing method, in hoping to provide references for exploring more effective canine semen cryopreservation technology and improving the cryopreservation effect of canine semen.
    Influence of Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity on Ecosystem Services
    SHI Chao-yi, MENG De-hui, ZHU Yuan-jun, YANG Xiao-hui
    2019, 40(8):  58-63.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.013
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (747KB) ( 78 )   Save
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    Landscape spatial heterogeneity is a concept of landscape ecology that has a huge impact on ecosystem services, and the ecosystem services will change as landscape patterns change. Landscape spatial heterogeneity can be divided into landscape composition heterogeneity and landscape configuration heterogeneity, and the impact mechanism and content of these two aspects on ecosystem services are different. At present, many scholars are studying the ′landscape pattern-ecosystem service correspondence, or ecosystem process-ecosystem service correspondence′. However, studies focusing on the combination of landscape pattern, ecosystem process and ecosystem services and on changes and interrelation of them are still limited. The current researches on interpreting the approach by which landscape heterogeneity affects the ecosystem services are not deep enough. By summarizing the relevant literature at home and abroad, this paper briefly describes how landscape spatial heterogeneity influences ecosystem services directly and indirectly, in hoping to provide a scientific basis for ecosystem services improvement, sustainable development realization and ecological protection policies formulation.
    Risk Assessment and Resource Utilization Technology of Livestock Manures in Qingyang City,Gansu Province
    LIU Yu-tian, LI Shi-en, ZHANG Jin-xia, SHI Hai-na, ZHANG Yu-ping
    2019, 40(8):  64-67.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.014
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (584KB) ( 93 )   Save
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    The aim of this study were to evaluate the utilization safety of livestock manure fertilizer in Qingyang City of Gansu Province, to promote the healthy, rationalized and refined utilization of livestock manure resources, and to provide references for realizing the scientific combination pattern of livestock farming and crop planting. The livestock manure samples were collected from the pig farms, cattle farms and sheep farms in this city. After being fermented and matured in a plastic greenhouse, the main hygiene indicators and heavy metal content of the obtained manure fertilizer were determined. The results showed that the two tested hygiene indicators, including the mortality of Ascaris eggs and coliform group count in feces, were in line with the requirements of ′Organic Fertilizer Standard NY 525-2012′. The heavy metal elements mainly found in pig manures were zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), with the content of 4 125.00 mg/kg and 342.00 mg/kg, respectively. According to the heavy metal content limit value in ′Technology Code for Land Application Rates of Livestock and Poultry Manure GB/T 25246-2010′, the Zn content in pig manure fertilizer exceeded the maximum limit (3 400 mg/kg) by 21.32%. Furthermore, the Cu content in pig manure fertilizer was higher and exceeded the requirements of some crops. The content of Cr in cattle manure fertilizer was 217.30 mg/kg, which exceeded the relevant standard (150.00 mg/kg) by 44.87%. The heavy metal content of sheep manure fertilizer did not exceed the requirements of relevant standard. In order to avoid the environmental pollution caused by heavy metals, it is recommended that the livestock manures should be treated in a concentrated manner, and the pig manures was suggested to be mixed with the cattle manures or sheep manures in a certain ratio to produce organic fertilizer. In addition, the organic fertilizer should be scientifically applied according to the crop needs.
    Countermeasures and Suggestions on Resource Utilization of Livestock and Poultry Manure in Inner Mongolia
    CHENG Li-xin, YUE Lin-fang, ZHENG Zhong, GUO Xuan, LU Long, Fengying, WU Chun-mei, QIAO Jian-min, LI Yun-hua, WANG Zhi-ming, Baohua
    2019, 40(8):  68-72.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.015
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    Animal husbandry industry is one of the pillar industries in Inner Mongolia. With the rapid development of animal husbandry industry, the output of livestock and poultry manure continues to increase, resulting in increasingly serious pollution of manure. Additionally, the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure becomes particularly urgent and important. In this study, we investigated 95 large- and medium-scale livestock breeding enterprises distributed in 11 banners (counties or districts) of Inner Mongolia by site survey, and 3 700 large-scale livestock breeding enterprises by literatures review and experts consultation. The situation of livestock and poultry manure resource utilization in Inner Mongolia was analyzed from the aspects of the basic characteristics of livestock and poultry manure, the main features of livestock and poultry manure resource utilization, and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
    Status Analysis on International Trade in Dairy Products of Inner Mongolia
    LU Xue-ting
    2019, 40(8):  73-77.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.016
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    Inner Mongolia is an important dairy production base of China. The dairy industry is a featured and dominant industry in this region. The import and export trade of dairy products plays an important role in the economic development of Inner Mongolia. This paper analyzed the development status of dairy industry and the import and export situation of dairy products of Inner Mongolia using data analysis method in combination with rational thinking method, discussed the problems in dairy products trade, and actively explored the corresponding countermeasures, in hoping to improve the competitiveness of dairy products of Inner Mongolia in international trade.
    Investigation and Suggestions on Current Situation of Farmers′ Livestcok Breeding in Weixi County of Yunnan Province
    QIAN Yi-xiang, WANG Juan, ZHAO Yan-guang, WANG Jin-rong, LI Zhi-jun, WU Jing, YANG Xin, SUN Qiang
    2019, 40(8):  78-82.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.017
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    In order to understand the current developmental situation of the livestock breeding industry in Weixi County of Yunnan Province, a total of 103 households distributed in 40 village committees belonged to 10 townships which were under the jurisdiction of Weixi County were surveyed in this study by household visits and questionnaire. We found that there were still some problems in animal husbandry industry development in Weixi County, such as the small, disperse and weak developmental status, unbalanced regional development, undeveloped farming methods, insufficient scientific and technological support, and poor breeding efficiency and benefit. We proposed that it is necessary to take into account the local actual situation when planning and laying out the animal husbandry industry, to collect and protect the genetic resources of livestock and poultry with local characteristics, to actively introduce and promote the improved varieties of livestock and poultry, to enhance the introduction and cultivation of new business entities, and to construct technical research and development and promotion systems.
    Research and Practice of New Ecological Integrated Planting and Breeding Mode under Camellia oleifera Forest on Hilly Slope Land
    CHENG Gang, LI Hong-bo, MO Hua, PENG Jin-xiang, LUO An-hong, WANG Wen-long, HAN Qing
    2019, 40(8):  83-85.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.018
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (476KB) ( 47 )   Save
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    It is of great significance for soil and water conservation on hilly slope land and for increasing peasants′ income to make full use of the interstitial land of Camellia oleifera forest to implement three-dimensional development of integrated planting and breeding. Using the 1 000 acres of Camellia oleifera forest on the hilly slope land of Hunan Applied Technology University as experimental base, a new ecological mode of integrated planting and breeding of ′Camellia oleifera-earthworm-poultry′ was explored and practiced. In the Camellia oleifera forest, the earthworms were bred using fermented manure produced by cattle and sheep, and the local chickens were reared using earthworms as feed resource. The technical parameters and actual effect of raising earthworms on interstitial land of Camellia oleifera forest on hilly slope land were introduced. Aiming to use hilly slope land resources to develop under-forest economy and to improve the resources utilization efficiency, this new ecological integrated planting and breeding mode may be helpful for solving the problems in Camellia oleifera planting on hilly slope land, such as high prophase input, low output and inefficiency of interstitial land use in forest. In addition, it is of great practical significance for the development of regional economy on hilly slope land.
    Exploration on Experimental Teaching Reform of Poultry Production Science Under the Background of ′Double Innovation′
    SHI Jian-zhou, GAO Wan-li, WANG Bing, ZHAO Jin-bing
    2019, 40(8):  86-88.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.019
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    Under the background of ′mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation′, taking ′cultivating talents with innovative spirit and creativity′ as the guiding ideology, and taking the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability as the orientation, the experimental teaching reform of Poultry Production Science was carried out to improve the innovative and entrepreneurial ability of the undergraduates majoring in animal science in local colleges and universities. The experimental course of Poultry Production Science was optimized and reformed from the aspects of teaching content, teaching mode and assessment method, in hoping to better train the high-quality and innovative and entrepreneurial talents.
    Teaching Reform of Animal Physiology Based on Animal Husbandry Production Practice
    ZHOU Jie, WANG Ju-hua, JIANG Shu-dong, TU Jian, RUAN Xiang-chun, WANG Yong, PENG Meng-ling
    2019, 40(8):  89-92.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.020
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (564KB) ( 35 )   Save
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    Animal physiology is an important basic course for major of animal science and related majors. In the previous teaching process, the relationship between this course and animal production has not been paid enough attention. The importance of Animal Physiology to the specialty of animal science and the problems existing in teaching of Animal Physiology such as the disjunction between and theory teaching and practical production were analyzed. The corresponding solutions were put forward from the aspects of teaching system, teaching content, teaching method reform and the cultivation of teachers′ practical ability.
    Research on Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode of Animal Anatomy and Histology and Embryology Based on Micro-course
    TIAN Li-li, ZHANG Ling, WANG Shu-quan
    2019, 40(8):  93-95.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.021
    Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (461KB) ( 82 )   Save
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    In order to improve the undergraduates′ learning efficiency of Animal Anatomy and Histology and Embryology, the flipped classroom teaching mode was introduced into the teaching of this course in combination with the experiences accumulated in the teaching process. Furthermore, we explored the flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro-course in teaching of Animal Anatomy and Histology and Embryology, and proposed a specific implementation plan and teaching process. After a primary application, the availability and acceptability of this teaching mode was evaluated.
    Exploration on Teaching Reform of Animal Molecular Biology
    LING Ying-hui, ZHU Lu
    2019, 40(8):  96-99.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.022
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    Animal Molecular Biology is one of the professional basic courses in majors of animal science and veterinary medicine. With the continuous updating of the knowledge of this curriculum and the arrival of the database era especially, the previous teaching mode and teaching content have not kept up with the demands of modern teaching. In view of the problems existing in teaching of Animal Molecular Biology for undergraduates who major in animal science or other specialties, the teaching reform and exploration were carried out by optimizing teaching contents, increasing teaching methods and enrich assessment means. Through the teaching reform, the attractiveness of this curriculum was increased, the learning initiative of the undergraduates was improved, and the teaching quality was elevated, which lays a foundation for training innovative scientific research talents in animal science and other specialties.
    Construction and Preliminary Application of Clinical Teaching Database for Veterinary Medicine
    WANG Xi-chun, FENG Shi-bin, LI Yu, RUAN Xiang-chun, LI Jin-chun, LIU Ya, HAN Chun-yang, LIU Cui-yan, LI Yu, SUN Pei, XU Qian-ming, TU Jian, WANG Gui-jun, WU Jin-jie
    2019, 40(8):  100-103.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.023
    Abstract ( 116 )   PDF (560KB) ( 69 )   Save
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    The major of veterinary medicine requires undergraduates not only to master stable theoretical knowledge, but also to have rich clinical experience. In order to achieve this goal, in addition to requiring teachers to be thoroughly acquainted with the professional knowledge, a large number of typical clinical case data are also essential. Using the teaching animal hospital and livestock and poultry disease diagnosis center of Anhui Agricultural University as a platform, a teaching database of clinical veterinary medicine is constructed through collecting a large number of valuable clinical case data and the latest clinical diagnosis and treatment technology, which achieves the enrichment of animal species of diagnosis and treatment as well as integration and systematization of clinical case information. The construction and application of this database not only provides abundant teaching materials and data for clinical teachers, but also enhances the learning interest of undergraduates, which promotes the development of veterinary medicine education and teaching.
    Isolation, Identification and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Pathogenic Bacteria of Canine Pyoderma
    PENG Hua, LI Shu-hong, NIE Jia-wei, GUO Ze-ting
    2019, 40(8):  104-106.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.024
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (385KB) ( 39 )   Save
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    The objective of the present study was to determine the causative agents of canine pyoderma and to characterize their antimicrobial susceptibility. The strains were isolated from the clinical samples and were subsequently identified by Gram staining method and biochemical test. The antimicrobial susceptibility test of the isolates was carried out using Kirby-Bauer disc agar diffusion method. The results showed that isolates of Staphylococcus intermediaS. intermedia) and Staphylococcus aureusS. aureus) was recovered from the clinical samples collected from the lesion location of the dogs with pyoderma. Twenty percent of the obtained S. intermedia isolates were susceptible to cefradine and cefalexin; the intermediate rate of the S. intermedia isolates against carbenicillin and ceftazidime was 20%; the S. intermedia isolates were resistant to erythromycin, kanamycin, compound trimethoprim, piperacillin, penicillin and oxacillin, with resistance rate of 60%. Twenty percent of the obtained S. aureus isolates were susceptible to cefradine and cefalexin; the intermediate rate of the S. aureus isolates against carbenicillin and piperacillin was 20%; the S. aureus isolates were resistant to erythromycin, kanamycin, compound trimethoprim, ceftazidime, penicillin and oxacillin, with resistance rate of 60%.
    Research Progress on Poultry Ankara Disease
    LIU Chang, Tumenbayaer, LU Zhen-xiang, NING Kang-jian, JIANG Jin-peng, LI Lei
    2019, 40(8):  107-109.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.025
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (481KB) ( 76 )   Save
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    Poultry Ankara disease caused by avian adenovirus type 4 (FAV-4) is clinically characterized by pericardial effusion and hepatitis. In recent years, the prevalence of this disease shows an increasing trend. In this paper, the epidemiological characteristics, detection methods, and prevention and treatment methods were reviewed, in hoping to provide new insight to the further study and prevention of Ankara disease.
    Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows and Therapeutic Effectiveness Assessment of Two Commonly Used Medication Regimens
    ZHANG Jin-he, KONG Wei-jie
    2019, 40(8):  110-112.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.08.026
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (446KB) ( 86 )   Save
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    This study aimed to determine the species distribution of pathogenic bacteria associated with clinical mastitis in dairy cows, and to compare the therapeutic effectiveness of combinative use of penicillin and streptomycin versus ′Woruite′ (a commercially available ceftiofur sodium preparation) alone in the treatment of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. A total of 100 dairy cows with clinical mastitis were selected and assigned into the following three groups a control group (n=4), a ′Woruite′ treatment group (n=50), and a combinative therapeutic group of penicillin and streptomycin (n=46). Milk samples were collected from the experimental cows, and the bacterial isolation and identification were performed with traditional methods. Therapeutic effectiveness of the two medication regimens was clinically evaluated and compared. The most frequently isolated bacterial species was pathogenic staphylococci (37.0%), followed by Escherichia coli (30.1%), Klebsiella (18.3%) and streptococci (2.4%). Furthermore, some other bacterial species were also found, with total isolation rate of 12.2%. It was indicated that staphylococci are the dominant causative pathogenic bacteria in clinical mastitis of dairy cows. Both of the two medication regimens had good therapeutic effectiveness in treatment of clinical mastitis. The curative rate of the combinative therapeutic group of penicillin and streptomycin was 78.26%, which was significantly higher than that of the ′Woruite′ treatment group (66.00%).


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

