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30 July 2019, Volume 40 Issue 7
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  • Genome-wide Detection of Selection Signature in German Merino Mutton Sheep
    LIU Jia-sen, LI Yun-hua, WANG Run-yuan, JIANG Shou-jun, MA Wan-shan, WANG Li-yong
    2019, 40(7):  1-7.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.001
    Abstract ( 226 )   PDF (820KB) ( 88 )   Save
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    The aim of this study was to assess the genome selection signature in German Merino mutton sheep. The high-density SNPs chip for sheep and iHS method was used to detect the genome selection signature, and the potential selection genes was revealed via bioinformatical analysis. The selection signature detection results indicated that a total of 220 genomic segments with selection signature were found within the genome-wide range. These segments were closely related to 895 candidate genes. Gene enrichment results indicated that these genes were mainly involved in protein translation, skeletal development, biosynthesis regulation, muscle organ development, retinoic acid receptor activity, transcription factor binding and ribosome components. The results obtained in this study provide a reference for making full use of the breeding value of German Merino mutton sheep and efficiently carrying out population improvement work for this breed of sheep.
    Effects of Simulated Acute Hypobaric Hypoxia on Some Blood Gas Indices in Mice
    SHEN Shi-ju, ZHANG Qin-wen
    2019, 40(7):  8-10.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.002
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (404KB) ( 66 )   Save
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    In order to characterize the changing trend of blood gas indices in simulated acute hypobaric hypoxia environment, the BALB/c mice were selected in this study to observe the variation of oxygen saturation, oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide partial pressure in arteries and veins blood when the acute hypobaric hypoxia was simulated. The results showed that with the prolongation of exposure time to anoxic environment, the difference of blood oxygen saturation between arteries and veins in BALB/c mice was increased gradually and reached equilibrium after a 24-hour exposure. The difference between arterial and venous oxygen partial pressure showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing with the prolongation of exposure time to anoxic environment, and that between arterial and venous carbon dioxide partial pressure changed in the opposite trend. The mechanisms associated with the above dynamic change in blood gas indices in BALB/c mice was that with the prolongation of exposure time to anoxic environment, the supply and utilization efficiency of oxygen was compensatively improved so as to adapt to the hypoxic environment.
    Effects of Pomegranate Juice on Body Weight and Content of Ellagic Acid and Urolithin A in Feces and Cecum Contents in Rats
    CHEN Hui,LI Jia-hao,LI Chao,Subinuer•Aini,ZHAO Mei-yu,Yilimire•Paizireheman,Aikeliya•Tuheti,FANG Mei-yan
    2019, 40(7):  11-14.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.003
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (507KB) ( 69 )   Save
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    [Objective] To determine whether feeding pomegranate juice would have effect on body weight and content of ellagic acid and urolithin A in feces and cecum contents in SD rats, and to provide data support for the in-depth study on biological effects of ellagic acid and urolithin A. [Method] A total of 24 male SD rats with an average body weight of (169.08±7.88) g were randomly divided into 3 groups (control group, test groupⅠand test groupⅡ) with 8 rats in each group. All of the excremental rats fed the same basal diet. The rats in test groupⅠand Ⅱ were fed with 1.5 mL and 3.0 mL of pomegranate juice per day, respectively. The rats were weighted and their feces and cecum contents were sampled. [Result] The daily weight gain of the rats in test group Ⅱ was increased by 36.32% (P<0.05) compared to the control group. Feeding pomegranate juice significantly (P<0.05) increased the content of ellagic acid and urolithin A in feces of rats, and extremely significantly (P<0.01) increased the content of ellagic acid and urolithin A in cecum contents of rats. [Conclusion] Feeding pomegranate juice for rats has significant or extremely significant effects on increasing the body weight and content of ellagic acid and urolithin A in feces and cecum contents, and the best effect was observed in the feeding volume of 3 mL per day per rat.
    Comparative Analysis of Meat Quality among Pheasants, Jilin Local Sanhuang Chickens and Broiler Chickens
    ZHANG Lian-jiang, PENG Xin-yue, ZHOU Hai-meng, SUN Shu-xia
    2019, 40(7):  15-18.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.004
    Abstract ( 109 )   PDF (499KB) ( 54 )   Save
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    To characterize the differences in meat quality between pheasants, Jilin local Sanhuang chickens and broiler chickens, 20 chickens (half male and half female) were selected for each variety. The chickens were raised under the same conditions until the age of slaughtering. The meat quality indicators, muscle protein content and intramuscular fat content of different varieties of chickens were determined by routine methods and were statistically compared. The results showed that the male pheasants had significantly higher (P<0.05) water holding capacity of muscle compared to the Jilin local Sanhuang chickens and broiler chickens; the female pheasants and broiler chickens had significantly higher (P<0.05) water holding capacity of muscle compared to the Jilin local Sanhuang chickens. The male and female broiler chickens had significantly higher (P<0.05) drip loss rate and water bath loss rate of muscle compared to the pheasants and Jilin local Sanhuang chickens of the corresponding gender. For the three varieties of chickens, no significant difference (P>0.05) in pH24 h value of muscle were observed within the same gender. The significant intervarietal difference (P<0.05) in muscle fiber diameter among the three varieties of chickens within the same gender was found. The highest muscle fiber density was observed in male pheasants, which was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the broiler chickens and Jilin local Sanhuang chickens; there was significant intervarietal difference (P<0.05) in muscle fiber density among the three varieties of female chickens. The male Jilin local Sanhuang chickens had significantly higher (P<0.05) muscle shear force compared to the pheasants and broiler chickens; for female ones, the lowest and highest muscle shear force was observed in pheasants and Jilin local Sanhuang chickens, respectively, and significant intervarietal difference (P<0.05) was found. The male and female pheasants and Jilin local Sanhuang chickens had significantly higher (P<0.05) muscle protein content compared to the broiler chickens of the corresponding gender; the significant intervarietal difference (P<0.05) in intramuscular fat content among the three varieties of chickens within the same gender was found. In summary, there are differences in meat quality indicators, muscle protein content and intramuscular fat content among the three varieties of chickens. The pheasants and Jilin local Sanhuang chickens perform better than broiler chickens, accordingly, these two varieties are recommended as the first choice for local breeding.
    Technique for Culling Female Yaks Fattening and Yak Calves Rearing under Semi-confined Condition
    ZHAO Shou-bao, MA Jin-shou, BAO Guang-cai, WU Fu-de, LI Yong-ping, LI Sheng-fu, BAI Jun-jie, LI Guo-dong, LI Ji-ye, DU Yuan-mei, DU Yuan-sheng
    2019, 40(7):  19-21.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.005
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (395KB) ( 100 )   Save
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    The objective of this study was to develop a set of technique for culling female yaks fattening and yak calves rearing under semi-confined condition. A total of 66 lactational female yaks and 66 male yak calves were selected and randomly divided into experimental group and control group, respectively. During the yak calves rearing period (from December 4, 2017 to March 5, 2018), the female yaks of the experimental group received supplementary feeding. The yak calves of the experimental group received milk from the female yaks of the experimental group before weaning (on March 5,2018) and simultaneously received supplementary feeding. The female yaks of the control group received no supplementary feeding and were kept in the conventional grazing mode. The yak calves of the control group were weaned on December 4, 2017 and received supplementary feeding. During the fattening period (from March 5, 2018 to slaughter), the female yaks of the experimental group received supplementary feeding and were slaughtered in June (non-peak time for yak slaughter); the female yaks of the control group received no supplementary feeding and were slaughtered in September or October (peak time for yak slaughter). During the yak calves rearing period, the body weight of the female yaks of the experimental group was observed and recorded. The body weight and body size indicators of the two groups of yak calves were measured on the 4th of each month, and statistical analysis was performed. The fattening profit of the female yaks of the experimental group in non-peak time for slaughter was calculated. The results showed that during the yak calves rearing period, the weight of the individual female yak of the experimental group was 1.17 kg reduced due to the lactation for the yak calves of the experimental group. On January 4, 2018, the weight of the yak calves of the experimental group was extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the control group, and the body length and chest circumference were significantly higher (P<0.05) than of the control group; on February 4 and March 4, 2018, the yak calves of the experimental group had extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) body weight, body height, body length and chest circumference compared to that of the control group. The fattening profit of the female yaks of the experimental group in non-peak time for slaughter was 1 063.05 Yuan. Our results provide technical support for improving the fattening profit of culling female yaks and the rearing quality of yak calves under semi-confined condition.
    Production Performance of F1 Hybrid Progeny of Dorper Sheep and Bayannur Prolific Sheep
    2019, 40(7):  22-26.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.006
    Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (575KB) ( 6 )   Save
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    The aim of the present study were to assess the production performance of the F1 hybrid progeny of Dorper sheep and Bayannur prolific sheep, and to provide a basis for introduction of Bayannur prolific sheep in Korla region of Xinjiang for fattening lambs production as well as cross-breeding and utilization of mutton sheep. The differences in growth performance and slaughter performance between the F1 hybrid lambs of Dorper sheep (male parent) and Bayannur prolific sheep (female parent) and the lambs (control group) produced by local female and male sheep by natural mating were statistically analyzed. Furthermore, the reproductive performance of Bayannur prolific ewes and local ewes was compared. The results showed that the 3-month-old and 6-month-old weight of the F1 crossbred lambs in 2017 and 2018 was extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the control group, and the daily weight gain was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the control group; the F1 crossbred lambs aged 6 months had extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) body length and chest width compared to their counterparts in control group in 2018; the F1 crossbred lambs aged 6 months had significantly higher (P<0.05) body height, chest depth, chest circumference and tube circumference compared to the control group in 2017 and 2018; the carcass weight of the F1 crossbred lambs was extremely significantly (P<0.01) elevated by 21.07% and 22.90% than that of the control group in 2017 and 2018, respectively; the net meat weight and net meat rate of the F1 crossbred lambs was extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the control group in 2017 and 2018; the conception rate and dystocia rate of Bayannur prolific ewes was significantly higher (P<0.05) and extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the local ewes, respectively, but the survival rate of their lambs was extremely significantly reduced (P<0.01); the lambing rate and twin-lamb rate of the Bayannur prolific ewes was 24.72% and 3.41 times higher than that of the local ewes, respectively, and the difference was both extremely significant (P<0.01). The combined data suggested that the F1 crossbred lambs of Dorper sheep and Bayannur prolific sheep had better growth performance and slaughter performance compared to the local lambs, indicating that they inherited the superior growth and development performance of their male parent of Dorper sheep; the female parent of Bayannur prolific ewes maintained their good adaptability to the environment and prolificacy. The hybridization of the introduced Bayannur prolific sheep with the Dorper sheep fully exerted the heterosis of the F1 crossbred lambs, which would obviouly improve the economic benefits of mutton sheep farming in this region.
    Variety Improvement Program for Non-traditional Beef Cattle Farming Area in Northern Inner Mongolia
    LUAN Qing-jiang,YE Ru,WANG Feng,GUO Wen-hua,Saiyin,TIAN Chun-ying
    2019, 40(7):  27-30.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.007
    Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (559KB) ( 92 )   Save
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    Under the background of rapid development of beef cattle industry in China, the non-traditional beef cattle farming areas in northern Inner Mongolia have also begun to adjust their industrial focus to the beef cattle farming industry. The characteristics of ecological environment, beef cattle varieties, feeding management, industrial development and beef cattle trading in non-traditional beef cattle farming areas in northern Inner Mongolia were analyzed. On this basis, the variety improvement plan of beef cattle in non-traditional beef cattle farming areas was proposed according to the local conditions. The implementation of this program was composed of two phases. The first stage was to improve the offspring (breedable cows) of the local yellow cattle by crossbreeding using red Angus cattle as the male parent. The second stage was the rotational crossing using red Angus cattle and another specialized beef cattle variety as the main male parent to establish a breeding technology system for production of high-quality beef cattle. The program established in this study may help to provide technical guidance for the variety improvement of the yellow cattle and the development of the characteristic economy for non-traditional beef cattle farming areas in northern Inner Mongolia.
    Production of Single Cell Protein Feed using Corn Powder and Bran as the Main Raw Materials
    ZHAO Cai-yan, ZHU Xiao-ting, WANG Er-yao, XU Zhao-xue, SHI Qiao-ting
    2019, 40(7):  31-34.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.008
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (469KB) ( 93 )   Save
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    The solid-state fermentation medium formula mainly composed of corn powder and bran with yeast as fermentation starter was screened and optimized by single factor experiment design method. The inoculation quantity, ratio of material to water, fermentation temperature, fermentation time and other factors were used as the evaluation indicators, and the best fermentation conditions were determined. The results showed that the screened best culture medium formula was as follows 75% of corn powder, 21% of bran, 2% of NH4NO3, 1% of KH2PO4, 1% of MgSO4. Furthermore, the optimum fermentation conditions were as follows the inoculation quantity was 12%, the ratio of material to water was 1∶1.5, the fermentation temperature was 30 ℃, and the fermentation duration was 66 h. The highest crude protein content (20.56%) of the final fermentation product was obtained under this condition.
    Effects of Fishmeal Replacement by Tenebrio molitor Meal on Growth Performance, Body Composition, Digestive Enzyme Activity and Liver Biochemical Indices of Bullfrog
    TANG Yang, CHEN Si, ZHU Chuan-zhong, YI Gan-feng, LI Dong, CHEN Wei-jun, YANG Xin-dong, BAN Sai-nan, LIU Tao
    2019, 40(7):  35-42.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.009
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (1301KB) ( 88 )   Save
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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of complete or partial substitution of Tenebrio molitor meal for fishmeal on growth and immune indices of bullfrog. The fishmeal was substituted with Tenebrio molitor meal at the ratio of 0% (control group), 25% (T25% group), 50% (T50% group), 75% (T75% group) and 100% (T100% group) in the basal diet containing 20% fishmeal. The bullfrog weighting (34.67±1.00) g was fed continuously for 56 days with the different test diets. The results showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in final body weight, weight gain rate, hind leg index and survival rate after replacing fishmeal with different ratio of Tenebrio molitor meal. Comparing to the control group, the feed efficiency and protein efficiency was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in all test groups except for T50% group. The substitution of Tenebrio molitor meal had no significant effect (P>0.05) on water content, crude protein content and crude fat content of the bullfrog. The crude ash content was increased with the elevation of substitution ratio, but was significantly lower (P<0.05)than that in control group. It was indicated that supplementation of inorganic salts and oxides in the basal diet was necessary when the fishmeal was completely or partially replaced by Tenebrio molitor meal. The bullfrog fed the test diet had significantly higher (P<0.05) activities or content of total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), total superoxide dismutase(T-SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and catalase (CAT) in liver comparing to those fed the control diet, and their liver tissue was normal in morphology. The intestinal protease activity in T100% group was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in control group, while the lipase and amylase activities in all test groups were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those in control group. While slight separation of the lamina propria and submucosa in intestinal mucosa was observed in T100% group, no abnormality in gut mucosal structure was found in the other test groups. In conclusion, Tenebrio molitor meal can be used as a high-quality protein source for low-fishmeal or non-fishmeal diet for bullfrog. In addition, the complete substitution of Tenebrio molitor meal for fishmeal can maintain the normal growth of bullfrog and enhance the antioxidant system function of bullfrog.
    Overview of Scientific Use of Feed Additives in Beef Cattle in the U.S.A.
    ZHAO Meng, SONG Li-wen, HU Ming, GAO Min
    2019, 40(7):  43-47.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.010
    Abstract ( 173 )   PDF (549KB) ( 105 )   Save
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    Feed additives are an important part of beef cattle diet. Different kinds of feed additives have different effects, and the dosage of feed additives is particularly important. This article briefly reviewed the dosage and the application of the feed additives in beef cattle in the U.S.A., in hoping to provide references for scientific and rational selection and use of feed additives in beef cattle production in China.
    Nutritional Value of Barley and Its Application in Livestock and Poultry Feed
    DUAN Qiong-hui, QIN Feng, LI Yong
    2019, 40(7):  48-49.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.011
    Abstract ( 1093 )   PDF (329KB) ( 160 )   Save
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    Barley(Hordeum vulgare)belongs to gramineous plants. As one of the most widely used cereals in China, it is extensively used in brewing, food, medicine and other fields. The seedlings, leaves, straws and malts of barley have high nutritional value and feeding value, and they can be used as feed sources for livestock and poultry. The development of barley as a livestock and poultry feed product can not only alleviate the shortage of livestock and poultry feed sources, but also improve the economic benefits of livestock and poultry farming. This paper introduced the nutritional value of barley, and reviewed the research progress of its application in livestock and poultry feed, in hoping to provide references for the development and utilization of barley in the field of livestock and poultry feed.
    Research Progress on Analytical Methods of Inorganic Elements in Feed
    XU Yi-ran, ZUO Peng-xiang, WANG Zhi-fei
    2019, 40(7):  50-54.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.012
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (661KB) ( 102 )   Save
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    The inorganic elements in feed are important for animal growth. Excessive addition of inorganic elements in feed can cause environmental pollution problems and ultimately endanger the health of consumers through the food chain. Therefore, it is especially important to detect and monitor the inorganic elements in feed products. This paper reviewed the pretreatment methods in detection of inorganic elements content and the content analysis techniques of inorganic elements in feed used in recent years, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of different pretreatment methods and content detection techniques, in hoping to provide reference for the scientific and rational application of inorganic elements analysis methods in feed.
    Effect of Intercropping Cultivation of Qianyu No.1 Chicory with Alfalfa and Cocksfoot
    QIN Tao-ying, FU Wei, SU Sheng, CHEN Wei, HAN Yong-fen, LI De-fang, MA Ning, MA Pei-jie
    2019, 40(7):  55-59.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.013
    Abstract ( 146 )   PDF (536KB) ( 142 )   Save
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    According to the climatic characteristics and the forage planting needs in Songtao Miao autonomous county of Guizhou Province, intercropping experiments were carried out with Qianyu No. 1 chicory, Beilin No. 202 alfalfa and Qiancao No. 4 cocksfoot, respectively. The yield-increase benefit of intercropping mode of Qianyu No. 1 chicory with different varieties of forage was assessed by comparing and analyzing the yield, nutritional quality and production efficiency under intercropping or monocropping condition. The results showed that the annual yield of fresh grass was 87.27 t/hm2 when Qianyu No. 1 chicory was intercropped with Beilin No. 202 alfalfa, which was increased by 36.17% compared to the monocropping of alfalfa; the yield efficacy was improved by 20.77%, and the protein content was 26.83%. The results obtained in this study may provide technical support for the development of the grasslands and animal husbandry industry in this region.
    Research Progress on Influencing Factors of Nutritional Value and Quality of Donkey Meat
    CHEN Jian-xing,HONG Jun,LI Jing,MA Zhi-yan,LIU Gui-qin,SUN Yu-jiang
    2019, 40(7):  60-64.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.014
    Abstract ( 148 )   PDF (690KB) ( 94 )   Save
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    Donkey meat is a good source of animal origin food. It is very popular with consumers due to its delicious taste and high nutritional value. However, the uneven quality of donkey meat products has affected its production profit and the sales in domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, solving the problems affecting the quality of donkey meat is conductive to the long-term development of China′s donkey meat industry. There are many factors affecting the quality of donkey meat, including genetics, environment, breeding and meat processing. This paper introduced the main nutritional value of donkey meat, and reviewed the influencing factors associated with donkey meat quality from the aspects of variety, age, gender, dietary nutrition level, location, storage and processing, in hoping to provide new ideas for building a donkey meat industry system with high additional value.
    Effect of Different Padding Management Devices on Padding Fermentation and Ammonia Concentration in Chicken House
    JIN Chong-fu, CHEN Ying-jiang, YANG Zhi-qing, SHI Kai, HOU Fu-yin, CHEN Chang-kuan
    2019, 40(7):  65-69.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.015
    Abstract ( 126 )   PDF (656KB) ( 79 )   Save
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    In order to solve the problem that manure pollution affects the chicken health and contaminates the environment in small- and medium-scale chicken farms, the differences in fermentation temperature and physical and chemical properties of the padding treated with two movable raking devices for fermented mattress were examined. Furthermore, the effects of the application of the two devices on ammonia concentration in chicken houses were assessed. The results showed that the temperature of the fermentation bed treated by the device of DP2016180 was extremely significant (P<0.01) higher compared to that treated by the device of DC2016180 at 600, 1400 and 1900 every day during a continuous observation period of 20 days; there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in total nitrogen, total potassium, total phosphorus, pH value and C∶N between the paddings treated with the two different devices. Extremely significant difference (P<0.01) in ammonia concentration between the chicken houses treated with the two different devices was observed at 6 h, 8 h, 10 h, 12 h, 16 h, 18 h, 20 h, 22 h and 24 h after treatment, significant difference (P<0.05) was observed at 14 h after treatment, and no significant difference (P>0.05) was observed at 2 h and 4 h after treatment. Our results may provide technical support for improving the scientific application level of the padding management device.
    Investigation and Analysis of Marketing Status of Pig Premix Feed in Liuan City,Anhui Province
    XU Hai-jun,MENG Xian-zhen,ZUO Rui-hua,XIA Lun-bin
    2019, 40(7):  70-72.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.016
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    This study aimed to understand the marketing status of pig premix feed in Liuan City of Anhui Province, and to provide references for rational choose of premix feed for pig farmers as well as for scientific definition of sales strategy for premix feed manufacturers. The use status of premix feed in pig farms in this region was investigated by telephone survey and interview. The results showed that the usage rate of premix feed was elevated with the increase of years engaging in pig breeding of the pig farmers; for pig farms with different breeding modes, the premix feed was more preferable by the fattening pig farms; the usage rate of premix feed was elevated with the increase of annual output of fattening pigs; reasonable price, stable product quality, timely goods supply and preferential sales policy were conducive to maintain the pig farmers′ loyalty to the premix feed products. According to the above survey results, the following suggestions were put forward for premix feed manufacturers, they should take veterinary drug and feed distributors as the main distribution channels, take pig farms with large scale and longer breeding time as the key targeting customers, strengthen after-sales service in combination with flexible sales policy, cultivate the high-quality customer loyalty, and continuously improve the market competitiveness of products; for pig farms, they should choose the premix feed products with good brand image, reasonable price, stable quality and good service.
    Present Situation Analysis on Talents Development in China′s Pet Medical Industry
    ZHANG Rui-chun, WANG Jin-he, ZHENG Bao-liang
    2019, 40(7):  73-76.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.017
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (644KB) ( 184 )   Save
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    In recent years, China′s pet medical industry has developed rapidly. The scale of this industry has continued to expand, the demand for pet medical talents has kept strong, and the competition for high-quality talents has become increasingly intense. However, the problems in talents development in this industry have been arising. Based on the investigation on China′s pet market, this paper analyzed the current status of talents development in pet medical industry, sorted out and expounded the factors restricting the talents development of this industry, and also put forward some corresponding strategies to deal with the problems in the talents development in this industry.
    Influence of Establishment of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbarium on Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Prescriptions
    MAI Zhan-hai, LI Jian-long, LU Ya-bin, SHI Hui-jun, Wumaierjiang·Yahefu, KUANG Ling
    2019, 40(7):  77-79.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.018
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (466KB) ( 101 )   Save
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    In order to better implement the teaching and scientific research of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Prescriptions, and to help undergraduates to understand and master the theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese herbal medicines and formulas, we proposed the following countermeasures establishment and continuous improvement of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine herbarium by preparing traditional Chinese herbal medicine decoction pieces specimens, dry preserved specimens, herbarium specimens and immersion specimens; construction of two-dimensional code database of traditional Chinese herbal medicine specimens; cultivation of commonly observed traditional Chinese medical plants; implementation of practical teaching by collecting the wild traditional Chinese herbal plants samples. These countermeasures may help to improve the undergraduates′ learning quality on Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Prescriptions, and to lay a theoretical foundation for further clinical practice and application.
    Exploration of Teaching Mode of Livestock Genetics Taught in Mongolian in Colleges and Universities
    Lichun,ZHANG Ying,WANG Si-zhen,GAO Shu-xin
    2019, 40(7):  80-82.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.019
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF (475KB) ( 102 )   Save
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    The Outline of National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan points out that the application of information technology in classroom teaching in Mongolian should be strengthened and the teaching methods should be optimized so as to improve the teaching efficiency. The application of information technology in the teaching process can not only improve undergraduates′ independent learning but also enhance their ability to analyze and solve problems. In order to change the traditional teaching methods in Livestock Genetics, the mixed teaching mode of ′online in Chinese and offline in Mongolian′ was adopted by using the MOOC platform. Via the integration of content and language during in the teaching process, the undergraduates′ knowledge of specialized courses and Chinese proficiency was improved. Based on the characteristics of Livestock Genetics, a new teaching method is explored to cultivate high-quality professionals who meet the needs of the times.
    Discussion on New Teaching Methods in Veterinary Surgery
    YANG Ling-chen, CAO Ying-chun, JIA Xing-lin, XIANG Jian-zhuo
    2019, 40(7):  83-85.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.020
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF (467KB) ( 152 )   Save
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    Veterinary Surgery is a discipline with strong practicability. Mastering the knowledge of this course requires undergraduates to have a higher comprehensive quality. However, the teaching effect of the traditional teaching mode mainly characterized by cramming education is not satisfactory. Aiming to improve the teaching quality of Veterinary Surgery and continuously provide high-level talents to the society, we explored and discussed the new teaching methods of this curriculum from the aspects of classroom teaching, experimental teaching, practical teaching, improvement by skill contest and adaptability to society.
    The Thinking on Teaching Reform of Animal Histology and Embryology
    XU Xiao-jing, WANG Xiu-mei
    2019, 40(7):  86-87.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.021
    Abstract ( 137 )   PDF (350KB) ( 113 )   Save
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    Animal Histology and Embryology is a discipline that uses microscopes to observe the micro-structure of animals′ tissues and introduces their related functions. For improving the teaching quality of the theoretical and experimental courses of Animal Histology and Embryology, it is very important to reform its teaching model. This paper mainly discussed the application of modern teaching methods in enriching the teaching forms of Animal Histology and Embryology, cultivating undergraduates′ subject consciousness, and enhancing undergraduates′ research-based learning ability, in hoping to improve their interest in learning this course and to improve the teaching effect of this course.
    Construction of Online Open Course of Fur Animal Feeding Science under the Background of Internet Plus
    HE Yu-hua, MA Li-juan
    2019, 40(7):  88-92.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.022
    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (679KB) ( 85 )   Save
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    Based on the Internet plus, this paper expounded the construction process, main features and innovations of the online open course of Fur Animal Feeding Science. Furthermore, we analyzed the shortcomings of this course, and put forward a complete set of guarantee measures.
    Research and Exploration on Practical Teaching of Veterinary Medicine Specialty
    LU Wen-geng, XU Mei-hua, ZHENG Jia-san, CHEN Yuan-yuan, XU Zheng-mei, YANG Wei, FAN Zhao, YUAN Dong-wei
    2019, 40(7):  93-94.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.023
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (343KB) ( 92 )   Save
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    In this paper, the approaches of improving the comprehensive quality of professional talents in veterinary medicine specialty was put forward from the aspects of reforming the traditional teaching mode and enhancing practical teaching, in hoping to provide a theoretical basis for cultivating the qualified professional talents in veterinary medicine specialty.
    Prevalence of Clinical Mastitis in Some Dairy Farms in Baoding City,Hebei Province
    ZHANG Jin-he, KONG Wei-jie
    2019, 40(7):  95-97.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.024
    Abstract ( 146 )   PDF (437KB) ( 66 )   Save
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    To assess the association of the incidence of clinical mastitis in dairy cows with the milk yield, lactation period and season, the prevalence of clinical mastitis in five dairy farms in Baoding area of Hebei Province was investigated. The results showed that higher incidence of dairy cow clinical mastitis was observed in 90 to 150 days of lactation, and the incidence was increased with the extension of lactation period. Clinical mastitis was found more frequent in dairy cows with higher milk yield. Higher incidence of clinical mastitis in the surveied dairy farms was observed in autumn comparing to the other seasons.
    A Case Report of Canine of Humeral Lateral Condyle Fracture
    WANG Zheng,ZHU Ting-ting,WEI Xue,WEI Ren-yue,RUAN Hong-ri,QIU Shuang,NIE Jing,ZHENG Jia-san
    2019, 40(7):  98-100.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.025
    Abstract ( 510 )   PDF (626KB) ( 122 )   Save
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    Canine humeral lateral condyle fracture is a clinically common humeral fracture of the distal humerus. Its incidence rate is second to the supracondylar fracture of the humerus. High incidence is observed in young dogs, and there are no differences in incidence among different canine species. In most cases, it cannot heal itself. Because it is an intra-articular fracture, misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis or improper treatment can cause bone non-union or malunion, resulting in limited elbow joint function and secondary symptoms such as branching and arthritis. The authors summarized the surgical procedure and treatment of a case of canine humeral lateral condyle fracture during clinical diagnosis and treatment, in hoping to provide assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of canine humeral lateral condyle fracture.
    Research Advances in Envelope Glycoprotein gC of Pseudorabies Virus
    WEI Jin-feng, YANG Kang-li, XU Zheng, HOU Lei-lei, WANG Yan-hui
    2019, 40(7):  101-104.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.026
    Abstract ( 180 )   PDF (526KB) ( 104 )   Save
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    Pseudorabies virus (PRV) infection can cause large-scale death in pigs and bring huge economic losses to the pig industry. The live attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines are widely used in prevention of pseudorabies in pigs. While the gene of envelope glycoprotein gC of PRV is a non-essential gene for viral proliferation, the PRV lacking of the gC gene cannot effectively adhere to the surface of the target cell. The structure and function of the envelope glycoprotein gC of PRV and its application in vaccine development were reviewed, in hoping to provide basis for the prevention and control of pseudorabies.
    A Clinical Case Report of Canine Teratoma
    ZHAO Bao-bao, WANG Yu
    2019, 40(7):  105-108.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.027
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF (674KB) ( 85 )   Save
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    In December 2018, the animal hospital of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University received a sick dog with clinical symptoms of abnormal enlargement of vulva and reddish liquid outflow in reproductive tract orifice. A tumor-like hard object in vaginal orifice was found by touch examination, which was smooth in surface with irregular shape and pale pink-colored. The initial diagnosis result was vaginal tumors. Histopathological examination after surgical resection confirmed that the hard object was immature teratoma.
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Three Clinical Cases of Canine Acute Renal Failure
    ZHANG Xiao-xiao, Saiwujiafu
    2019, 40(7):  109-112.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.07.028
    Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (33706KB) ( 10 )   Save
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    Three clinical cases of canine acute renal failure in a pet hospital were diagnosed and analyzed by medical history investigation, clinical features observation, hematological indices determination, urine specific gravity test and imaging examination. The clinical symptoms of the diseased dogs were mainly composed of depression, anorexia or loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal urine volume, etc; the increased total number of white blood cells in the blood of the diseased dogs was observed, and the indices of serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus were higher than their corresponding upper limit of the standard value; the urine specific gravity of the diseased dogs was decreased; imaging examination demonstrated that two clinical cases had no change in renal volume but the other one had enlarged kidney.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

