北方农业学报 ›› 2010, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 17-17.

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应对经济挑战 又好又快发展 更要六盘山精神

刘孝荣[1] 韩彩玲[1] 周志强[2]   

  1. [1]固原民族职业技术学院.宁夏固原756000 [2]固原市原州区农牧局,宁夏固原756000
  • 出版日期:2010-04-20 发布日期:2010-04-20
  • 通讯作者: 刘孝荣
  • 作者简介:刘孝荣(1965-),男,甘肃秦安人,高级讲师,硕士,主要从事农业教育、科研、科技推广工作。

Facing the Economic Challenges, Promoting Sound and Rapid Development, Liupan Mountain Spirit Should be Carry Forward

LIU Xiao-rong(The National Vocational Technical College of Guyuan City,Guyuan 756000,China)   

  • Online:2010-04-20 Published:2010-04-20

摘要: 适逢机遇、面临挑战的关键时期,为了促进本土经济和社会的稳步、健康发展,大力倡导、积极弘扬"不到长城非好汉"的六盘山精神,更加有必要认真探讨其深刻内涵和实质,铸造精神高地,以顺应民心和形势的召唤;更应进一步打造固原人民团结奋斗的思想精神支柱,进一步激发全市各族干部群众干事创业的激情和创造力,充分调动各方面的积极因素,形成奋发向上的精神力量和昂扬斗志,凝聚人心,共渡难关,为固原跨越式发展、长足发展提供奋勇争先的精神食粮和强大的精神动力,既具有紧要的现实意义,又具有深远的历史意义。

Abstract: Faced with challenges,we take the opportunity to advocate Liu Panshan spirit-He who does not reach The Great Wall is not a real man,so that local economy can be developed well.Also,it is necessary for us to explore deep meanings of the spirit carefully to meet the needs of people and society.In addition,we should encourage the enthusiasm and creativity of all citizens in Gu Yuan City to develop hardworking spirit and write as one.Only in this way,can we over come all kinds of difficulties.And with the powerful Liu Panshan Spirit,Gu Yuan can make a long-term develop,which shows deep reality and historic meanings.


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