北方农业学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 100-100.

• 农业气象科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


包佳婧 李雪冰   

  1. 巴彦淖尔市临河区气象局,内蒙古临河015000
  • 出版日期:2015-12-20 发布日期:2015-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 包佳婧
  • 作者简介:包佳婧(1987-),女(蒙古族),助理工程师,硕士,从事农业气象科研与服务工作。

Review of agricultural meteorological conditions during the whole stages of spring wheat in Linhe in 2014

BAO Jiajing, LI xuebing (Linhe Meteorological Bureau, Linhe 015000,China)   

  • Online:2015-12-20 Published:2015-12-20

摘要: 2014年小麦全生育期有利的气象条件体现在以下几个方面:播种-出苗期降水少,一是减轻潮塌的发生程度,二是地表不易板结,对小麦出全苗较为有利;出苗至三叶期降水多,满足了小麦对水分的需求;苗期温度高,有利于小麦出全苗,幼穗分化期温度低,利于促穗增蘖;小花分化期温度高,利于小麦小花形成和开花授粉;乳熟至成熟期温度低,利于小麦充分灌浆;小麦整个生育期日照充足,有利于产量和品质的提高。不利的气象条件体现在以下几个方面:开花至乳熟期降水少,不能补充小麦需水,但影响不大;开花至成熟期,日较差小,不利于小麦灌浆期光合积累。总的来说,2014年小麦全生育期气象条件对其生长十分有利,由于小麦干热风危害小,又无重大气象灾害,故单产比2013年有所增加。

Abstract: In 2014, favorable weather conditions in the whole stages of wheat was embodied in the following aspects: less rainfall in the sowing to seedling stage, first to reduce occurrence of tidal flat, the second the surface was not easy to harden and favourable to have a full stand of wheat; Emergence precipitation to three leaves period, to satisfy the demand for water in wheat; High temperature in the seedling stage, which was beneficial to wheat full stand, young ear differentiation, low temperature, conducive to promoting the spike increase tillers; Floret differentiation, high temperature, good for wheat flower formation and pollination; Milk cooked- low temperature, the mature stage for wheat grouting fully; Sunny during whole growth period of wheat, which was beneficial to the improvement of yield and quality. The unfavorable weather conditions were embodied in the following aspects: flowering-less rainfall in milk stage, could not add wheat water requirement, but little impact; Flowering- mature, small diurnal range, is not conducive to accumulation of photosynthetic wheat grouting period. Overall, meteorological conditions in the whole stages of wheat its growth was very good in 2014, because the wheat dry-hot wind damage was small, and no major meteorological disasters, so the yield increased more over in 2013.


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