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20 December 2013, Volume Issue 6
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  • A Brief Analysis of the Specialized Farmers Cooperatives
    2013, (6):  1-1. 
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    The Specialized Farmers Cooperatives is a kind of organization for economic cooperation to serve farmers, such as provide purchasing channels of production material and satisfactory cultivation methods of agricultural production for the farmers in the organization, and Support them by providing useful information about sale, processing, transportation of agriculture production. The Specialized Farmers Cooperatives is based on rural household contracted operation, and the producers and director voluntary and methods of the same kind of agriculture production and operation managers voluntary and spontaneous collaborated by the same kind or similar agricultural production and operation, The Specialized Farmers Cooperatives plays a important role in promoting the development of agricultural economy.
    Analysis of Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Residents in Xinjiang
    2013, (6):  3-3. 
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    The income gap between urban and rural residents in Xinjiang changing trend were analyzed in this paper, and right around the state income gap between urban and rural residents were also analyzed, then through the urban-rural income ratio, Horizontal comparison analyzation of the difference income between the urban and rural residents in Xinjiang, the whole country, and other ethnic regions explained the income gap between urban and rural residents in Xinjiang.
    Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Dalate Farmer Specialized Cooperative Economic Organization
    2013, (6):  9-9. 
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    The seventeen plenary session party pointed out, cultivating new farmer cooperative organization, development of agricultural social service organizations, establishment compact profit mechanism between leading enterprises and farmers, and improving the degree of organization. To speed up development of farmer specialized cooperatives and make it become modern organization of agricultural management lead farmers to participate in market competition at home and abroad. In recent years, Dalate firmly grasped the development of modern agriculture and animal husbandry, opportunity ,relying on the construction of new rural and pastoral areas, and actively develop specialty products and advantage industry, adhere to the " civilian-run, civilian management, civilian benefit", to promote the constant development of the farmer specialized cooperative organization.
    Basic Situation, Problems and Suggestions of Inner Mongolia Hangjinhou County Fisheries Technology Extension System
    2013, (6):  11-11. 
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    Hangjinhou fishery management station, Fisheries Technology Extension Station, fishery station and ship inspection station are a group. Hangjinhou county fisheries Station is the full funding institutions to service the fishery technology for county. The county has 4 aquaculture experiment demonstration base, covers an area of 89.33 hm2. all these have passed pollution-free production and product certification of ministry of agriculture; 2 ministry of agriculture aquaculture health demonstration field also established; the county is one of five national staple freshwater industry technical system of Hohhot comprehensive test stations. At present, the Fisheries Technology Extension System is not perfect, lack of professional and technical personnel, fishery technical staff are low in overall quality and aging, serious shortage of funding, professional technology difficultly to popularize. It is suggested that construction technology extension system should be enhanced nvestment, fishing technology personnel selected to the relevant tertiary institutions for training, college students selected to the grassroots agricultural area, organization system perfected, the service function the organization and leadership strengthened, strict examination management methods to improve the quality of service.
    Current Situation and Development of Water-saving Irrigation Implement Xilingol League
    2013, (6):  14-14. 
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    Through the investigation and research, the current situation of water-saving irrigation of Xilingol league area was analyzed, irrigable land effective irrigation area 45300 hm2, including sprinkler irrigation 35300 hm2, drip irrigation 1333.33 hm2 and other irrigation area 8666.67 hm2;The main problems were as follow: first, the weak consciousness of water-saving irrigation; second, underfunded input; third, the lack of knowledge of water saving irrigation, extensive management; And the Suggestions and measures were put forward to solve the problem.
    Thounghts on the Development of Modern Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Ningcheng County
    2013, (6):  17-17. 
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    By analyzing the development status of Nincheng County agriculture and animal husbandry, the constrains and factors affecting the development of agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Ningchneg county were found. And the infrastructure, agriculture and animal husbandry science and technology support, land transfer, project construction management and other aspects were analyzed, and the countermeasures to develop modern agriculture and animal husbandry in Ningcheng county were put forward.
    Discussion on Problems and Countermeasures Existing in Accounting in Public Institutions
    2013, (6):  21-21. 
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    Standardize the accounting behavior, has an important meaning for the normal operation of the guarantee institutions. The author as an accounting officer, hands-on, identify problems, sum up experience, approach of solving problems in a serious and responsible manner, research strategies for better service in public institution accounting units. This article was from their own work problems, and a number of emerging issues and corrective recommendations were offered.
    Comparative Analysis of Comprehensive Performance with Different Span Greenhouse in Chifeng City Sloping Land
    2013, (6):  24-24. 
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    Based on the irregular situation of the current greenhouse span in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, comparative analysis of this experiment were done about light and heat characteristics, yield, production costs and investment output ratio of ChiFeng greenhouse span 8.0m,8.5m,9.0m,9.5m,10m, the results showed that: in other construction parameters unchanged, in the present experimental conditions, with greenhouse span increasing, transmittance, air temperature, air humidity, soil temperature gradually became excellent; mean yield gradually increased, lOm span greenhouse tomato year average yield 9310.4kg/667m2 was significantly higher than 8m span 8470.6kg/667m2 in winter; construction costs, acres of depreciation costs, production costs were increasing, but the input-output ratio also increased, lOm span input-output ratio of 1:3.8,8m span 1:3.6.
    The Present Situation of Plastic Film Used and Residual Contamination in Ulanqab City
    2013, (6):  28-28. 
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    In order to investigate the present situation of plastic film used and to understand its residual contamination in Ulanqab city, two methods of questionnaires and field samples collected were used to investigate the plastic film residue problem in two typical regions of this city. The current using situation of the plastic film was analyzed combined with the statistical data and the results showed that: In Ulanqab city, the covering area and the used volume of film firstly linear decreased and then stably increased, and the trend was like "V" from 2001 to 2010. In 2005, the covering area and the used volume of film reached trough, and decreased to 42.02% and 40.28% than in 2001, the covering area and the used volume of film in 2010 increased 67.60% and 93.54% than in 2005. Dispersed manage by individual farmer is the main model in Ulanqab city and the farmland ploughed depth was less than 25cm. The residual plastic film mostly contained in 0-20cm layers and the residual amount in 0- 30cm was mainly affected by the residue amount in 0-20cm. The plastic film used amount is 3.0-3.5kg/667m2 and residual amount is 0.8-6.4kg/667m2 in 0-30cm. Our initial view was that the plastic film using can not pollute the soil or not have negative effect on crops growth, but we must on guard the pollution of environment and residual plastic film caused by the increasing of the film covering area and the used volume. There was not polythene film collector in Ulanqab city, the residual plastic film was taken from farmland by harrowing and rolling, and it decreased by the more times harrowing and rolling. Suggestions for the optimization of Ulanqab city, with cropping system optimized, reasonable rotation, the late promotion technology promoted, biodegradable plastic film used, polythene film collector researched or imported, and so on, the hazards of the residual plastic film should be corrected understanding through the propaganda and training, policy guidance and legal guarantee, which can reduce the pollution of the residual plastic film greatly.
    The Effects of Clay Content on Soil Moisture Constant
    2013, (6):  31-31. 
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    The soil moisture constant is a major indicator which evaluates the soil function. The effect and mechanization of adding clay in sandy loam was investigated in this paper, which provided technological support and theoretical basis on improving sandy loam. The results showed that, the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased with the increasing clay mixing rate, which was the 36% of sandy loam's when adding clay was 5% of sandy loam weight; soil field capacity, capillary water capacity and saturated water capacity increased with the increasing clay mixing rate; Moisture content of soil effective with the increment of mixed sticky showed increasing trend decreases after then.
    Comparison Experiment about Whole Double Corrugation Cultivated Maize Varieties in Northern Mountainous area
    2013, (6):  35-35. 
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    5 maize varieties were carried by comparative test, the results showed that: the growth period of maize varieties Wugu 704 was 158 days, belong to late- maturing varieties, under the condition of the whole membrane double ditch planting cultivation technique can ensure mature, production was 10000.5 kg/hm2, compared to the Great Wall 706 production of 9120.9 kg/hm2 increase 879.6 kg/hm2, increase by 9.6% at the top of five varieties, which can be planted on large area in the northern mountains.
    HPLC Method for Determination a-linolenic Acid Content of Flax
    2013, (6):  51-51. 
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    Study by flaxseed, create the HPLC method of analysis α-linolenic acid content in flaxseed. External standard quantitative analysis, the linear ranger of α-linolenic acid was 33.04- 495.6μg / mL, the standard curve R2 is between 0.9995 to 0.9999, and the average recovery is 99.6%with RSD 2.66% (n=6). The sensitivity and the accuracy were all satisfy the requirements of quantitative analysis.
    Monitoring and Evaluation on Water Quality and Biology Resource Quantity in DaLi Lake
    2013, (6):  53-53. 
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    DaLi lake water type is CINa ,high contents of the top of sodium ions and potassium ions in water, content of calcium ions with weak antagonism effect ,make up in the water for lining in one of the aquatic animal have strong toxicity with high pH and high non-ammonia water in DaLi lake, which has strong toxicity to aquatic animal. These two factors are the main reasons leading to less aquatic animal species in lake. Cyanobacteria dominated in DaLi lake plankton, inorganic carbon concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria can cause water PH value increased significantly in cyanobacterial photosynthesis process, cause outbreaks of fish died, the abundant biomass planktonic animal and benthic animal in the amount of 1.365mg/L and 9.91 mg/L, hut economic fish only carp and Leuciscus waleckii. Feed resources are not fully utilized. It is urgent to find special economic fish stocking can make full use of food resources, and adapt to lake water quality.
    Study on the Construction of Theoretical Model of Experimental Method of Agricultural Machinery Applicability Evaluation
    2013, (6):  56-56. 
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    In this paper, the evaluation system of experimental method of agricultural machinery applicability evaluation was established by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the influence factors and levels, performance index and weight were determined by Delphi method. The applicability of agricultural machinery was assessed by experimental method and evaluation method. At the same time, the evaluation theoretical model of experimental method of agricultural machinery applicability evaluation was constructed, and the specific operation method of evaluation theoretical model of experimental method of agricultural machinery applicability evaluation was determined. Through the analysis of case study, the evaluation model had objectively true features, and applicability for agricultural machinery, maneuverability, and evaluation results were consistent with the actual situation.
    The Effect of the NPK Fertilizer on Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield of Oil-sunflowers
    2013, (6):  61-61. 
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    In order to improve sunflower's yield and fertilizer utilization, the oil-sunflower variety named S31 was choose to study , the regularity of leaf area index variation, dry matter accumulation and the effect of NPK fertilizer were analyzed by the methods field experiments and indoor chemical analysis. The results showed that: the leaf area index changed as a single peak cure during the whole growth period, and the organ and the plant DM accumulation process of sunflower showed "S" curve. In the OPT treatment, the DM accumulation reached to the maximum. Balanced fertilization increased the sunflower yield with the fertilizer effect order N 〉 P 〉 K and the N nutrient is the most important factor for the sunflower yield.
    Effects of Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing on Rice with Contrast Application
    2013, (6):  64-64. 
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    In order to test rice special formula fertilizer for rice to find the best fertilizing amount and proportion Ningxia gravity irrigation area, the rice field demonstration and field tests were carried on. The results showed that: the base fertilizer humic acid fertilizers (20-6-9) at 46.3kg/667m2, Topdressing Urea lOkg/667m2, 6kg/667m2 was fertilized respectively in the tillering stage and heading stage of rice, which not only meet the crop growth on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient demand, but also reduce cost and increase benefit.
    Establishment of the Index System Corn Soil Nutrient Abundant Lacks in Southern Mountains
    2013, (6):  70-70. 
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    The topography of Southern mountains RuHe basin is plain, tableland and platform, abundance and lack of available p in soil indicators is below average, but rapidly-available potassium abundant and lack index above average content is 146.6 mg/kg and production levels of about 600 kg/667m2, rapidly-available potassium is 24.5 mg/kg with relative yield 90%, it is suggested that applying P20s content of 8 - 10 kg/667m2, and K20 content of 0 - 4 kg/667m2.
    Different Application Rate of Rare Earth Influence on Flue-cured Tobacco Production
    2013, (6):  72-72. 
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    Dosage of rare earth was researched on flue-cured tobacco in order to provide the basis of the promotion, take variety Longjiang911for material, the influence on the growth period, botany properties, field agronomic traits and economic characters of tobacco plant were observed. The result shows that: spraying rare earth can improve the quality of flue-cured tobacco, in which diluted 900 times have best perform at the comprehensive quality, agronomic traits and economic characters of tobacco plant.
    The Occurrence and Damage of Mordellistena Parvuliformis on Sunflower in Inner Mongolia
    2013, (6):  80-80. 
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    Mordellistena parvuliformis was found on sunflower in Kezuozhong league in Tongilao city of Inner Mongolia in 2010. For more effective prevention and control, the sunflower fleas of biological habits, damage characteristics, host species and environment were summarized in paper; some prevention measures were determined in the region, which was 40% acephate diluted 800 - 1000 times sprayed to field once every 7 d, a total of 324 times; At the same time, the method of dealing with winter host, and selecting resistant insects varieties were used to achieve ideal control effect.
    Technical Exploration and Practice of Chemical Pesticide Reduction of Rice
    2013, (6):  81-81. 
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    The biological pesticide and chemical pesticide control experiment demonstration, biological pesticide combination medication and general prevention technology integration and demonstration, the establishment of chemical pesticide reduction control display area were developed. Integrated technology system to reduce expansion application of chemical pesticide; gradually achieve chemical pesticide reduction technology standardization. The main varieties of three principals were determined: first was to choose low dosage, super-efficient, long efficient, low toxicity pesticides and bio pesticides; second was combination of medication, the overall control, improve the comprehensive benefit of single medication; third was mixed use, alternative medication to reduce disease and insect resistance, the control Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis and rice planthopper, borer, sheath blight, rice false smut and rice blast were determined, which greatly reduced the use of chemical pesticides in rice, protection of agricultural production safety, and achieved quality and safety of agricultural products and agricultural ecological security.
    Occurrence and Control of Plants Damping-off in Chifeng
    2013, (6):  90-90. 
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    Plants damping-off of Chifeng were serious in 2013, through indepth research, the symptoms and pathogens in some different plants were detailedly summarized in this paper, and some control measures were proposed to obtain guidance and reference for the prevention of plants damping-off.
    Practice and Experience on New Cultivar Breeding of Maize in Spring-seeding Early-maturing Region
    2013, (6):  94-94. 
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    The germplasm rescourees at home and abroad were introduced. Population improvement was taken to screen disease-resistance, cold-resistance and resilience inbred line. And the production and agronomic trait under directional pressure condition were identified. A new early ripening maize line Jin Dan 85 which was suitable for spring breeding was finally selected.
    Breeding Report of Maize Hybrid Badan 998 with High Yield and Quality
    2013, (6):  95-95. 
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    A new maize hybrid Badan998 was obtained by using Baxi0458 (female) and Bayin05-443 ( male).Its yield was 916.9 kg/667m2 in the preliminary test, 11.2% higher than the control variety; testing results showed its yield was 910.7 kg/667m2 in the regional test, 9.63% higher than that of the control variety; testing results showed its yield was780.8 kg/667m2 in the production test, 8.8% higher than that of the control variety Zhengdan958.Badan998 was examined and approver by he Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Crop Variety Approval Committee in May of 2012. Badan998 is of high yield and quality, great resistance to diseases, better density-tolerant property and extensive adaptability. It can he planted in late mature region of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
    A New Variety Breeding of Spinach Babo No1
    2013, (6):  99-99. 
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    Babo Nol was bred in Bayannur Academy of Agricultural and animal Sciences by using hybridization technique. The average amount of its seed production was 224.9kg/667m2,more than control of 12.6% in the Inner Mongolia Regional trials from 2009 to 2010. It was approved by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Variety Approval Committee in 2011.
    Promote the Application and Explore Development of the Northern Residential Straw Brick
    2013, (6):  109-109. 
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    Northern China promote the use of energy-saving green building materials straw bricks, with high practical value as well as explore the circular economy in rural areas of renewable, sustainable development model, have a very significant impact; This article provided an overview of the performance and feature of straw bricks, application at home and abroad, analyzation of energy saving and environmental protection of the straw bricks in northern applications, easy to construct and low cost advantages, as well as existing problems in actually promoting application, and recommendations on the future direction of development of the straw bricks.
    Application Efficient Planting Maize Yield Comprehensive Technology in Tongliao City
    2013, (6):  120-120. 
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    Problems of low utilization water and fertilizer resource, low degree of mechanization, low rate of technology utilization, high cost of production, poor quality or high yield existed efficiency problems in individual area, in order to better to solve the practical problems existing in the production of tongliao city, combined with the municipal construction, mainly six effective production technology as follow, the mechanized spacing mulching added densification technology, soil testing fertilization technology, integrated pest management technology, nitrogen delayed production technology, interlaced emasculation production technology, deeply loosening and turnover technology. These key technologies of comprehensive application improve the level of corn production and realize the aim of modern agriculture production and farmers" income, farming and animal husbandry.
    Deepen Library Reform is the Important Cornerstone to Strengthen Culture Vigour --Discuss the Strategic Position of Library Cause in Country's new Development Period
    2013, (6):  133-133. 
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    The key to building powerful culture socialist country lies in strengthening the whole people's culture vigour. In order to strengthen culture vigour, With culture system reform deepen, culture productive forces liberated and developed, learning democracy and art democracy carried on, vast culture stage provided for people, the whole culture creative source brought into full play, Deepen library reform in an all-round way belong to the important component part of deepening culture system reform, this strategic plan. The strategic position is not to be ignored. Deepen library reform will be contribute power to strengthen culture vigour and build powerful culture country.
    A Study on Optimizing Fertilization Parameters in New Wheat Vareties
    2013, (6):  136-136. 
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    New wheat Variety "Pakistan 09-520" in "3414" fertilizer application test, to establish a "Palestinian 09-520" yield and nitrogen, phosphorus and potash mathematical and statistical models and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium dosage single factor model; grasp each optimized fertilization fertilization unit volume and fertilization methods, access to Pakistan "09-520" best production of nitrogen fertilizer solution 216.55kg/hm^2, phosphorus 172.33 kg/hm^2, 90.36 kg/hm^2, this production was 7656.94 kg / hm^2;For the large-scale promotion of the species to provide a theoretical basis.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China