畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 34-34.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2010.01.014

• 饲料科学与动物营养 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨丽英 周小燕   

  1. 新余学院,江西新余338000
  • 出版日期:2010-01-20 发布日期:2010-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 杨丽英
  • 作者简介:杨丽英(1965-),女,副教授,主要研究方向为生物学。

Current Situation and Development Prospects of Biological Feed

YANG Li-ying, ZHOU Xiao-yan (Xinyu College, Xinyu 338000, China)   

  • Online:2010-01-20 Published:2010-01-20

摘要: 作为新兴产业之一的饲料产业,既有效地利用了现有农业资源,又为人类赖以生存和发展的动物性食品提供了强有力的物质基础和保障。饲料产业决定着畜牧业的发展前途,是发展畜牧养殖业、实现畜牧养殖业现代化和商品化的重要手段,同国民经济和人民生活息息相关。对促进我国畜牧业持续稳定的发展、保障人民生活水平的提高有着重要的意义。介绍了生物饲料的现状及发展前景。

Abstract: As one of the emerging industry, feed industiy not only effectively utilizes existing agricultural resources but also provides a strong material foundation and protection for animal food. Feed industry determines the future of animal husbandry and it is an important means for development, modernization and commercialization of animal husbandry. It is closely related to the national economy and people's lives. Feed industry has an important significance for promoting the sustainable and stable development of China's animal husbandry and protecting the people's living standards. Introduce the current situation and development prospects of biological feed.
