畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 7-7.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2016.02.003

• 基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 瑞普(天津)生物药业有限公司,天津300300
  • 出版日期:2016-02-20 发布日期:2016-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 陈光明
  • 作者简介:陈光明(1987-),男,研发工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为微生态与酶制荆。

Performance of Montmorillonite in Absorbing AFB_1 and ZEN in Vitro

CHEN Guang-ming, XIE Ling-ling, WANG Ying, LIU Jian-jun, L|U Gui-lan, LIU Ai-ling (Tianjin Ringpu Bio-technology Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300300,China)   

  • Online:2016-02-20 Published:2016-02-20

摘要: 旨在比较蒙脱石对黄曲霉毒素B_1(AFB_1)和玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)的体外吸附效果。分别在pH值3.0和pH值6.5的条件下,采用ELISA方法评价蒙脱石对AFB1和ZEN的体外吸附效果。结果表明,pH值3.0条件下,蒙脱石对AFB_1的吸附率和吸附量分别为88.00%、440.00μg/g,对ZEN的吸附率和吸附量分别为7.50%、37.50μg/g;pH值6.5条件下,蒙脱石对AFB_1的吸附率和吸附量分别为84.00%、420.00μg/g,对ZEN的吸附率和吸附量分别为6.60%、33.00μg/g。综上提示,蒙脱石对AFB_1的吸附效果较好,对ZEN的吸附效果较差。

Abstract: The study was conducted to compare the performance of montmorillonite in absorbing AFB_1 and ZEN in vitro.Commercially available ELISA kits were used to assess the adsorption efficiency of montmorillonite for AFB_1 and ZEN under the condition of pH value 3.0 and 6.5, respectively. The results showed that under the condition of pH value 3.0, the adsorption rate and adsorption capacity of montmorillonite for AFB_1 were 88.00% and 440.00 μg/g, and those for ZEN were 7.50% and 37.50 μg/g; under the condition of pH value 6.5, the adsorption rate and adsorption capacity of montmorillonite for AFB_1 were 84.00% and 420.00 μg/g, and those for ZEN were 6.60% and 33.00 μg/g. It was demonstrated that montmorillonite performed well in absorbing of AFB_1 in vitro; however, it showed poor ability in absorbing ZEN.
