北方农业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 19-28.doi: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2024.03.02

• 作物栽培•种质资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


田磊1, 张悦忠1, 孙继颖2, 梁红伟3, 周一民1, 于长生1, 艾俊国1, 刘玉龙1, 吴菲1, 苑志强2   

  1. 1.扎赉特旗农牧和科技事业发展中心,内蒙古 扎赉特旗 137600;
    2.内蒙古农业大学 农学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019;
    3.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-22 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-09-13
  • 通讯作者: 孙继颖(1972—),女,教授,博士,主要从事玉米种质资源及玉米栽培生理研究。
  • 作者简介:田磊(1997—),男,助理农艺师,硕士,主要从事玉米栽培生理生态研究及农业技术推广工作。
  • 基金资助:

Technical optimization of soybean-maize intercropping pattern in cold and arid region of northeast China

TIAN Lei1, ZHANG Yuezhong1, SUN Jiying2, LIANG Hongwei3, ZHOU Yimin1, YU Changsheng1, AI Junguo1, LIU Yulong1, WU Fei1, YUAN Zhiqiang2   

  1. 1. Jalaid Banner Agriculture,Animal Husbandry and Science and Technology Development Center,Jalaid Banner 137600,China;
    2. College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,China;
    3. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China
  • Received:2024-03-22 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-09-13

摘要: 【目的】探索适宜东北寒旱区生态条件的大豆-玉米间作模式。【方法】采用单因素随机区组设计,设置优化前大豆-玉米行比2∶2模式(BO-S2∶M2)、4∶4模式(BO-S4∶M4)、4∶2模式(BO-S4∶M2)、6∶4模式(BO-S6∶M4),优化后大豆-玉米行比2∶2模式(AO-S2∶M2)、4∶4模式(AO-S4∶M4)6种处理,以单作大豆、单作玉米为对照,对各间作模式的生育进程、土地当量比、净效应、补偿效应、选择效应及经济效益进行分析。【结果】间作模式下,大豆生育期与单作大豆相比延迟2~3 d;各间作模式的土地当量比均大于1,与单作相比作物增产13%~36%;AO-S2∶M2模式净效应达到317.04 kg/hm2,显著高于其他模式(P<0.05);在各间作模式中,AO-S2∶M2模式的补偿效应最大,且显著高于BO-S2∶M2模式(P<0.05);与优化前相比,AO-S2∶M2模式选择效应增加了46.90%。AO-S2∶M2、AO-S4∶M4与单作玉米相比均表现为增收,分别增收38.16、9.33 元/hm2;各间作模式与单作大豆相比均表现为增收,增幅为53.39~379.74 元/hm2。通过主成分分析对各间作模式综合评价,AO-S2∶M2模式综合评分最高(2.11),其次是AO-S4∶M4模式(0.62)。【结论】种植技术优化后的大豆-玉米2∶2、4∶4间作模式优势突出,其中优化后大豆-玉米行比2∶2模式间作优势最大,在东北寒旱区更具推广价值。

关键词: 东北寒旱区, 大豆-玉米间作, 种植模式, 土地当量比, 经济效益

Abstract: 【Objective】To explore a soybean-maize intercropping pattern suitable for the ecological conditions in the cold and arid regions of northeast China.【Methods】 A one-way random block design was used to set up six treatments: 2∶2 pattern (BO-S2∶M2),4∶4 pattern(BO-S4∶M4),4∶2 pattern(BO-S4∶M2) and 6∶4 pattern(BO-S6∶M4) of soybean-maize row ratio before optimization,and 6∶2 mode(AO-S2∶M2) and 4∶4 mode(AO-S4∶M4) after optimization,monoculture corn,monoculture soybeanwere used as control. The fertility process of each intercropping pattern land equivalent ratio,net effect,compensating effect,selection effect and economic benefits were analyzed.【Results】 Compare with monocropping soybean under intercropping patterns,the growth period of soybean was delayed by 2-3 days compared with that of monoculture soybean. The land equivalent ratio of each intercropping mode was greater than 1,and the crop yield increased by 13%-36% compared with monoculture. The net effect of AO-S2∶M2 pattern was 317.04 kg/hm2,which was significantly higher than that of other patterns(P<0.05). Among the intercropping patterns,the AO-S2∶M2 pattern had the largest compensating effect,which was significantly higher than that of the BO-S2∶M2 pattern(P<0.05). Compared with the pre-optimization period,the AO-S2∶M2 pattern selection effect increased by 46.90%. Compared with monoculture maize,AO-S2∶M2 and AO-S4∶M4 increased by 38.16 and 9.33 yuan/hm2,respectively. Compared with monoculture soybean,all intercropping patterns showed an increase of 53.39-379.74 yuan/hm2. Principal component analysis(PCA) showed that the AO-S2∶M2 pattern had the highest comprehensive score of 2.11,followed by the AO-S4∶M4 pattern(0.62).【Conclusion】 The advantages of 2∶2 and 4∶4 intercropping patterns of soybean-maize after optimization of planting technology are prominent,and the intercropping mode of soybean-maize after optimization has the greatest advantage over the 2∶2 intercropping mode,which has more promotion value in cold and arid region of northeast China.

Key words: Cold and arid region of northeast China, Soybeans-maize intercropping, Cultivation pattern, Land equivalent ratio, Economic benefits


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