Journal of Northern Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (5): 21-28.doi: 10.12190/j.issn.2096-1197.2024.05.03

• Molecular biology·Physiology and biochemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Genetic diversity analysis of 8 Morchella esculents strains based on ISSR

YU Haibin1, BAO Hongchun2, LI Xiaolei1, REN Yifang1, ZONG Hailong1, PANG Jie3, YU Chuanzong3, WANG Yanchun4, ZHANG Wenguang5   

  1. 1. College of Agriculture,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,China;
    2. Inner Mongolia Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Technology Promotion Center,Hohhot 010011,China;
    3. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;
    4. Chifeng Institute of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Chifeng 024000;
    5. Dalad Banner Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade,Dalad Banner 014300,China
  • Received:2024-05-29 Online:2024-10-20 Published:2025-01-14

Abstract: 【Objective】To clarify the phylogenetic relationship and diversity of Morchella esculents germplasm resources,and to provide reference for the selection and breeding of new varieties adapted to the cultivation in the western region of Inner Mongolia.【Methods】8 Morchella esculents strains(A3,Zhao′erliu,Yangguifei,Jinqiu,DY008,A Lu,001 and Neishilin)were used as experimental materials,ISSR molecular marker technology was used to perform cluster analysis and genetic diversity comparison on 8 strains of Morchella esculents.【Results】Eight Morchella esculents strains were detected by PCR using 100 ISSR primers,12 ISSR primers were selected,and 76 DNA bands were amplified. There were 59 effective bands,and the polymorphism ratio was 75.83%. The gene diversity index (H) was 0.206 6,and Shannon′s information index(I) was 0.330 0. The maximal variation of genetic distance was 1.072 6. When the GS value was about 0.38,the strains were divided into 5 groups.【Conclusion】There was significant genetic variability among the tested Morchella esculents strains.

Key words: Morchella esculents, ISSR, Genetic diversity, Cluster analysis

CLC Number: 

  • S646.7